Thursday, September 24, 2015

進應許地的通行証--喇合的故事,《約書亞記系列二》,書 2:1-21




1. 什麼是過豐盛生命的鑰匙?我們要得神的應許憑什麼?進入應許地的通行証在那裡?當我們重新出發,要得神應許之地為業的祕訣是什麼?

若是問成功人生的鑰匙,在網上有許多文章談論成功人生的祕訣,第一、可能是家庭的背景,生下來是富二代、官二代、紅二代,不愁缺少機會,我不知道牧(師)二代算不算?第二、可能是天賦的條件,聰明、英俊、身材... 生下來就很優秀,自然會成功;第三、可能是運氣好,或者遇上貴人,人生可以立刻飛黃騰達。這些都是世人認為成功的鑰匙。


2. 《約書亞記》記載神的子民以色列人憑信心遵守神的話,而得著神的應許迦南美地為業。而書中記載的第一個故事是第二章喇合的故事,一個迦南女子的故事,喇合在聖經中是個傳奇性的人物,我相信約書亞記第二章的喇合年紀還輕,但年輕的她已經經歷三振出局,與神的應許無份,生活在罪中,沒有神,沒有盼望,而且在神的震怒之下,注定滅亡,活在局限無奈沒有出路的死胡同裡。

  • 一振:喇合是迦南亞摩利人(Amorite),罪惡滿盈,面臨滅絶(ḥerem)的審判,在約書亞記有一個詞:ḥerem, 被咒詛、該死的,「在耶和華面前毁滅的」(devoted to the LORD for destruction)(書六 17, 18; 七 12),原文的意思是為神分別出來注定被毁滅的,指的是耶利哥亞摩利人,「不論男女老少,牛羊和驢,財物」都當滅絶,我們不知道迦南人犯了什麽罪而被定為 ḥerem,只知道他們罪惡滔天,被咒詛,受審判,聖經告訴我們神故意讓以色列人在曠野流浪四十年,其中一個原因是希望迦南人有機會悔改,他們的罪惡滿了,受審判,成為為神分別出來注定被毁滅的,ḥerem 中的一位,她與她的家都注定減亡,就像從天上下來的龍捲風一樣,把經過的地方所有的人與物都毁滅,而喇合正是在龍捲風毁滅的路上,注定滅亡,逃也逃不弓。而且喇合又是女人,在當時的社會中是弱者,無能為力,改變不了任何的事。
  • 二振:喇合是一位妓女,新約聖經三次提及喇合,都稱她為妓女喇合,妓女代表她的人生,生活在罪惡不潔的生活中(living a wicked and unclean life),無論是否她心甘情願或是為勢所迫,這是她的人生!
  • 三振:喇合完全是一位局外人(an outsider), 與基督無關,在以色列國民以外(alienated, did not belong),在所應許的諸約上是局外人(stranger, no part in),活在世上沒有指望(no hope),沒有神(without God),離神的應許很遠很遠的人(far off)!根本沒有任何的希望可以得到神的應許,拿不到應許地的通行証,沒有天國的鑰匙,就好像申請綠卡,在美國生活的通行証,今年只有二萬名額,喇合是第一百萬零一個申請人,而且她根本不合格,不夠條件得到通行証的人!


1)迦南亞摩利人的女子,成為唯一蒙救贖耶利哥城裡的一家人,而且成為神的子民,以色列人的一份子,「他就住在以色列中,直到今日。」(書六 25)

2)結婚生子,嫁了給猶太支派的撒門,生了波阿斯,波阿斯是誰?他是路得的丈夫,「是一個大財主」(路二 1),是一個極敬虔的人,我們說世代的咒詛(generation curse),喇合卻力挽狂欄,從一個迦南亞摩利人的女子,沒有指望的人,卻產生敬虔的下一代,排除萬難(against all odds),逆勢而行(buck the trend),成為一代的傳奇!

當我讀喇合的故事,我覺得自己很有盼望,我長大的時候,父親不是基督徒,母親是基督徒;外公不是基督徒,外婆是基督徒;哥哥是基督徒,弟弟不是基督徒,一家人分為兩半,兩個不同的世界,喇合的故事告訴我,我是有盼望的,我也以得神的應許,擁有得神應許的鑰匙,你也可以。你是有盼望的,不論你的出身如何,不管你過去的遭遇,你可以排除萬難(against all odds),逆勢而行(buck the trend),成為一代的傳奇!產生敬虔的下一代。

3)不但如此,喇合被新約點名為希伯來書第十一章的信心英雄之一,「妓女喇合因著信,曾和和平平的接待探子,就不與那些不順從的人一同滅亡。」(希十一 31)

雅各書以喇合為例証,說明信心必需要行為的例子。「這樣看來,人稱義是因著行為,不是單因著信。妓女喇合接待使者,又放他們從別的路上出去,不也是一樣因行為稱義嗎?身體沒有靈魂是死的,信心沒有行為也是死的。」雅二 24-26

新約聖經共題及喇合三次,除了希伯來書十一章、雅各書二章之外,喇合更成為救主耶穌基督家譜中四個被提名的女子之一,對一個局外人來說,這一點也不差呢!(not bad for a consummate outsider.)

3. 她是怎樣發生的?她做了什麽得了進應許地的通行証?她如何改變了她的命運?

4. 故事是這樣發生的:




5. 第九至十三節告訴我們喇合的信心。

第九節,「我知道...」耶和華「已經」把這地賜給你們!以色列人還沒有得到迦南地、耶利哥城還沒有倒,但喇合相信還沒有發生的事,好像是已經發生了一樣,這就是信心,「信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。」(希十一 1)。





1. 喇合不單只用耳朵去聽和用頭腦去分析,她更用心去回應,很少的光,她卻願意來就光,今天我們的光比她多得多,知道的啟示比她多很多,我們有全本的聖經,六十六巻書,把神的啟示完全地告訴我們,我們並不缺少啟示,不缺少光,問題是我們有沒有來就光,是心的問題,我們的心是否願意相信,並且因為相信而產生行動。

2. 喇合受的教育絶對不多,很可能是目不識丁的人,可是心對真理的開放與願意,卻是我們的榜樣。她和新約約翰福音的撒瑪利亞婦人相似,是一點就通的人,看到光就來就光,有行動,願意接受。


1. 喇合的信心是有行動的,雅各書二章借喇合為例子,說明信心需要行動的重要性,沒有行動的信心是死的。


2. 喇行信心的行動包括,冒險與以色列人認同,把生命都擺上,這是很危險的事,若被發現她和她一家都會有生命的危險。這就是投靠神的意思,把自己交在神的手中,一個迦南的女子願意與神的子民認同,最後成為神的子民的一員,她豈不就是我們的代表嗎?

3. 相信的相反是懷疑,我們懷疑神的能力,懷疑神是否真的關心我,懷疑神的愛,把自己交給神是我們的挑戰與困難,我們喜歡掌控自己的命運,照我的意願去行,求神來賜福給我的計劃就成了,這並不是投靠的信心,

4. 喇合相信神,她把自己交給神,她並不掌控自己的未來,結果如何,她不知道,她並不知道城會倒下來,她只相信神已經把耶利哥城賜給了以色列人,這樣的信心是移山的信心。

5. 有一個人掉下山崖,在半空中捉到了一根樹幹,他死命拉著,大聲呼喊求救:


6. 相信神的教導,妻子要順服丈夫好難啊!放手,順服,若丈夫不按我的意思去做,怎麼辦?還是我來掌控比較好,一把找比較安全,按我的方法去做比較放心。是不是這樣?



7. 喇合因信得了美好的証據,「卻仍未得著所應許的;因為神給我們預備了更美的事,叫他們若不與我們同得,就不能完全。」(希十一 39-40)希伯來書告訴我們喇合還不能完全,她要與我們同得那更美的事(將來的得贖),我們與喇合是同夥人,都是因信等待神的應許,是靠相信,有所行動,去得神的應許。


1. 有人說舊約的神是兇殘的神,殺人不眨眼,其實不是這樣的,喇合的故事告訴我們神的慈愛與恩典,「神是有恩典、有憐憫的神,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛」在舊約重複出現了十次,因為神的慈愛,遠離的人得到靠近,局外人成為家裡的人,無望死在罪中的人因信成為神家的人,與神諸約無份的人卻得著神的應許為業。

2. 喇合憑信心把朱紅線繩繫在縋在放走探子的窗戶上,這朱紅線成為她得救的記號,她外在的行為表達她內在的相信,朱紅線是她投靠神的記號,相信神的記號,與摩西在曠野舉的銅蛇、與以色列人出埃及前把血塗在門上一樣,成為舊約中聖禮的記號。



1. 今天我們並不如喇合面臨生死的問題,我們很有能力,我們充滿自信,我們又如何呢?我們得神應許的通行証在那裡?我們的記號是什麽?是我們的奬章?業績?成就?什麽是我們信心的記號?什麼是你和你一家的行動記號?

2. 在我的家,我們堅持每主日上神的殿去敬拜神,這是我們家的記號,是我們用行動去表明我們的信仰的記號,天氣好,我們去敬拜神,天氣不好,我們也去敬拜神,出外旅行,我們去敬拜神,在家我們也必定去敬拜神,這不是律法主義,去敬拜神不是我們得救的原因,卻是我們立約信心行動表示。

3 你信心的行動是什麽?你的朱紅線是什麼?


1. 重温喇合的故事,你在什麼地方能與她認同?她的背景?她的冒險?她的信心?還是她蒙救的經歷?
2. 喇合的信心是什麼?一點光就來就光,是什麼意思?
3. 什麼是投靠神?什麽是移山的的信心?什麽是有行動放手的信心?請舉例說明之。
4. 若有人問,我從來不知道神要我做什麼,我任樣放手,你如何回答這問題?
5. 你相信神有何行動?請分享你信心的行動,你的朱紅線是什麼?



Friday, September 18, 2015

重新的開始,《約書亞記系列一》,書 1:1-18




1. 1975 年 8 月 16 日,我拿著行李與結他,一個人來到休士頓開始我人生美國的生活,我還記得當年當我下飛機的時候,那熱空氣的感覺,當我坐上車的時候,我發現車是開得快的,那情景還歷歷在目,轉眼已經四十年過去了。


2. 你可能也有同樣的經歷,可能你是剛搬到休士頓,開始了新的工作,可能你是剛結婚,剛生了小孩,剛信主,人生新的里程剛開始,你像一個新秀一樣,很開放,願意嘗試,敢冒險、思想沒有過去的包袱阻塞,很小心很謹慎,但卻全力以赴,全力向前。

3. 1997 年6 月1 日,我們當中二百七十多人在母會休士頓中國教會奉遣到福遍植堂,這是當年的照片,福遍中國教會的開始。

4. 十五個月之後,1998 年 9 月25 日,我們啟用了第一期的建築物,現有的體育館,就是我們現在崇拜的地方,我們請了周主培牧師在那第一個週末主領了三天的培靈會。下一個主日我們舉行了福遍教會第一個浸禮。

5. 這是當年我們第一批的同工團隊,十七年有很多的改變。我還記得開拓教會初期我們是多麽興奮,我們願意學習,不懂做小組,我們去找專家王利民牧師與他的同工,參加 Willow Creek 的小組訓練;不懂做青少年兒童工作,我們向美國教會學習。我們的思想是開放的,心是沒有阻塞的,我們努力向前,為了建立健康優質的教會而努力。謙卑與專注,正是新秀的態度,赤子之心。

我們組小組,探訪新來賓,開辦家庭講座,參與社區的活動,小組從一個變兩個、三個、四個、五個、十個... 新的領袖不斷地產生,大家齊心努力,向著異象走,創造傳奇,出發!那是奇妙的開始!

6. 這正是約書亞記的主題,以色列人歷史性新的一頁,全新的開始,重新出發!



7. 現在,耶和華的僕人摩西死了,耶和華曉諭摩西的幫手,嫩的兒子約書亞,說: 「我的僕人摩西死了。現在你要起來,和眾百姓過這約但河,往我所要賜給以色列人的地去。」(書一 1-2)。


8. 可是以色列人習慣了曠野的生活,在曠野早上有嗎哪,晚上有鵪鶉,彎身可以收取吃不完的食物,舉手可以拿到美味的肉,不用愁煩;白天有雲柱、晚上有火柱,它們動,以色列人就起來走,它們停,以色列 就安營,不用去想,不用去担心;耶和華的約櫃代表著神的同在,就在他們中間,會幕就在以色列安營的中間,他們可以去敬拜他們的神,很方便。以色列人四十年曠野的生活,可能已經是非常習慣了。

現在摩西死了,神說:「起來!過約但河,進入我要賜給你們的迦南地去!」對以色列人來說,迦南地是陌生的,他們從來未去過,未見過,出埃及已經成為了歷史,現在耶和華神吩咐約書亞重新出發,出發 2.0!

9. 神重申對以色列的應許:「凡你們腳掌所踏之地, 我都照著我所應許摩西的話賜給你們了。從曠野和這利巴嫩,直到伯拉大河,赫人的全地,又到大海日落之處,都要作你們的境界。」(書一 3-4)



10. 當我們當初出發的時候,充滿了向上的正能量、向前的正能量,十八年前福遍開始的時候,我們是非常興奮的,我們不知道太多的東西,對建立教會充滿了好奇心,很願意學,我們出去探訪,出外傳福音,許多新人加入了事奉的行列,但好像物理原理一樣,出發後被地心引力慢慢減低向上的力量,各樣的阻力減低了向前的動力,我們慢下來,開始注意為自己建造一個安全的空間,建告房子、照顧孩子、享受成果,這些東西並不是不好的,但卻像拋物線一樣,我們開始停頓,過去十年中,我們的增長只有百分之二、三,基本上是很慢很慢的增長,與休士頓過去十年的人口高增長不成比例,我們需要重新出發,回去當初出發的精神。




11. 我們需要重新再出發,離開曠野,進入迦南,領受神賜給我們豐盛的應許,現在就是重新出發的呼召,出發 2.0,回去學習做個新秀,放下過去的經歷,重新經歷神的能力,再創高峰,成為新的傳奇,作個開拓者,拒絕成為定居者,作個建造者,不作消費者,拓展新的疆界,重新負起責任,重新出發。



你需要出發 2.0!你還記得剛信主的情形?五年前、十年前、廿年前?三十年前?記得你信主後第一次來教會嗎?你是多麽的興奮!你對所有的事情充滿了好奇,你很想多了解神、很想讀經、很想認識弟兄姊妹,建立屬靈的群體,很想經歷神所給一切豐盛的恩典。你記得你第一次唱「奇異恩典」嗎?歌詞是如何感動你的?現在唱了不知多少遍了,你仍能保持赤子的心嗎?對神充滿了好奇?願意全力以赴,得神的應許為業?你需要重新出發!



著名的大學籃球教練 John Wooden 在連贏了七屆冠軍之後,曾說:「懂得所有一切以後學習的功課是最寶貴的!」(What you learn after you know it all that counts.)

今年八月我在神學院教一門「教牧領導」的課程,這是我教了很多次的課程,但這一次,我重新準備,重新學習,重新回答有關教牧領導的問題,把老師的身分重新變為學生的態度,承認自己的無知,把我以前的前設放下,重新去思考問題,出發 2.0,結果是完全不一樣的教導,激情與好奇重現,向上、向前的能力都很強。



1. 第二節,神說:「我的僕人摩西死了。現在你要起來,和眾百姓過這約但河,往我所要賜給以色列人的地去。」

「要賜給」(am giving to),是還沒有完成時態的分詞(imperfect participle),英文(ESV, NASB)翻譯為現在進行式(present continuous tense ),這分詞在第一章出現三次之多(2, 11, 15),意思是神正在賜給以色列人這地為業,以色列人進迦南,正是這過程的經過一部分,以色列人在約但河東準備出發,得地為業還沒曾完成。

但這個字的動詞,在約書亞記用在神賜給以色列人這地為業共廿四次,動詞的用法卻是完成式(qal perfect),神賜給以色列人這地被視為已經完成的動作,神已經賜給以色列人了,神的應許已經賜給了我們,在神的角度來看,這些應許已經完成了。

我們的責任是去進行,去得神已經賜給我們的應許為業,這是神的子民的使命(The Mission of the People of God)。

踏上去,「凡你們腳掌所踏之地,我都照著我所應許摩西的話賜給你們了。」(書一 3)去征服、去經歷、去領受、把神的應許變為你親身的經歷。

2. 去!重新出發,從老師變為學生,從安居樂業者變為拓荒者,從老手變為新手,從習以為常變為新秀的好奇,從新去學習,為要得著神的應許。


1. 三件事我們必需有去完成神的使命,去得神所應許之地:

1)勇敢剛強壯膽(一 5-7上)
2)遵守神一切的吩咐(一 7-8)
3)合一的精神(一 10-11;12-18)

2. 第一、神三次吩咐約書亞要剛強壯膽(6, 7, 9)。

「剛強」與「壯膽」是兩個意義相同的字,重複是為了強調語氣,第七節「要剛強,大大壯膽」又重複了兩次,第八節又重複了第三次,而且是命令的語態,約書亞之後也以此去鼓勵以色列人(書十 25)。


3. 第二、遵守神一切的吩咐!




4. 第三、同心合意。





1. 請分享你剛剛信主時的心態,與現在有何不同。
2. 若你十八年前參與一且開拓福遍教會,請分享你的經歷。請比較現在與當年不同的地方。
3. 開始新的人生一頁的時候,為什麼我們會願意學習,存好奇的心態,謹慎小心但卻勇往直前?而久而久之,習以為常之後,卻很容易放鬆享樂?
4. 試比較以色列人在曠野與進入迦南地的生活之異同。
5. 請分享你對神應許豐盛生命的了解,這生命包含了什麼神的應許?
6. 如何才能重新出發?動力從何而來?
7. 要得神的應許,約書亞記第一章吩咐我們要注意的三件事是什麽?為什麼這三點是那麼重要?


1. 三十五分鐘

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dawning of A New Day, Joshua 1:1-18

Dawning of A New Day
The Joshua Series: Message 1
Joshua 1:1-18

By Pastor Brian
Fort Bend Community Church


1. On August 16, 1975, 9 pm, I arrived at Houston with a suitcase and a guitar as a 19 years old young college student. I remember the air was hot, and the cars moved so fast. It was the dawning of a new day for me. I began my life in America 40 years ago.
  • An unencumbered mind
  • A teachable heart--finding expertise
  • Moving cautiously but quickly
  • Full steam ahead
May be you too. Going to a new school, starting your first year of high school, or moving to Houston for a new job. You are moving forward cautiously but quickly. Finding new friends, meeting new challenges. Full steam ahead. The dawning of a new day.

2. Last week Jeremy showed you some pictures of the beginning of this church. On June 1, 1997, Sunday, about 280 of us were commissioned at HCC to start a new church plant in Fort Bend. They say that I had a lot more hairs back then. It was the dawning of a new day--FBCC was born.

And we moved into our current building on September 22, 1998, 15 months later. Grace Chen's father, Rev. Moses Chow came to speak at our first weekend of meeting here.

This was our first pastoral team. Everyone else in this picture has moved on. I remember the excitement of a new church. We wanted to learn. We were open. We worked hard toward our mission. Full steam ahead with reckless abandonment to pay the price.

Every Sunday afternoon we met and passed out the new comer information. We went and visited every one of them, welcoming them to the church. There are people here today whom we had visited. They came to us and said, "I still remember you have visited our home."

We formed small groups. One particular small group became 2, then 3, then 5, then 7... and then 10. We did not know much. We were rookies. We moved cautiously but quickly like a rocket launching toward the sky.

3. That is what Book of Joshua all about. The dawning of the new day in Joshua as the people of Israel entered into the Promised Land and claimed the promises of God.

Chapter 1:1-3

1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord,

Under the leadership of Moses, Israel had launched the greatest exodus in the ancient history. 60-100,000 marched out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea. They got stuck at Kadesh Barnea, because of unbelief. Now 40 years had passed. The older generation had died. Moses died also.

In the first two verses Moses died is mentioned twice. They finally arrived on the eastern bank of Jordan, getting ready to enter into the Promised Land.

the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel."

They got out of Egypt with the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud. It was a successful launch. So much had been accomplished. But now they were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. They were getting comfortable, getting used to the life in the wilderness. It wasn't bad. You got up in the morning and there were Manna fresh from heaven. In the evening there were quails to pick for meat. And the tabernacle representing the presence of God was with them. When the pillar of fire moved, they moved. When it stopped, you stopped. There was no need to think. Life was comfortable and they were used to it.

Now Moses was died. God said to Joshua, Moses' assistant, "Arise and go over this Jordan into the Land I am giving to the people of Israel."

Out of Egypt, part I was over.
Into Canaan, part II.

It is time for Launch 2.0.

3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

The land promised to Abraham and to Moses was restated here.

From the wilderness and all the way up to Lebanon, from the east to the great river Euphrates, including all the land of the Hittites, to the west at the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory. It was a huge land, a land of milk and honey, a land of rest and promise. It is God's inheritance given to the people of God.

Now it was time to claim God's promise to occupy the land.

The dawning of a new day! A new page in the history book! The launch 2.0 for the nation.

4. When the launch was fresh, it had so much upward energy and forward energy. A little physic lesson. When the church was first launched 18 years ago, we were excited. We did not know what to expect. We moved cautiously but quickly. We visited people. We shared the Gospel. We had so many new people rising up to the leadership positions to lead.

Then the gravitational force reduces the upward energy; there are many resistance which reduces the forward energy. We lost the momentum, we slowed down, we became comfortable, we were side-tracked with so many things. We became lazy. We lost sight of the possibilities and the promises in God.

It is time for a re-launch. The launch 2.0.

5. Open your eyes to see the new land before you. Israel living the wilderness had never seen the promised land. They thought the manna was good. But the land of milk and honey is even better. They thought quail meat was delicious. But the land of rest according to the Book of Hebrew is other worldly.

It is easy to be satisfied with crossing the Red Sea into the wilderness. It is easy to be satisfied with prosperity and wealth. But forget about that the spiritual blessings in Christ are even better and far more lasting.

6. A few months ago, I preached about the errors in the prosperity Gospel. I said that it is one of the deadliest false Gospel in our time and in our city.

I said that out of love not hatred.

My intention is not that you share it with your friend who goes to a prosperity gospel church to prove him wrong or make her feel dumb. Instead we should be heartbroken.

We don’t need to share another ridiculous thing that happened in a prosperity-preaching church; we need to start sharing the real gospel with people, one on one, patiently explaining why Jesus is better than any promise of earthly prosperity.

It is easy to be satisfied with the wilderness for that is all we can see right now. God's promise of eternal rest in Christ and the abundant life is unseen.

It is time for a re-launch. Launch 2.0. To unlearn and then to learn again. Be the pioneers not the settlers. Don't create and stay in the comfort zone. Don't become consumers. Be the builders. Push the boundaries, take responsibility, and create new value.

There is so much to learn. There is so much to experience. In Christ, there is infinite possibility, unlimited opportunity, and so much new territory to conquer.

7. FBCC needs a re-launch. Launch 2.0.

We were sent here to plant a church. We were launched 18 years ago. We were pioneers. We were builders. But in 18 years, we have created a comfortable zone and have our basic needs met. We use the resources and become consumers.

We need to become hungry again, even desperate. Push the boundaries. And become rookies again with open eyes, receptive hearts with boundless curiosity of what God can do and will do through His promise in Christ.

FBCC needs a re-launch. Launch 2.0. There are 200,000 Chinese in Greater Houston areas. At best, there are only 10,000 who are going to a Christian church on Sunday. 5%. 95% are yet to claim for Jesus Christ. They are not far away. They are our neighbors, they are our friends, and they are living among us. We need to be able to see again. That was why we were sent here to plant this church.

8. You may need a re-launch. Launch 2.0.

Remember when you first became a Christian 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago? Remember the first time when you came to church as a new Christian? You were excited about God. You were curious. You were humble. You were deliberate, being mindful of what you were doing and why you were doing it.

E.g. Worship singing... The first time when you sang "Amazing Grace", it was so wonderful.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Wonderful song. You paid attention to the lyrics. And the tune touched you. God was so close.

When you opened the Bible, you had no notes to rely on. Every Bible story was new to you. You were hooked. Can't wait to know the end of the story. Every passage is fresh to you. Remember the rookie Christian you were.

Now 20 years later, you heard the same story hundreds of times. It lost its touch and meaning. You need a re-launch. Be a perpetual rookie. Even though you know it all already. But it is what you learn after you know it all that counts.

9. In the summer, I read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. It might be the hundreds of time I read this story. I threw away all my notes and read the story again and again as if I have read it for the first time. The result was amazing. The story came alive to me again. It is what I learned after I know it all that counts.

Last month in August, I had a chance to teach a course in Pastoral Leadership in a West Coast Seminary. I had taught this course for so many times. This time, I decided to throw away all my notes and prepared the class anew as if I was teaching it for the first time. I shifted from a teacher to a learner. I announced my ignorance and dumped my assumptions. I asked questions and researched the answers. Launch 2.0. The result is amazing.

10. You need to consider a re-launch in your spiritual life. God's promise of the abundant life in Christ is so rich and so limitless. You need to become a learner again.

I. We are God's People with a Unique Mission.

1. In verse 2, God said, "Arise and go over this Jordan into the land I am giving you and the people." The verb, "I am giving" you the land is the participle of the verb ntn.

This verb, "give", is used 24 times in Joshua that God gives the land to Israel. God is the one who gives the land. All 24 times is in perfect tense, which show that God's giving of the land was an already-accomplished fact. The whole land described in verse 4 is already given to Israel in its entirety. But in the actual historical reality, Israel has never occupied the entire promised land.

2. This comes to a crucial point. The verb, "give," when it is used in Joshua, it is always in perfect form. The land is given to Israel already. But the participle form of the verb appears 3 times in chapter one (v. 2, 11, 15). It is used to speak of the in-process or yet-to-come nature of the gift of the land. ESV translates them in present continuous tense. "I am giving this land to you."  In other words, we have a mission as God's people which is to claim the land. We have our responsibility. God has given the promise to us and we are to get it, to experience it. The promise of rest, the promise of the abundant life, the promise of the presence of God, we have to experience them.

This is our mission--the mission of God's people. Set foot on the promised land. Walk on it. Experience it. Conquer the land. Drive out the enemy. And own the promised land which is already given to us.

3. So be the rookie again. Re-launch your march. Go over Jordan into the land God is giving to you. It is the dawning of a new day.

II. The Mission Requires Us to be obedient, Unified, and Courageous

There are three things that are required if we are to fulfill this mission of God.

1. The courageous spirit--the perpetual rookie
2. The need of obedience
3. The unified team

1. Be courageous.

5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and very courageous.

The verb "to be strong" hzq is common in Hebrew. It occurs almost 300 times. But the verb "to be courageous" occurs only 41 times. Both words are actually similar in meaning. It is used as a command from God. Moses exhorted Joshua to be strong and courageous (Deut 31:6, 7, 23). And Joshua exhorted the people of Israel in the same way, "Be strong and courageous" (Josh 10:25). Each time it is accompanied by an assurance that God would be with them.

Courage to do what? It is not talking about the courage to do battle, to fight. Be strong and courageous in obeying the word of God.

2. Be obedience.

7 Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success[a] wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

The key to the success is not the many battles ahead. The keys were spiritual, directly related to the degree of our obedience to God. The importance of obedience cannot be underestimated. (1) Joshua was to be careful to do it (7a); (2) It was all the law that was to be obeyed (7a). Not selective obedience. (3) Joshua was not to deviate from it even slightly, neither to the right nor to the left. (4) Joshua was to meditate it day and night (v. 8a). (5) Joshua was to object "everything written in the law. This represents something permanent, since it is written down.

That is the key to success and prosperity.


3. Be united.

1:10-18 Joshua took the command and then he talked to his leaders, "Let's go and move."

11 ‘Prepare your provisions, for within three days you are to pass over this Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.’

Verse 12-15, Joshua talked to the 2.5 tribes who are staying behind at the east side of the Jordan River and told them to be united with the rest of the people. Send their soldiers to fight together with us.

Joshua unified the army. The mission to enter into the promised land requires unity among God's people.


Be what God wants you to be. There is much more in God we can ever dream to experience.