Monday, December 3, 2012

將臨期系列(一):等待救主的降臨,路二 25-33


2012.12.02 國語堂
2012.12.02 學生聚會點


1. (故意讓會眾等候五分鐘才開始講道。)



2. 今天是十二月的第一個主日,還有三個多禮拜,就是聖誕節了。我小的時候,在教會長大,每一年這個時候,我就開始興奮,盼望著聖誕節的來臨,現在我們卻很少有等待聖誕節的心情,只忙著購物、公司的派對、送禮、放假、出門!失去了聖誕的意義。

教會二千年來在聖誕的時候有一個等待救主降臨的傳統,英文叫 Advent, 「來臨」之意,是從拉丁文 adventus 而來,中文譒為「降臨節」或「將臨期」。這個傳統有兩重的意義:1)希伯來人等待彌賽亞的「來臨」,從亞伯拉罕到耶路撒冷的誕生,已經有兩千年了,耶穌的誕生稱為第一次降 臨(First Advent)。2)基督徒自從耶穌升天之後,一直在等待他第二次的降臨(Second Advent),又等候了二千年了,今天我們還在等。每年教會在聖誕節之前的第四個主日,即是今天,「降臨節」訧開始了,一方面紀念救主誕生,第一次的降臨,另一方面,等候救主再來,第二次的降臨,西方基督教教會暦(Western liturgical year)以「將臨期」開始。


教會還有一個傳統,在降臨節的時候點一些的蠟燭,去提醒自己預備救主降臨,這些蠟燭稱為「降臨蠟燭」(Advent Candles),一共五根蠟燭,從今天開始到平安夜,每一天晚飯的時候,讀一段經文,第一個禮拜,點第一根蠟燭,第二個禮拜,點兩根,這兩根都是紫色的,代表王者的顏色,第三個禮拜,點三根蠟燭,第三根是粉紅色的,代表喜樂,第四周點四根蠟燭,聖誕平安夜點第五根白色的,代表神的兒子耶穌。點「降臨蠟燭」的目的是提醒我們等候聖誕的時候,預備迎接救主的降臨。


3. 等待絶不容易,是否值得這樣去等?

等待耶穌的誕生早在四千年前就開始,神對亞伯拉罕説:「你要離開本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大;你也要叫別人得福。」(創十二 1-2);「地上萬國都必因你的後裔得福。」(創廿二 18),亞伯拉罕的後裔(The Seed of Abraham)是單數,指的當然是亞伯拉罕的後裔耶穌(參太一 1),亞伯拉罕信神,神因此稱他為義,他一生等待救主的降臨,死的時候,仍未曾得到,他這樣的等,值得嗎?

4. 六百年之後,神對摩西説:「我必在他們弟兄中間給他們興起一位先知,像你。我要將當說的話傳給他;他要將我一切所吩咐的都傳給他們。」(申十八 18),摩西在等,死的時候,還沒有得著,值得嗎?

5. 又等了四百年,神對大衛説:「我必使你的後裔接續你的位;我也必堅定他的國。你的國位也必堅定,直到永遠。」(撒下七 12;16),人類一直在等,等待這位亞伯拉罕的後裔、大衛的子孫的降臨,值得嗎?

6. 又過了五百年,先知以賽亞預言:「因有一嬰孩為我們而生;有一子賜給我們。政權必擔在他的肩頭上;他名稱為「奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君」(賽九 6),我們一直在等這位和平的君的降臨。

又等了五百年,直到保羅説:「及至時候滿足(The Fullness of Time),神就差遣他的兒子,為女子所生,且生在律法以下,要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們得著兒子的名分。」(加四 4-5),像一個懷了孕的婦人一樣,時候滿足,就把孩子生下來,二千年的等待,時候滿足了,路加用同一個字去形容馬利亞懷的孕「滿了」日期,就生下了耶穌(路二 6),第一個聖誕夜,救主誕生了,二千年來的等待是否值得?

7. 路加第二章用一個老人--西面,代表了這兩千年的等待,經文説西面素常盼望(waiting)以色列的安慰者的來臨(25),「盼望」這一個非常特別的字,有兩個含意:1)等待、期盼(Expectant waiting);2)拿起、接受(Take up, receive)的意思。





1. 我們要向西面學習主動地等待救主降臨。

2. 西面不是普通人,他是一位「又公義又虔誠」的人,前一個字是猶太人形容受人敬重的義人,第二個字是希臘人形容德高望重的人,他與神同行,「有聖靈在他的身上」(25),與神的心相通,擁有神對人類的計劃,救主的降臨是他的事,他擁有「以色列安慰者來臨」的異象,這是主動的等待,盼望的等待,神要我們這樣去等待救主的再來。

3. 這種的等待否值得,你可以打賭,這是絶對值得的等待!



孔子説:「朝聞道,夕可死矣!」世上真有這種道理,早上聽了之後,晚上就可以安然去世?我相信你主日不論聽了什麼好的道,晚上也不會甘心去世!Gallup Poll 説,現代人最大的願望普遍是這三個:1)多賺一點錢;2)減肥;3)找到愛情。



4, 西面代表了人類兩千年的等待,救主終於誕生了,時候滿足了,神就差他的兒子,為女子所生,要叫我們得兒子的名份,對西面來説,這是完全值得的等待。


例子:當我讀神學的時候,我的院長是美國有名的神學家,Dr. John Walvoord. 他是末世論的專家,對耶穌再來的應許,不單只清楚明白,更接受擁有主再來的應許,他領導神學院從三百學生,增長至一千七百學生,成為全美國最大的神學院之一,並興建了五座教室大樓,神學院有五年、十年、二十年的長遠計劃,但每一年他都要把神學院辦得最好,因為他知道主耶穌隨時都可以回來,明年的計劃不一定存在,今天就要活得最好,全所有的奉獻,沒有保留。





5. 幾個主日之前,我分享十個童女的故事的時候,我們曽經説過,這種積極的等待,有預備的等待,不是單只忍耐而已,西面式的等待是一種修養與內心的操練,是一種屬靈生命的表現。讓我們一同來學習紀念救主的降臨,操練積極地等候救主第二次的降臨。





1. 等待救主的降臨不單只是一種内心屬靈的操練,更是我們的信心的操練。

2. 關於西面的等待,還有一點我們需要注意的,聖經告訴我們,神是全能、全智、全愛的神,西面的神是無所不能,至高在上的神,而人是有限的,你與我沒法獨力生存,所以我們要等待,等待是我們的命運(Waiting is our destiny.)

Lewis Smedes: "Waiting is our destiny. As creatures who cannot by themselves bring about what they hope for, we wait in the darkness for a flame we cannot light. We wait in fear for a happy ending that we cannot write. We wait for a "not yet" that feels like a 'not ever.'"





世界的結局不是由我們寫的,我們等待結局的來臨﹐所以神要我們「等候神」,等候神在舊約出現四十三次,是人的本份,反映我們的有限性,新約最後也以「等待主再來」而結束(參啟廿二 22)。

3. 可惜我們卻不願意等,我們要的東西,我們希望是現在就得到,甚至是要昨天就得到,好像我們是老闆一樣。




4. 我們要明白一件事情,神與人不同,神做事從來不瘋狂,也從來不犯錯;從來不焦急,也從來不誤事;從來不衝動,也從來沒有任何的疏忽!到了時候,神説的必成就!一切他都有定時,愛情?家人的改變?都在他全智與全愛的大能之下,有定時。




保羅説:「我們這有聖靈初結果子的,也是自己心裡歎息,等候得著兒子的名分,乃是我們的身體得贖。我們得救是在乎盼望;只是所見的盼望不是盼望,誰還盼望他所見的呢?但我們若盼望那所不見的,就必忍耐等候。」(羅八 23-26) 我們所等待的是那得著兒子的名分之日子,這等待是完全值得的,我們必需要等!






1. 你今年過聖誕有沒有什麼的計劃?請分享!
2. 你的家有沒有什麼過聖誕的傳統?你認為這些傳統有什麼意義?為什麼好的屬靈傳統是那麼重要?
3. 聖誕節對你有何意義?
4. 西面的故事或者你已經很熟識,他的故事對你有何啟迪?
5. 什麼是積極的等待?請舉一些實際的例子。
6. 你計劃如何紀念救主的誕生?如何等待救主的再來?
7. 請分享一、兩首詩歌或音樂是你最喜歡的,又是幫助你預備等候神的。
8. 為什麼等候神是那麼重要?等候神最大的困難是什麼?如何才能克服這些困難?



1. 今年開始的時候已經計劃在聖誕的時候,分享這將臨期的系列信息,希望能把這教會優良的傳統傳承下去。我發現我們的信徒愈來愈世俗化,聖誕節成了吃、喝、玩耍的節日,缺乏屬靈的意義,對教會的傳統非常陌生,把「將臨期」的傳統重新介紹給會友,希望我們一起操守敬虔,重尋聖誕的真義。

2. 第一講是「預備」(Preparation),第二講是「盼望」(Hope),第三講是「喜樂「(Joy),第四講是「愛」(Love),第五講平安夜是「平安」(Peace)。

3. 聖誕的故事耳熟能詳,不容易但卻實在需要回到經文故事中作者的原意,這五講雖看似是專題式的講道,但仍是以一段經文為主,以作者的中心思想為本,如第一講的中心思想是西面的等待,他代表了以色列人二千年的等待,他的讚歌與等待成為我們今日等待救主降臨的榜樣。

4. 從西面等待救主的降臨成為我們等待救主的再來的榜樣,是否有聖經的權威?是否借鏡式的應用?聖經有多處經文教導我們等待救主再來的靈訓,「我們這有聖靈初結果子的,也是自己心裡歎息,等候得著兒子的名分,乃是我們的身體得贖。我們得救是在乎盼望;只是所見的盼望不是盼望,誰還盼望他所見的呢?但我們若盼望那所不見的,就必忍耐等候。」(羅八 23-26)講章也以這經文為結論,西面的見証是我們的榜樣。

5. 以等待五分鐘才開始講道為引言,3-D 的實際體驗,效果不錯,時間有點趕,會眾都很留心,沒有坐立不安,也沒有人起來跑掉。

6. 應用要落實並不容易,等待耶穌的再來,紀念耶穌的誕生,都不是容易實踐的行動。

7. 「這樣等待是否值得?」我用這問題連貫各小點,結論是:「完全值得!」西面就是一個好旳例子,等到了,就滿足了,甚至可以安然去世!

8. Here is an article on Waiting for singles by Tim Laitinen

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
Tim Laitinen


Waiting, waiting... waiting.

It's what a lot of us seem to be doing a lot these days, isn't it? Waiting.

And we’re waiting for lots of things. Christ’s return, of course! But also a new job, perhaps. Or for the traffic in front of us to start moving again. Maybe an important e-mail. Or a report from our doctor.

We wait, and wait, and wait some more. About the only thing for which we never have to wait is, well... waiting.

Whether we like to admit it or not, many of us single believers are waiting on some sort of clarification on our marital status. We’re not waiting for confirmation that we’re without a spouse! Our lonely apartment – not to mention our lonely ring finger – already confirm that we’re not married.

No, many of us wait – even if it’s subconsciously – to see if we’ll ever get married, or if we have the “gift of singlehood” and just don’t know it yet. Some single believers seem quite capable of going through life without so much as checking “single” when they’re filling out their taxes. For them, being single exists as just another generic part of their identity, like their shoe size.
Others of us wait.

Maybe spiritually, we know that God’s timing is best. Maybe we’re even relieved that we didn’t commit too early to a relationship that would have unraveled, a miserable specter we may be watching unfold in too many of our friends’ rocky marriages. Maybe contentment with our singlehood is something that comes and goes, like the tide, betraying the reality that while overall, we’re satisfied in theory with waiting, it’s the waiting in reality that’s beginning to bug us.
Waiting can be excruciatingly frustrating. Hopefully, your parents, family, and friends aren’t bugging you about how long they’re having to wait for you to get married. Hopefully, too, your unsaved friends aren’t badgering you about waiting for marriage at all, as if living in sin is better than being married anyway. You’d likely not have to wait nearly as long to find somebody willing to do that with you.  

When we trust that the good things God teaches us in His Word are better than throwing in the towel out of impatience, however, we realize that giving up on Him can only harm us.
Then again, sometimes we’re waiting, only we’re not sure what we’re waiting for. Are we waiting for God to bless us with a spouse, or are we waiting for God to bless us with contentment regardless of whether we ever get married?

Sometimes, too, patience can be its own reward. Either way, God will always reward it.

Waiting By the Side of the Road

About two thousand years ago, a blind beggar languished along the dusty roadside outside the gates of Jericho, which even then, was one of the world’s oldest cities. This blind beggar's name was Bartimaeus, and although we don't know how old he was, we can assume his was a undesirable life.

Whether he'd been blind from birth, or blinded from some accident or disease, being denied sight for any length of time in that culture would have been sheer misery. It's bad enough today in North America, where our culture is quite progressive in curing, treating, or providing assistance for people with vision problems. Two thousand years ago, blindness was a virtual prison.

About all a person like Bartimaeus could do back then was, if he was otherwise healthy enough, take up a spot alongside a road and beg all day long. Every day. Hoping that enough sympathetic passers-by would toss enough money your way to buy a simple supper. It’s possible that many people in Jericho knew Bartimaeus, or at least knew of him, since he likely spent all of his days begging, waiting for somebody to take pity on him.

Waiting, all day. Sometimes calling out when you heard people approaching, then slumping back against a wall or rock, and waiting some more.

Waiting, calling, begging. But most likely, mostly waiting. Waiting in utter darkness, even as you could feel the sun beating down on the body you couldn’t see.

Suddenly, Bartimaeus heard more than just the shuffling of passers-by. There was a commotion, and he learned that Jesus of Nazareth was going to be passing right by his spot by the road!  Maybe Jesus would heal him!

He had to get Christ's attention.

So he hollered out, calling on Jesus to have mercy on him. He made such a ruckus and racket, calling out so desperately, that people in the crowd, who had relegated him to the sidelines of life, sitting out of the way of normal people, told him to be quiet. 

Yet undoubtedly, this was just such an opportunity for which Bartimaeus would likely have never before dreamed. Maybe he'd spent his time waiting by the side of the road not only for enough money to make it through the day, but waiting for death itself. The commotion he himself causes in this passage creates the impression that he'd immediately realized this might be his one chance in his entire life to be healed from blindness - and he was frantically hoping to seize the moment.

Christ is the Creator of Perfect Timing 

Christ, of course, knew Bartimaeus was nearby on the roadside. And he stopped, calling Bartimaeus to Himself.

Quickly, the crowd changed its tune, turned to Bartimaeus, and said, "well, what do you know! You've gotten His attention, and He wants to talk to you."

As you can imagine, Bartimaeus didn't need any more urging. He jumped to his feet, likely needing to be steadied by people in the crowd who only moments before were telling him to shut up. He threw off his cloak, perhaps so fully assured that Christ would heal him, he'd be able to retrieve it after his miracle, and he could see where it had fallen.

And sure enough, Christ performed his miracle, based on his blunt, honest, earnest faith.
We Christians know this story because of Christ’s amazing ability to heal a blind man. And indeed, Christ’s power is the core of this miracle. How easy it is for us to overlook, however, the amount of time Bartimaeus had to spend waiting, and not even knowing what he was waiting for! Christ knew He was going to heal Bartimeaus, but the blind beggar himself had started his day as he had every other one, with the imminent restoration of his sight completely off his radar.

Christ knew what Bartimaeus needed, just like He knows what we need, whether we’re actively waiting for those needs, or not. Yet the emotional, spiritual, and mental blindnesses with which we suffer may still be things we have to wait through until God's appointed time, when our waiting will finally be over.

Waiting can only be true agony when you don't trust the Person for Whom you're waiting. 
May the Lord grant us the grace to wait as long as He would have us wait, and to wait with patience, hope, and even joy.

As the psalmist has so poignantly phrased it, wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord!

From his smorgasboard of church experience, ranging from the Christian and Missionary Alliance to the Presbyterian Church in America, Tim Laitinen brings a range of observations to his perspective on how we Americans worship, fellowship, and minister among our communities of faith. As a one-time employee of a Bible church in suburban Fort Worth, Texas and a former volunteer director of the contemporary Christian music ministry at New York City's legendary Calvary Baptist, he's seen our church culture from the inside out. You can read about his unique viewpoints at

Publication date: December 4, 2012


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