Thursday, December 19, 2013

稱義的生命,羅 3:21-26; 西 1:15-20





稱義英文是 Justification, 用作名詞是指罪人被稱為義這一件事,用作動詞是指神稱罪中為義的行動,主詞永遠是神,受詞是我們這一群罪人。



一、什麼是稱義?羅 3:21-26

1. 什麼是稱義?

2. 福音是基督教信仰的核心,是人類的好消息,兩年前我們研讀羅馬書的時候,曾經仔細的讀過羅馬書三章廿一至廿六節,「唯獨恩典、唯獨信心、唯獨耶穌」,六節的經文把福音完整的道出,讓我們再仔細的讀一遍。



神不單只饒恕我們,更將基督的義成為我們的義,神稱我們為義就像我們從未犯罪一樣,同樣神稱我們為義就好像我們從開始就順服一樣!(Justified as if I have never sinned; Justified as if I have always obeyed.)這就是稱義的奇妙!

3. 就如神把我們一生所做的事、説的話、想的意念與動机都記錄下來,我們一生要結賬的時候,每一個都是負債,世人都犯了罪,都虧了!聖潔的主耶穌,一生並沒有犯罪也不知罪,神不單只看在耶穌的份上,把我們負的債塗去,我們不再虧欠,神更把耶穌的賬算在我們的賬上,我們成為義人,豐富的人!



4. 這是改教的時候主要更改天主教的教義,神學家用四句精采的話總結「因信稱義」的真理:
  • 唯獨信心
  • 唯獨恩典
  • 唯獨聖經
  • 唯獨基督  


5. 這就是福音!神稱罪人為義,這就是好消息!不是我們要做什麼,而是耶穌為罪人做了什麼,這才是福音,福音就是好消息!這是事實要去宣告(indicative statement to proclaim),不是命令要去遵守(not an imperative command to obey),這才是真正的好消息!



6. 稱義是福音的核心,是神的工作,神饒恕罪人,把耶穌的義算為我們的義,這是神的恩典。「因信義」常常被人誤解,以為信心是使我們稱義的原因,這並不是因信稱義的意思,信心不是稱義的起因,而是稱義必需有的條件,人必需要憑信心接受神的恩典,信心不是使我們得救的好行為,我們邀請人信耶穌,是對的,人必需要接受,相信神,真心的相信,行出來的信心,不單只是認信,憑這樣的信心去接受神的救恩,在行為以外,靠耶穌稱義!

馬丁路德曾説:「我們是罪人,同時也是義人。」(Sinner and righteous at the same time),就算我們完全不義,神卻以耶穌的義算為我們的義,稱義使我們好像沒有犯過罪一樣,同樣,稱義使我們好像一直順服一樣,這是神稱我們為義的意思。

7. 稱義的道理是與世上靠己的系統與文化相反,甚至是直接衝突,使世人憤怒的事。我們從小不論是讀書還是父母的教育,都是要我們努力,愈努力愈成功,分數愈高,上更好的學校,擠進上流的社會,一位同學曾經告訴我,他出國的時候,申請了十一間研究所,最希望去史丹佛大學讀書,分數差了一點,進不了史丹佛大學,而來到了萊斯大學,心中不是很高興,能進去萊斯大學是他努力的成果,這是我們樂意與習慣的做事方法,一切以「我」為開始,在「我」的掌握之中,如果一個成績不如你,聰明不如你,卻是靠關係進入了史丹佛大學,你一定覺得不公平,很生氣!


「稱義」就是如此令人反胃,使人憤怒的做法!神稱罪人為義,我們是罪人也是義人,不靠自己,憑恩、藉信、在人的行為之外稱義,神寬容接納饒恕我們這樣罪人(Just as we are.)

8. 十六世紀羅馬天主教庭因為改教的事情,開了一連串的會議,作自我反醒,回應更正教帶來的問題,稱為特倫托會議(The Council of Trent, 1546-1547),會議決定停止出售贖罪卷,但宣告「因信稱義」為異端,認為稱義的義是我們的義(Inherent righteousness),神饒恕我們的罪,因為耶穌的代贖,而我們的好行為成為我們稱義的原因之一,耶穌的救贖再加上我們的行為,這樣的説法才合人的道理,正如唐三藏、孫悟空、豬八戒、沙僧去西方取經,付上極大的努力與代價,最終修成正果一樣,這是我們喜歡聽的故事!


二、如何活出稱義的生活?西 1:15-20

1. 耶穌的福音是給一切相信的人,我們因信而稱義,靠耶穌成為神的兒女,但我們很容易在信主之後,卻靠自己的努力與表現去過基督徒的生活。我們對稱義最大的的問題不是信耶穌成為基督徒的時候,那時我們相信「憑恩、藉信、在行為之外、靠耶穌」被稱為義,問題是信了主之後,福音就失去了意義,天天「憑自己的努力、藉自己的行為、在恩典之外,靠自己」稱義,要得神的喜悅!我們靠耶穌得生,卻靠自己生活,好像耶穌突然之間不行了,失去了功效一樣。

2. 魯益師(C. S. Lewis)的名著「地獄來鴻」中,地獄的鬼王寫信給牠的小鬼,教導牠們如何對付基督徒,很簡單:使基督徒相信基督的工作不夠,還要加上其他東西才成(Christianity AND... ),那基督徒一定不會長進!


魯益師的經典作品 Mere Christianity 中文譒為「返璞歸真」,沒有把書名的意思譒清楚,魯益師指的是基督教信仰最核心的部分,我們若把信仰次要或無關重要的部分去掉,剩下的只有耶穌,但人卻喜歡在耶穌之外加上許多的東西,耶穌不夠,我們要加上自己的努力,追求美好的人生,美好的人際關係,美滿的家庭,人生夢,美國夢,中國夢,這些都是我們努力的成果,耶穌的義不夠,我們要加上我們的義。這樣,我們會覺得安全一點,與我們一般做事的方法一樣。

3. 中古世紀曾經有一段時間,藝術家喜歡把自己畫進耶穌釘十字架的圖畫之中,以下是最近的一幅名畫,我猜想是願意與基督同釘十字架的意思,但從另一角度去解讀,我們也很喜歡在耶穌完成了的救恩也加上了我們的一份。

4. 我們若活不出因信稱義的生活,教會很容易就會產生教條主義、功德主義、與道德主義,這些都是靠自己的行為稱義的主義,自己做了多少,看看別人又做了多少,自己做得多,就容易驕傲,別人做得不如你,就很容易批評自以為義,福音就不是福音了。

A. W. Pink 説:「我們最大的錯誤是要從自己的身上找到只有耶穌才能給的東西。(The greatest mistake made by people is hoping to discover in themselves that is to be found in Christ alone.)」


今天的講台,包括我在內,常常傳遞的是「努力做這個,努做那個」,對,天國是努力的人才能進去的,但在命令之先,必需先有事實,(Indicative before imperative),先明白接受了解耶穌為我們做的一切,靠祂來完成我們的救恩,成為我們的義,在成聖的過程之中,成為我們更新的力量。

5. 錯誤的福音帶來的是自義,埋怨,與失望,把我們帶進了無限的痛苦之中。稱義的真理是需要活出來的,憑恩、藉信、在行為之外,靠耶穌來被神稱為義,新的生命是從神來的生命,新生命就有新的生活,不是靠自己的力量去做好事。




6. 再説清楚一點,信仰的核心是耶穌與耶穌的工作,好消息是因為耶穌為我們代贖,神稱罪人為義,把耶穌的義算在我們的身上,從神來的新生命,自然有新的生活,生活的改變是因為生命改變了,重生了,生命的改變是因為我們靠基督成為了義人,是生命的流露,是我們感恩的結果,我們是否應努力「做成得救的工夫」?當然需要努力,但這種努力不是生命改變的起因,而是生命改變必需要的條件之一,福音的焦點不是放在我們做了些什麼,而是基督做了些什麼,我們應更多注意耶穌與耶穌裡面的豐盛,特別是我們這一群習慣靠自己的知識份子,在命令之先是耶穌救贖的事實。

7. 當年歌羅西的教會有好些假師傅,傳揚在基督以外更好的福音,更深的道理,在耶穌之外有更大的能力,今天我們的情況也是一樣,我們很容易傳靠自己的福音。


8. 歌羅西書一章十五至廿節


9. John Piper 曾說:「我所知道最好勝過罪惡的方法是因為被神的豐盛滿足而失去對罪的興趣。」(Desiring God



10. 人生很多的癮(addictions)是因為人沒有讓神來填滿他們心中空虛的洞,要改變是很難的事,除非你以基督為你的義,讓他成為你的滿足與倚靠,你才能從人生的捆綁被釋放。







1. 什麼是稱義?請你細述稱義的意思。
2. 「憑恩」是什麼意思?「藉信」是什麼意思?「在行為之外」稱義是什麼意思?「靠耶穌」稱義又是什麼意思?福音是什麼意思?
3. 因信稱義與我們靠己的文化有何衝突?請你舉例説明之。
4. 活出稱義的生命是什麼意思?如何在每日的生活中活出稱義的生命?
5. 好行為與稱義有何關係?與基督徒的成聖生活有何關係?起因是是什?必要的條件又是什麼?
6. 請分享你對這信息最大的感受。



1. 稱義是我們信仰中最基本的道理,馬丁路德因為因信稱義的教義而與天主教決裂,更正教從此而生,在知識份子的基督徒中,靠自己的文化根深蒂故,明白因信稱義的道理不難,活出來卻不容易,我很想把這真理説得清楚,但發現不容易,與成功神學只有一線之差,神在基督裡已經成就一切,一切美好的恩典已經豐豐富富在耶穌裡,我們需要把信心去接受,聽起來與 Joe Osteen 的講法一樣,另一方面,習慣努力爭取向上的人,又如何靠耶穌去改變生命?這些都是差之毫釐謬之千哩,講道的時候,一直禱告,自覺咄口笨舌,表達能力差,很需要神的憐憫與幫助。

2. 救恩的神的救贖,人的責任在那裡?生命的改變是聖靈的工作,人的責任又在那裡?真理需要平衡,人的責任應是下一篇信息而回答的課題。

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Though the Mountain May be Removed, Isaiah 54:1-17

Though the Mountain May be Removed
Isaiah 54:1-17

By Pastor Brian
Fort Bend Community Church


1. Isaiah 54:10 is one of the all time favorite of mine in the Bible. "For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My loving kindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has compassion on you."

Mountains and hills are immovable objects. They are huge. But God has promised us that though the mountains may be removed from here to there, the hills may shake back and forth, my love for you will not be removed from you. And my covenant of peace will not be shaken. It is God's love song to us. Like a lover, God has promised us that He will not desert us nor leave us. This precious promise is the life-safer to us when we are lonely and disappointed in life.

2. It is written in beautiful Hebrew poetry. "The mountains" and "the hills" are parallel; "may be moved" and "may shake" are synonyms; "my loving kindness" and "my covenant of peace" are two God's greatest gifts; and "will not be removed" and "will not be shaken" are the repeating verbs from the first two lines.

What does this promise mean? How does this promise relate to us?

3. When I was a little kid, I learned this verse in a children song in Chinese. The song forever sticks to my mind. But there is a slight different in the children song when it is compared to the Bible. The song says "For the mountains may be removed, and the hills may shake. But my love for you never departs from you." The word, NEVER, does not appear in Isaiah 54:10 in the Bible.

"Never depart" means "never," never now, never in the past, and never in the future. But Isaiah 54:10 says, "My love will not depart from you." It is in the future tense, from now and never again in the future.

In fact, in the preceding verses, God said, "For a brief moment I deserted you," (v. 7) and "In overflowing anger for a moment I hid my face from you" (v. 8). It did happen before. God admits that "I deserted you in the past for a moment. I did get angry with you. I did hid my face from. But from now on, I vow not to do it again. My love will not depart you" (v. 10). The promise of lasting love is for the people of God in suffering.

4. I don't know whether you have the experience of being abandoned before? How would you feel if you are deserted, left along, and abandoned? The need of safety is a human basic need. We all need protection and a sense of connection. The fear of abandonment is stressful and potentially devastating.

Kids need the protection and connectedness from their parents. Seniors are afraid of being left behind by their lifelong partner. What am I going to do if my spouse is gone before me? Many people suffer from some forms of abandonment issues, whether it is something they recognize or not. The insecurity associated with a fear of abandonment can ruin relationships, create distance between people and prevent an individual from living a normal life. 

5. The word, "abandon," is used here in Isaiah 54 twice. In verses 6 and 7, it is used to describe an abandoned wife. The husband is not coming back. He once was the closest and the most intimate one on the face of the earth. But now he is gone. He turns his face. He looks at you like a stranger. That is abandonment.

The prophet Zechariah uses the word to describe the flock deserted by their shepherd (Zech 11:17). The sheep without a shepherd is doomed to wandering without protection and guidance. The shepherd once was the care giver, leading them to still waters and quiet green pasture. But he has deserted the flock. That is the picture of abandonment. 

6. Have you experienced abandonment before?

When I was young, I was pretty "active" and "bad," always fought with my 4 siblings. Five boys with mostly 1.5 years apart. When I was eight years old, my parents decided to send me to boarding school in a nearby city, Macau. I was staying with the principal who was in charge of discipline. So I was not just sent to the principal office. I was living in the principal's home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a whole year. I had a very strong sense of being deserted, being abandoned by my parents. I don't think that it was my parents' intention to abandon me. They just wanted me to get a good education, learn discipline and to be a good boy. But I felt bad. Why me? It was my fault that I came here. I missed home. I missed my parents. I missed my brothers. 

This was exactly how the Jews in captivity felt. Their nation was destroyed. Jerusalem was in ruin. They were in exile, thousands of miles away from home. They felt they were abandoned by God. But they also knew that it was their faults. God had warned them repeatedly of their idolatry and the consequences of their sins. But they did not listen. Now they were in captivity. They knew that they were deserted because of their sins.

Isaiah 40 to 55 is God's comforting words to His suffering people in Babylon. Isaiah 54:10, "For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My loving kindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has compassion on you," is God's promise to His deserted people. It is God's promise to those who are going through the life of storms. If you are going through hard time, feeling that God has abandoned you, this passage is written for you.

7. This storm is no ordinary storm. It is the result of your sins against God. God has deserted you and turned His face away from you. There is no one to blame for your pains and suffering, but yourself.

Adam and Eve felt it. It was their willful disobedience that they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. The feeling of rejection and abandonment must be terrible.

Jacob had to leave home because he had lied to his father and his brother. When he left home, he was alone, deserted, and he never saw his parents again. How would he feel? It was nobody's fault but his.

When Naomi left her home in Bethlehem, she had a husband and two sons. After ten years in Moab, she returned to Bethlehem alone. Her husband and two sons all died in Moab. She said "Do not call me Naomi (sweet); call me Mara (bitter), for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went away full, and the LORD has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi, when the LORD has testified against me and the Almighty has brought calamity upon me?" (Ruth 1:20-21)

She felt that God was against her, abandoning her. God is like an immovable wall blocking her every path. Like the car collision test, she goes full speed and hits the wall. The air bags come out to her rib cage, the head splashes and her body crushes into the wall. Everything flies out of the windows. The kids at the back are compressed like a coke can in the microwave machine. That is how Naomi felt--the Almighty God was against her. Naomi might not have done anything wrong. But her feeling was the feeling of the Jews in exile--abandoned by God. But it was their faults.

8. Isaiah 54 is the message God spoke to His suffering people in exile. What do you think the message would be? What would God say to the people feeling abandoned by God and in shame? What would the mother say to the son who feels abandoned at the age of eight? What was the will of God for Jacob when he left home alone? What would God say to Adam and Eve when they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

9. Isaiah 54 is a love song. It forms a single unit with Isaiah 55. The two chapters are a response to the 4th servant song in Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Because of what the suffering servant has done, now God comforts His people and vows not to judge them again. 

In chapter 54, God comforts His suffering people and promises that He would not leave them again.
In chapter 55, God invites them to sing again and to have hope again.

Chapter 54 can also be divided into two parts: 1) God vows not to abandon His people again, 54:1-10; 2) God comforts them with words of love, 54:11-17.

I. God vows not to abandon us again, 54:1-10

1. God first addressed the people, calling them:

Verse 1:
  • the barren one,
  • the one who did not bear,
  • those who have not been in labor
  • the children of desolate
Verse 11:
  • the afflicted one
  • the one tossed by the storm
  • the one not comforted 
The whole chapter is written to a female second personal pronoun, "you." Who is this woman?

2. The first audience of this passage was Israel in captivity, Zion in 54:3; 49:14-26; and 51:17-52:12. Zion in Hebrew is in singular female gender. The "the desolate one" without children (54:1) is the "desolate cities" in ruin (54:3). Israel was the barren one, the afflicted woman tossed by the storm without anyone to comfort her.

The second audience is us, the Gentiles in the New Testament. Paul quoted Isaiah 54 using the same language to describe the Gentile church. We were the barren one, living in shame and afflictions. Now God has comforted us in Jesus Christ. Isaiah indeed has hinted at the second audience. The transgressors would be saved and comforted because of the Suffering Servant of God (Isa 53:11-12; 52:14-15).

Lastly, this passage is also written to all of us who are abandoned, living alone, cared by no one, and going through the storms of live as if God has left us. This beautiful passage is written to you.

3. In verse 6, the prophet has used an outrageous and almost immoral expression to describe the feeling of Israel in captivity. "For the LORD has called you like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off." The wife of youth is the one who goes through hard times and good times with you. Now you have abandoned her for a younger woman. The prophet Malachi says that it is a sin to do so. But now Isaiah uses the same expression on God. Israel felt like the wife God has married in youth. They went back a long way. God has made covenants with Abraham, Moses, and David that He was to Israel like a husband to his wife. For nearly one thousand years, Israel was "married" to God since the time of youth. But now God has abandoned them. Israel felt like a deserted wife and grieved when she was cast off.

God has done nothing wrong. But nonetheless, it was the feeling of Israel in captivity--the deserted wife of youth.

4. Look at God's promise to Israel, the deserted wife. He comforted her. "For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married."

God promised Israel, His suffering people, that her shame will be no more. Her future is bright. She will have more children than those who are married with husband. God will not desert them forever. Israel will return from exile. They will rebuild Jerusalem. That is God's promise to His people in exile.

5. Therefore Israel is to sing, to shout for joy, and to enlarge the place of their tents. Be prepared for God's blessings. He has promised that Zion will not be desolate again.

To the New Testament community of faith, we are "at one time Gentiles in the flesh, called "the uncircumcision" by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands--remember that we were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus we who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." (Eph 2:11-13) Therefore we are to sing, to shout for joy and don't look back. Spread abroad to the right and to the left. Enlarge the place of our tent to receive the blessing from God.

Of course, enlarging the tent is a figure of speech. This is not a passage for church building project or for the mission conference. It is a promise given to the His suffering people in pains, feeling abandoned by their God because of their sins.

6. To those of us who are going through hard times and suffering, feeling abandoned by God because of our sins, this promise is for you. God says to you, "For a brief moment I deserted you, but with great compassion I will gather you. In overflowing anger for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you." (Isa 54:7-8).

God has not done anything wrong to His people. It was the people who had sinned and suffered from the consequence. As a lover, God uses an apologetic tone to comfort His suffering people. "I had hidden my face from you, for a brief moment I deserted you, but I promise that it would not happen again. I will have compassion on you with EVERLASTING love." The heart of God is filled with compassion for His suffering people.

7. God uses Noah and the flood as an example. "This is like the days of Noah to me. As I swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so I have sworn that I will not be angry with you, and will not rebuke you." (Isa 54:9) After the flood, God used the rainbow as the sign of His promise. He would not destroy the earth with the flood ever again. The flood was not God's fault. "The wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Gen 6:5) But almost apologetically, God made a vow not to do that again. The rainbow is a sign of God's EVERLASTING love for His people.

8. Last October I was in a mission trip to Xinjiang, China. I came to a face-to-face close encounter with the Muslim world and the Muslim culture. Out of 12 millions of Uyghur, there are only 2,000 Christians. I cried a lot during the 10-day trip. I met with missionaries and coworkers along the Silk Route. The work is hard. The soil is hard. Many die without seeing any fruit of their labor. I asked God, "Why is it so hard? Ain't you the merciful God and why didn't you do something?"

God answered me and showed me a glimpse of a rainbow when I passed through a lake called, "Sand Lake." A beautiful place along the Silk Route. It has been there for thousands of years. Barren without any human activity. Just like the ministry there.

But out of nowhere, in the absence of any rains, there was a rainbow showing up. I tried to capture it with my camera. Here is the picture I took.

In the appearance of the rainbow, God reminded me of His promise. His anger but for a moment. But His love is everlasting. He is till in control. He loves the world and He gave His only begotten Son. And in His Son, there is salvation to every one who believe in His Name. I was greatly comforted.

9. Then the great mountains in Xinjiang remind me of verse 10, "For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My loving kindness will not be removed from you. And My covenant of peace will not be shaken." It is a love song. God speaking as the husband to the wife of His youth whom He has abandoned briefly for a moment, said, "My love will not be removed from you." There is no greater promise in the Old Testament than this, especially to those who are suffering and feeling hurt and abandoned.

10. "Fear not, for you will not be put to shame; and do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced; but you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more. For your husband is your Maker, whose name is the LORD of hosts; and your redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, who is called the God of all the earth." (Isa 54:4-5)

Shamed and humiliated by our sins, we are like the abandoned wife, looking dim and desolate. But just like fights between husband and wife, the one who first apologizes usually is not the one who is at fault. Out of love, God lays down His pride. Approaches the wife. Apologizes for her pains and shame. Not that He has done anything wrong, but it is love which makes the move, dries her tears, and promises it would not happen again.

11. Just like in any wedding, after the vows are made, there is the signature on the marriage certificate, a written promise to seal the vows. Here God signs on His promise with three signatures:

1) Says your God, verse 6.
2) Says the LORD, your redeemer, verse 8.
3) Says the LORD, who has compassion on you, verse 10.
Your husband is your Maker. His name is the LORD of hosts. Your redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. He is also called the God of all the earth.

12. Do you see the very center of the heart of God? The Maker of the universe, the commander-in-chief of heavens and earth, our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, and the God of all the earth has His heart bleeding for His suffering people. He has not done anything wrong. It is our fault that we are abandoned by the Holy God. But God comforts us like a loving husband to his suffering wife that this would never happen again. Listen to God's own vow: "For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed." Let God's heal your painful heart!

II. God comforts us with affirmation, Isa 54:11-17

1. In the Hebrew text, 11-14a has 4 lines, 14b-15 has 2 lines, and 16-17 has also 4 lines. It is written in beautiful parallel structure. Let us read verse 11 to 14:

2. Was Zion rebuilt by precious stones and gems? No. The city wall was rebuilt by limestone, thick and strong. What is the prophet taking about? Foundations with sapphires? Stones in antimony? Pinnacles of agate? Gates of carbuncles? All the wall of precious stones?

The passage has merged the rebuilding with another metaphor. We have to use our imagination to understand this figure of speech. In the first section from verse 1 to 10, God made a vow not to abandon Israel again. "For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed." But Israel was still crying even after the comforting words from God. God is like a husband now bringing the precious stones to comfort His wife to make her smile again.

1) Don't be sad, (11b-12)
2) Your children will have peace, (13)
3) You will be safe and not be terrorized again, (14)

3. Revelation 21 uses the same language from Isaiah 54 to describe the New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is not a place. Rev. 21:2 says, "I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." The bride is the Church, waiting for the groom to appear. The bride of Christ is described with all the precious stones: "radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal" (Rev 21:11). "The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass." (Rev 21:18) "The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, transparent as glass." (Rev 21:19-21) Verse 9-10 clearly tells us that the holy city Jerusalem is the Bride, the wife of the Lamb, the Church. We, the people of God, are presented like a beautiful bride shining like a most rare jewel.

4. In both Isaiah and the Book of Revelation, the first audience was the suffering people of God. In history, they were broken and tossed among nations like an abandoned barren woman. The picture described in Isaiah 54 and 55 is hardly the reality. Israel was destroyed. Jerusalem lay ruined. The people were scattered, abandoned by God. But Israel is the servant of Yahweh. She is to glorify and to proclaim His holy name to the nations. In the eyes of God, Israel is His beloved wife. In His eyes, she is the most beautiful precious wife shinning like a most rare jewel. The Bride of Christ is the suffering community of God. The Church is not beautiful. It has all kind of problems. There are hurts, fights, and weaknesses. But it is still the love of His life. God is crazily in love with the Church. We are beautiful in God's eyes.

God loves us. He comforts us who are in pains suffered from abandonment because of our sins with a promise that He would never abandon us again. God makes this possible by sending His suffering Servant to pay the penalty for us. "He was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned--every one--to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isa 53:5-6)

We are hardly beautiful. We are sinners judged by the Holy God. But we are also His beautiful Bride, shining like the most rare jewel.

5. To the abandoned, what is the deepest hurt?

The hurt is the crush of our self-worth.

Why did my parents send me to boarding school and not anyone of my siblings? It must be me. I am the worst child. It must be my fault.

Why did he abandon me for another woman? Intellectually, I know it is his fault. He makes the wrong choice. He violates the vow he made. But deep down, we have doubt. It must be me. I am ugly. I am fat. I don't know how to cook. It is me. The crushing of our self-worth is the deepest hurt that I have seen among the people how feel that they are abandoned.

The abandoned Israel in exile must be feeling the same way. We are bad. We are nothing among the nations. With downcast face, they bow in shame.

6. But God said, "Don't be sad. Listen to me. You are the love of My life. I promise I would not abandon you forever. I love you with the ever lasting love. You are the most precious and beautiful woman."

Pains and suffering is God's tool to get us back to the right tract. Sometimes, pains is necessary. But His love never diminishes. He loves us with His ever lasting love. Cancers may be necessary. But God still loves us. Divorce may be necessary. But God will save us from all evils.

7. Verse 16 tells us, "Behold, I have created the smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a weapon for its purpose. I have also created the ravager to destroy." It is God who created the weapons used to against us. God created light and He also created darkness. Good and bad are both under His control. Verse 17 goes on and says, "no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD." Ultimately God promises darkness will not prevail against you. The weapons are not going to destroy you. They are all tools used by God to draw us close to Him.

8. God says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."(Isa 55:16-17)

9. Therefore listen carefully to what God has said to us. "For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you."


1. Do you feel that life is very hard on you? Do you feel lonely crushed by disappointment and grief? Do you feel that God does not love you anymore? Or worse, do you feel that you are abandoned by God? In the midst of pains and judgment, do you feel you worth nothing?

2. Listen to the promise of God to His suffering people once again: "For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

重生的生命,約 3:3-10; 結 36:25-27; 多 3:5




1. 今天我要與大家分享的題目是「重生的生命」,開始的時候,我想分享兩個人重生的經歷,是直接引述他們寫的自傳,第一位是奧古斯丁。

 2. 奧古斯丁生於公元三百五十四年,在北非的塔力斯特城出生,自小就才華洋溢,是個天才,十三歲學習雄辯學,十六歲進當時的大學,廿六歲岀版第一本書,當上了當時最有名意大利米蘭大學的教授,可是從小就放蕩不羈,十七歲與一女子同居,十八歲生了第一個私生子,被情慾捆綁,自認沒有辦法解脱。




3. 第二位是魯益師(C. S. Lewis),生於公元一千八百九十八年,在英國愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特(Belfast)出生,從小就博覽群書,文學、哲學、古典、歷史、不書不讀,更喜愛大自然與動物,也是個天才,父母是基督徒,但他十五歲的時候,就成為一位無神論者,十八歲得獎學金進牛津大學讀書,第二年因為第一次世界大戰而參軍,在戰爭中受傷,兩個好朋友喪生,更使他深信世界上沒有神,退伍之後,回到牛津,三年拿三個本科學位:希臘與拉丁文學、哲學與古代歷史、與英國文學,廿六歲成為牛津大學英國文學的教授,認識了兩位同僚,Hugo Dyson 是一位虔誠的基督徒,另一位托爾金(J. R. R. Tolkien),是一位虔誠的天主教徒,是現在流行《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)與《哈比人》(Hobbit)的作者,魯益師説這兩個人改變了他一生。

魯益師三十二歲那一年,有一天他坐上公車去動物園,上車的時候,還不是基督徒,下車的時候卻相信耶穌是神的兒子,在車上發生了什麼事?他的自傳《驚訝的喜樂》(Surprised by Joy)中説:什麼都沒有發生,在車上沒有思想鬥爭,沒有情緒的激動,就像一個長眠的人醒過來,雖然還沒有起床,可是醒了,自己知道自己醒了,這是他重生的經歷,從那一天開始,生命改變,離世的時候,六十四歲,三十二年基督徒的生活,成為一代宗師,貢獻之大,廿世紀中,沒有人出其左右。


4. 今天我們對重生的了解不深,甚至出錯與誤解。

二零零五年,美國有名的民意測驗專家巴納(Barna)調查美國重生基督徒(Born-Again Christians)的生活情況,他發現的結論是美國重生基督徒的生活與非基督徒沒有分別,其中包括:



5. 下週我們有浸禮,受浸之前,牧師問兩個問題:1)你是否承認你是個罪人,無力自救?你是否承認耶穌是你的救主?2)你是否願意遵行聖經的教訓?讀經禱告?參加聚會?努力傳福音?



6. 聖經説重生的生命卻不是這樣的。


「凡行公義之人都是他所生的。」(約壹二 29)
「凡有愛心的,都是由神而生。」(約壹四 7)
「凡從神生的,就勝過世界。」(約壹五 4)
「凡從神生的,必不犯罪。」(約壹五 18)

2) 凡從神生被聖靈重生的人,與行公義、有愛心、勝過世上、不犯罪的人是同一批人,兩種人是同一樣的人,換句話說,重生的人必定是有生命、生命有改變、有不一樣生命的人。若沒有生命、沒有改變、不能勝過世界的人,是沒有重生的人。




1. 重生的生命是神賜給人最奇妙的禮物,比我們了解的更神奇,新的生命是神的生命,有神的能力與生命,耶穌説是豐盛的生命,是我們意想不到的生命。

保羅説:「我們如今彷彿對著鏡子觀看,模糊不清;到那時就要面對面了。我如今所知道的有限,到那時就全知道。」(林前十三 12)這新的生命還有許多我們還不明白,還沒有體會過的,將來我們見主面的時候,就更能體會這新的生命是何等的豐盛呢!

2. 究竟重生是什麼?

耶穌對尼哥底母説:「我實實在在的告訴你,人若不重生,就不能見神的國。」(約三 3)

尼哥底母說:「人已經老了,如何能重生呢?豈能再進母腹生出來嗎?」(約三 4)他認為耶穌説的重生是世界上最荒謬的事!

耶穌說:「我實實在在的告訴你,人若不是從水和聖靈生的,就不能進神的國。」(約三 5)

什麼是從水和聖靈生?重生是從水和聖靈生的,這是什麼意思?尼哥底母不懂,耶穌怪他:「你是以色列人的先生,還不明白這事嗎?」(約三 10)耶穌認為尼哥底母熟識舊約先知的話,是應該懂的,原來從水和聖靈生舊約先知已經解釋過。

3. 公元前六世紀,以西結先知預言,神將要做一件大事,祂要與以色列人另立新約,與以前與摩西立的約不同。神説:「我必用清水灑在你們身上,你們就潔淨了。我要潔淨你們,使你們脫離一切的污穢,棄掉一切的偶像。我也要賜給你們一個新心,將新靈放在你們裡面,又從你們的肉體中除掉石心,賜給你們肉心。我必將我的靈放在你們裡面,使你們順從我的律例,謹守遵行我的典章。」


以西結書神説:我必用清水瀉潔淨你們,使你們脱離一切的污穢,這是一種屬靈的潔淨,結果是全新的人,罪污不再有,不單只洗罪,更是脱離罪污,不是像豬一樣,洗乾淨之後,又回到泥沼中打掍,耶利米説:耶和華說:「日子將到,我要與以色列家和猶大家另立新約,不像我拉著他們祖宗的手,領他們出埃及地的時候,與他們所立的約。我雖作他們的丈夫,他們卻背了我的約。這是耶和華說的。」耶和華說:「那些日子以後,我與以色列家所立的約乃是這樣:我要將我的律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們心上。我要作他們的神,他們要作我的子民。他們各人不再教導自己的鄰舍和自己的弟兄說:『你該認識耶和華』,因為他們從最小的到至大的都必認識我。我要赦免他們的罪孽,不再記念他們的罪惡。這是耶和華說的。」(耶三十一 31-34)



神要將祂的靈放在我們裡面,從我們的肉體中除掉石心,石心是死的心,沒有生命的心,賜給我們肉心,使我們順從神的律法典章,這全新的生命是得神的生命,有神的能力,能勝過罪惡,有愛、行公義(約壴二 29;四 7;五 4;18)。


4. 新約提多書三章五節,保羅把這從水和靈生、重生的意義再説明一次:「 他便救了我們,並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照他的憐憫,藉著重生的洗和聖靈的更新。」

1)重生的洗(Washing of regeneration)

這裡不是指洗禮,而是潔淨(washing),除罪脱罪,「重生」(regeneration)這裡的用法是與潔淨同義(Genitive of Apposition),「重生的洗」與以西結書用水洗淨是同一個意思。中文翻為「重生」,與「重生」(Born-Again)一樣,兩個是同義詞,「重生」(regeneration)更有新生的意思。

2)聖靈的更新(Renewal of the Spirit)


這重生的生命是神給人最神奇的禮物,我們有神的生命,律法不是寫在外頭,而是寫在我們的心上,我們成了有生命的人,有神的靈住在我們裡面,有神生命的能力與本質,耶穌説:「我來了,是要叫人得生命,並且得的更豐盛。」(約十 10),這是神給人最奇妙的禮物(the wonderful gift of God)!

5. 今年十月我有机會去新疆宣教,第一次與穆斯林的宗教與文化有近距離的接觸,被他們的虔誠所感動,可能我只是從外表看,穆斯林的信徒每天五次朝向麥加禱告,不論在做什麼事情,都停下來,跪在地上,臉在地上,誠心誦禱,食物要清真,清真不單指不吃大肉,更包括做飯的時候要念經,才算清真,對穆斯林的「牧師」非常尊敬,守清規,嚴禁淫亂,鄙視不道德的人,完全是靠行為上天堂的宗教。




所以耶穌説:「你們必須重生!」(約三 7)在所有耶穌的教訓之一,這是原文唯一次耶穌用「必須」(Must)這一個字。

6. 耶穌説:「從肉身生的就是肉身;從靈生的就是靈。」(Flesh gives birth to flesh. The Spirit gives birth to spirit.)(約三 6)狗生小狗、蟑螂生蟑螂、人生人,我們不可能靠自然的選擇產生新的生命,不可能靠人的努力去產生屬靈的生命,重生是神的工作,用水把你潔淨,除去罪污,用祂的靈生你,更新你,把你沒有生命的石心拿走,換上新的生命,這是重生!


1. 重生的生命從生命改變中發生

1)耶穌説:「風隨著意思吹,你聽見風的響聲,卻不曉得從那裡來,往那裡去;凡從聖靈生的,也是如此。」(約三 8)




2. 重生的生命從活的信心中產生


神的揀選與人的相信是同一隻手的手心與手背,同時並存,重生是神主權的恩典(sovereign grace),同時也是人相信的時候,中間並沒有間斷。


John Piper 説得好:「重生不是承認耶穌超自然的能力,而是你經歷這超自然的能力。」(Born-again is not affirming the supernatural in Jesus Christ; it is experiencing the supernatural in you.)(John Piper, Finally Alive












1. 什麼是重生?請分享你重生的經歷?
2. 什麼是從水和聖靈生?請從舊約以西結書三十六章與提多書三章的經文解釋從水和聖靈生。
3.「認信」(Professing Faith)與「相信」(Acting Faith)有何不同?請舉例説明之。
4. 重生的生命有生命改變的經歷,請分享你重生所帶來生命的改變。
5. 為什麼有人信主之後,生命沒有改變?他們是基督徒嗎?他們會得救嗎?為什麼?
6. 重生是神的恩典,這與人的相信有何關係?
7. 如何幫助別人重生?



1. 重生是非常重要的課題,人若不重生就不能進入神的國,當我思考這題目的時候,我可以從經文入手,尋找有關重生的經文,仔細的查考,選定經文,以經文的範圍討論重生的意義,這是我一般的做法,習慣以經文開始,只這一次我只有很短的時間準備,於是我從對重生的問題入手:



2. 講完之後,十多年前認識內布拉斯加州奧馬哈的那一位弟兄出現了,他剛路過休士頓,他的見証正是這信息最好的例証。

3. 這雖是最基本的道理,卻是非常重要的真理。