Sunday, December 23, 2012

將臨期系列(四):讓愛傳出去,羅 12:9; 13:8-9; 約壹 4:19; 林後 8:7-9


2012.12.23 國語崇拜


1. 最近在網上看了一個短片,題目是 FWP (First World Problems) 第一世界的問題,內容是富有國家的年青人無病伸吟的情況,現代人的冷漠與自私令人心傷,請看以下的短片:

第一世界的問題是只顧自己的小小世界,對別人的需要而不聞不問,莫不關心,西門保羅(Paul Simon)著名的一首流行曲「沉默的聲音」(The Sound of Silence)中,有一段的歌詞説:

People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence


2. 中國人冷漠的民族性可以用一句話來總結:「各家自掃門前雪,不管他人瓦上霜」。台灣大陸這幾年也在這樣的演變之中,新聞都是資本家如何如何地成功,少有探討人與人的關係。


廣東人身材多為矮小,顴骨突出,目小深陷,鼻扁闊,唇厚而翻。歷史上廣東人在西方傳教士描述中的形象十分糟糕:身材瘦小、形象猥瑣、狡詐、骯臟、嗜賭、內訌,懦弱,食嬰。廣東人是海洋的族群,充滿朝氣與活力,頭腦靈活,富於冒險性、開創性,敢為天下先,廣東人對空頭理論不感興趣,也沒有工夫空談哲理、人生,對政治也不感興趣。 人人都為了錢忙忙碌碌,整日東奔西跑。北方人是先思考後行動,而廣東人是先行動後思考,看重的是效益和價值,不注重形式和外表。現在已成為中國經濟最發達 的地區,但最常見的評價就是:

冷漠、排外、自大。廣州是個花花世界,中國最冷漠的城市,如果是一對一的問路尤其是外鄉話,很少會搭理妳。鄰舍之間,關門閉戶,互不搭理,多一事不如 少一事。在廣州想找個見義勇為的,比登天還難。廣東人排外是早以有之,把所有廣東以外的人稱「撈佬」,女孩叫「北妹」,把北方人叫做「撈鬆」, 叫日本人「架佬」,叫西方人「鬼佬」。很多廣東人地理知識貧乏,常以自我為中心,廣東以外就是北方。


3. 特別是大城市長大的,居住的環境稠密,空間小,習慣了冷漠,我小的時候,在被人搶劫,沒有路人過問,在我身邊走過的人,也不管!我的印象非常深刻。

2. 我們的生活愈來愈富裕,但生活卻愈來愈緊張失調,我們愈來愈有錢,卻愈來愈睡不著,香港是全世界收入最高的地方之一,可是每六個香港人就有一個是有精神病,香港最暢銷的藥是鎮定劑與安眠藥,這是什麼原因?

3, 我們的孩子也是一樣,生活愈來愈好,幾歲就有 ipads, 十歲就有smart phones, 從小就追求「下一樣的東西」(The Next Thing),iphone 4, NEXT, iphone 4S, NEXT, iphone 5, NEXT, iphone 6... 不斷的追求下一樣的東西去擁有,卻失去了欣賞與享受現在所擁有的,對現有的很快就失去了興趣,BORING! 是他們常掛在嘴邊的話,很容易感覺「沉悶」,什麼事情很快就是「BORING」。


4. 財富不是罪,可是擁有卻不給出去卻是一種的咒詛!(Rich is not a sin but rich without giving is a curse.)只擁有卻不給出去是咒詛!

5. 我們不能做「死海的基督徒」!

死海猶太人稱為「死亡的海」(The Sea of Death),因為死海是全世界最底的地方,水面是在海平線一千三百八十八呎之下,水只有流進去,但流不出去,有進沒有出,水深一千二百三十七呎,是全世界最深的湖,湖寬十一英哩,長四十二英哩,容量極大,可是只有進而沒有出,不斷的接受約旦河與其他河流的水,卻從來不給出去,千萬年來都是這樣,只有進而沒有出,結果是什麼?



我們不能做「死海的基督徒」!因為我們跟隨的耶穌不是冷漠的耶穌,他離開天上的榮華,降世為人,是因為愛,「他本來富足,卻為你們成了貧窮,叫你們因他的貧窮,可以成為富足。」(林後八 9)耶穌成了神給人最大的聖誕禮物,而且這禮物還不斷地在給(The Gift keeps on giving.)每早晨都是新的,神的愛在基督耶穌裡源源不絕地臨到我們。

6. 有一首很古舊的詩歌,是我青少年時期的詩歌,「愛就是」(Love Was When):「愛就是神成為了人,受時空所限,沒有地位與地方,愛就是神生為猶太人,只做一個與漁夫一起的木匠。愛就是耶穌在人類的歷史上出現,帶來了白白的新生命;愛就是當神被釘流血而死,為了愛一個像我這樣的人。」

Love was when God became a Man,
Locked in time and space, without rank or place;
Love was God born of Jewish kin;
Just a carpenter with some fishermen.

Love was when Jesus walked in history,
Lovingly He brought a new life that's free,
Love was God nailed to bleed and die
To reach and love one such as I.

Love was when God became a Man,
Down where I could see Love that reached to me;
Love was God dying for my sin
And so trapped was I my whole world caved in.

Love was when Jesus met me, now it's real;
Lovingly He came, I can feel He's real!
Love was God, only He would try
To reach and love one such as I.


7 .將臨節的第四根的蠟燭是「愛的蠟燭」,當我們把第四根在聖誕節前一個主日點起的時候,它提醒我們聖誕是神愛人的記號,這愛是臨到世上每一個人,「神愛世人,甚至將他旳獨生子賜給我們,叫一切相信他的人,不至滅亡,反得永生」(約三 16)。

8. 但聖誕的愛並不停留在我們的身上,若只是我們所有,並沒有出口,我們就成了「死海」一樣,只有進沒有出,只有被愛卻沒有去愛,結局是空虛與冷漠、自大與自憐,成了典型的 FWP (First World Problems),這根蠟燭的火焰更提醒我們去愛。

9. 羅馬書保羅教訓信徒日常的生活中要有愛:「愛人不可虛假」(羅十二 9),「凡事都不可虧欠人,惟有彼此相愛要常以為虧欠;因為愛人的,就完全了律法。」(羅十三 8-9)這裡的「愛人不可虛假」不單只是指愛其他的基督徒,更包括了其他的人。人與人之間的律法,不單只是基督徒之間的律法,也包括了我們應如何的對待其他的人,保羅兩次説:「愛就成全了律法。」

基督徒去愛是因為神先愛我們(約壹四 19),我們領受了,絕不能做死海的基督徒,必定需要以愛去回應愛,特別是這聖誕的時候,有太多的人在哭泣,太多的人在憂愁,太多的人需要你傳遞的愛。

10. 《讓愛傳出去》(Pay It Forward),是一部2000年的美國戲劇電影,改編至凯瑟琳·赖安·海德(Catherine Ryan Hyde)的同名小說,主角是一位正讀七年級的男孩,崔弗爾,他新上任的社會科老師,尤金在學期初給予的報告題目:「你改變這個世界的辦法」,而崔弗爾決定的辦法就是無償的幫助三個人,並要求這三個人得到幫助的恩情傳達給另外三個需要幫忙的人。不是求回報(Pay it back.),卻是把愛傳下去(Pay it forward.)


11. 最近 Sandy Hook 發生鎗殺的悲劇,廿個小孩、六個老師、加上自殺的鎗手,共廿七人死亡,全國上下舉哀,NBC  的一位主播安加莉(Ann Curry),建議大家為死去的廿六位的無辜者,做廿六件一求回報好事,並且鼓勵受益者把愛傳出去(Pay it forward),她認為當你做好事的時候,你就會有好的感覺(When you do good, you feel good.)。












12. 我們中國人很難認同美國人這樣的做法,對一個陌生人隨意地為他做事或送禮物給他,我們都不願意做,覺得沒有意思,這陌生人不一定有需要,我們情願幫助孤兒或真正有需要的 人,是嗎?所以我們對傳愛給陌生人不感興趣。


但美國人 pay it forward--the random acts of kindness 的做法背後是一種不求回報的觀念,陌生人不認識我,也沒有辦法報答我。


但神要我們去愛,不是為了回報,我們施憐憫是因為主做在我身上的,不是求回報,而是跟隨主的腳踪,給的人生才 是豐盛的人生,有進又有出才是健康,「施比受更有福」是神的旨意。

13. 聖誕節是紀念救主的誕生,他是神送給人最大的禮物,聖誕節也是最好給的時候,我們所能給的可能很少,但我們送出去小小的禮物,卻是神所喜悅的。


14. 實際的一些建議:
  • 上週六,六個我們的年青工作人士把三十多輛自行車送去新奧爾良給一群窮困的小孩,這些的自行車是我們一些英語的家庭送的。
  • 這聖誕節你可以挑戰你的孩子,把他們都喜歡的一件禮物送出去給有需要的人。
  • 上週我們有幾位的大學生,喜歡攝影,都買了名貴的照相器材,他們去為一些露宿者照聖誕拍照,把照片打印出來,送給他們,他們都很高興,都説很久很久沒有照過相了,真的把愛傳出去。
  • 今天散會之後,找一位你不認識的人,問候他一下,與他談談話,把愛傳出去。最近,有一位姊妹對我説,她來了教會十年了,參加聚會,很少人跟她談話,她都是獨來獨去,她也習慣了。我們當中可能真的有人很需要你的愛與關注,你願意做一個愛的使者嗎?
  • 向三個小組組員做三件好事,鼓勵他們每一位同樣向三個人傳遞愛,讓愛傳出去。

15. 在 Sandy Hook 的死難者中,有一位特別教育老師 Anne Marie Murphy, 五十七歲,是四個孩子的母親,她被害的時候,是用她的身體保護著她的學生,把有特殊需要的六歲小孩, Dylan Hockley, 緊緊的抱著,Dylan 非常喜歡他的老師,將 Anne 照片放在冷箱的門上,師生二人同時即場死亡,追思禮拜的時候,NY 的主教 Timothy Dolan 稱 Anne 的愛心像耶穌,這是最高的稱讚。




16. 昨天在黄媽媽的追思禮拜中,她的兒孫説了一少黄媽媽的追念,最令我感動的其中一點,是黄媽媽一家從福建剛去台灣的時候,生活非常艱難,時逢二二八事件,黄媽媽不懼危險,收容多人來家避難,她度量之大少有人可及,常有黄伯伯的朋友陸續逃難抵台,無處落腳而借住家中長達數月至年餘;黄伯伯負責代找工作,黄媽媽則全力招呼大小飲食起居,凡事以「客人為先,兒女為後」的胸懷待人。亦有友人之子不受管教,送托黄媽媽代管,故常有朋友的孩子經年長住家中,雖然家境艱困,她都一視同仁地照顧養育。


17. 我的師母對學生團契的學生,愛護有加,照顧他們,教導他們,有一些事他們的父母都不管的,師母都不辭勞苦的教他們如何跟隨神,我的小孩都知道「他們是媽媽另一些的孩子」,師母不要他們的回報,只希望他們將來同樣去照顧有需要的人。





1. 什麼是冷漠?你認為冷漠是中國人的天性嗎?為什麼?
2. 為什麼我們愈富有,卻愈不開心?你同願只擁有而不給出去是咒詛嗎?為什麼?
3. 什麼是「死海的基督徒」?他們有什麼特色?
4. 「我們愛,因為神先愛我們」,這一節聖經對你有什麼意義?
5. 請分享你對 Sandy Hook 事件引發的 #26 Acts of Kindness 的想法。你認為對陌生人傳愛的行動有意義嗎?為什麼?
6. 為什麼不求回報的愛是那麼困難?你能舉一些不求回報愛的例子嗎?
7. 請設計一些傳愛的行動。



1. 傳愛的經文有很多,找一段或幾段的經文很重要,我曾想用約翰福音十三章,耶穌賜的新命令,要我們彼此相愛,但有同工挑戰我,經文是給門徒的,只適用在教會之內,我最後改用羅馬書十二章與十三章愛人的命令,我認為這命令包括愛所有的人。加上約翰壹書四章「我們愛,因為神先愛我們」的經文,講章的聖經權威一致己定。

2. Sandy Hook 的事引發「讓愛傳送出去」的運動,在新聞中很熱,但我發現會眾大都沒有注意或根本不知道,很明顯是有文化上的差異,中國人對陌生人傳愛並不熱心,也不習慣,我佷驚訝會眾中有兩、三人舉手說他們有參與「讓愛傳送出去」的運動,這運動真正的意思是不求回報的觀念,正是神無緣無故的愛情的例子。

3. 泥土音樂的一首詩歌:「為什麼你對我那麼好?」雖是一首新的詩歌,但卻與主題非常配合,謝謝敬拜團隊的配合。

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Advent Series (3): Joy to the World, Luke 2:10-11

Joy to the World
Luke 2:10-11
Advent Series (3)

By Pastor Brian
Fort Bend Community Church
2012.12.16 Christmas Joint Service


1. Merry Christmas.

I love Christmas music and I love Christmas carols. Someone said that the Christmas carols are rich in theology. This morning I would like to play a game with you. First, Rule #1: no cheating on you smart phone with the internet. Find "JOY" in any of the Christmas carols. And you will get a price if you are right.

Joy to the World

Joy to the world, the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

Angels We Have Heard on High

Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plains,
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains.
Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
Gloria, in excelsis Deo!

Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light

Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light,
And usher in the morning;
O shepherds, shrink not with afright,
But hear the angel's warning.
This Child, now weak in infancy,
Our confidence and joy shall be,
The power of Satan breaking,
Our peace eternal making.

From Heaven Above To Earth I Come

From heaven above to earth I come
To bear good news to every home;

Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
Whereof I now will say and sing.

God rest you merry, gentlemen

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
For Jesus Christ our Savior,
Was born on Christmas Day;
To save us all from Satan's power,
When we were gone astray.
O tidings of comfort and joy,
For Jesus Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas day.

Hark! the herald angels sing
 Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With th' angelic host proclaim
Christ is born in Bethlehem!
Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!

O come, all ye faithful,

O come, all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him,
Born the King of angels;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O Come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

O come, O come, Emmanuel,

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

What Child is This
Raise, raise a song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby.
Joy, joy for Christ is born,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.

O Holy Night
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!

Christmas carols which do not have the word, joy, in it include:
  • Away in the Manger
  • The First Noel
  • O Little Town of Bethlehem
  • Silent Night
  • Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
  • What Child is this
  • Once in Royal David's City
  • We Three Kings of Orient
  • It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
  • We Wish You a Merry Christmas

2. Joy is a key word in the biblical accounts of the birth of Christ. Joy is at the center of the announcement of the birth to the shepherds and to the world and to us. The shepherds represent common people like you and me.

In Luke 2:10-11 "And the angel said to the shepherds, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

I. The good news is the Christmas joy, Luke 2:10

1. The Angel brings the Good News--the Greek word is "evangelize"--proclaim the good news. That is right. Evangelism means to bring Good News to people. Today if you share the Good News of Jesus Christ, you are proclaiming the good news, just like the angel did 2,000 years ago.

The good news the angel proclaims is a message from God. It is not an ordinary message. It was announced by an angel, a supernatural being. It is a message from the divine, a message that the people of Israel has been waiting for 2,000 years. Finally the Messiah is here, bringing the good news of great joy.

2. This great news of great joy. Great Joy. Not just joy, but exceeding joy, an intense joy, an overwhelming joy, a joy that we don't see very often today.

Today we have one simple task. We will learn what is joy. What does this joy look like? What does this joy feel like? And what do we do when we have joy? Okay?

3. What is joy? The Greek word in Luke 2:10 is chara: It means joy, cheer, gladness, or celebration. It is a very important word in the New Testament. It appears 59 times.

Joy is the result of the presence of the Holy Spirit among human beings. The Holy Spirit generates joy as a witness of His presence in our life. Gal. 5:22 says that joy is the second part of the fruit of the Spirit. Love, JOY, peace... Rom. 14:17 says that the kingdom of God is a matter of joy in the Holy Spirit together with righteousness and peace. Being filled with joy is a sign of being filled by the Spirit (Acts 13:52; Luke 10:21). Hence joy to the world is a witness of the activity of God. When God is at work, we have joy from the Spirit.

Therefore if the presence of the Holy Spirit working among you, joy is the natural result. You will be joyful. It does not matter whether you have a good job, or whether you are married, or whether you have money. If the Spirit is working in your life, joy is the sign. This joy is given by the Holy Spirit deep in our soul.

The angel said, "I bring you good news of great joy." This good news is the work of God. Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Baby Boy is the fulfillment of the promise of God. The savior is born to save us from sins. That is why this is the good news of great joy. God is on the move. The Holy Spirit is presence and we have joy.

4. But there is a catch. Listen carefully. It is a good news of great joy, only if you receive it or participate in the work of God. In the NT usage, "joy" (chara) is often used together with the word, "receive."

Mark 4:16 and 1 Thess. 1:6  We receives the Word of God with joy of the Holy Spirit.
We receive salvation with joy (Luke 15:7, 10; John 3:29; 1 Thess. 3:9; 7:13; Phil 1:4; 2:2; 4:1)
People receive the vision or revelation from God with great joy (Luke 2:10; 1 John 1:4).
We receive with the work of God with joy (Phil 1:4; Col. 1:11; Luke 1:14).
Matt. 2:10 In the Christmas story, the magi saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.

When God is working among you, you need to embrace to, to receive it. Then the Spirit-induced joy will be given to you as a gift.

5. For examples, when this good news of great joy was brought to King Herod, he was not happy. There was no joy, because he did not embrace it nor did he receive it. On the other hand, when the shepherds heard the good news that the Savior was born, they went to look for the baby in the manger. And they rejoiced and they praised God all over the town of Bethlehem. When Simeon received the baby Jesus in his arms, he rejoiced and was glad. "Now I am ready to die."

The joy is a gift from the Holy Spirit, but you have to receive it, embrace it, and be part of it.

6. This afternoon, we have 34 people who will be baptized. It is a joyful occasion. The joy of salvation is yours when you receive it by faith. The Holy Spirit will give it to you deep in your soul this joy of the Lord.

7. Now let us take a closer look to see what this joy looks like.

First, this joy is not like most of us think as an involuntary and internal "emotion." No, joy is not just a happy thought. Joy is not just an emotion high or ecstasy. It is an comprehensive, value-centered, Christian characteristic or Christian virtue. Just like gentleness, friendliness, generosity, self-sacrifice, the joy of the Lord even in the midst of suffering is part of Christian's Good and Beautiful Life. Whoever has the Christian virtue also has this constant joy. It is what Christmas life is all about.

Second, the Joy from the Spirit runs deeper than 'physical pleasure'. When you have a good meal, play a good game, enjoy a good movie, that is called 'pleasure.' But joy is deeper than that feeling of physical pleasure. The physical pleasure goes only body-deep, only physical. After a good meal, you need another good meal pretty soon. The pleasure is not deep. It only fulfills your body. But not joy. Joy is much deeper. It comes from your soul in response to God's goodness.

I like the children's song, "J-O-Y." The theology is so true.

I've got joy down in my heart
Deep, deep down in my heart
J-O-Y down in my heart
Deep deep down in my heart
Jesus gives it to me
And nothing can destroy it, destroy it, destroy it!
I've got joy down in my heart
Deep, deep down in my heart

Thirdly, this joy is more enduring than mere 'fun'. We always want to have fun. Fun is easy going; fun is doing something you like. Fun-loving is a personality trait that we love to have. Fun is "hakuna matata" in Lion King. That means "don't worry. Be happy" in Swahili language.

But fun comes and goes. Very quickly Simba runs into troubles. He has to face his evil uncle, Scar. Fun won't last. But joy is enduring. It lasts for a lifetime. It won't fade.

Joy is deeper than pleasure, more enduring than fun. Lastly, joy is also more intense and thrilling than just 'happiness'. Happiness depends on circumstances, on outward conditions. When I get an A for my class, I am happy. When I win a basketball game, I am happy. When I got a good seat today, I am happy. It depends on circumstances. But the great joy is much more intense and thrilling, especially in a spiritual context. Joy runs deep into the core of us, and radiates throughout. It shows up in everything that we do.

It enables a person to endure joyfully the suffering and trials (1 Thess. 1:6). Last Friday, 12 girls, 8 boys, and 6 adults were shot to dead in Newtown, Connecticut, by a 20-year old. The killing doesn't make sense. Those kids are so young and they have their full life ahead of them. The nation is in shock and in grief.

Just like the massacre in Bethlehem when Herod killed all the innocent children under 2 years old. Last Sunday, we talked about Rachel weeping--mothers grieving for the lost of their children. It is as bad as it gets in this life. We grieve with them and mourn for their loss. But joy, the Holy Spirit induced joy, is deeper and more enduring and more intense than happiness. It will overcome even in times of grief and suffering, because God is still at work. The Holy Spirit still walks alongside with us, comforting and praying for us with words too deep for words.

8. Okay, Pastor Brian, how does this joy feel like? If I have a nice Christmas gift, I am happy. I know that feeling. What does this joy of the Spirit feel like? The Bible does not say much about it only some hints. And drawing from my own experience, joy feels very much like happiness, but deeper.

1) Joy serves as a backdrop of everything that I do. There are times when I still feel sad and down. But underneath the sadness, there is joy. Just like underneath the dark cloud, there is always the sun. I know that God is still at work. I know that the Spirit is in me guiding and empowering. Joy is almost like the color of this room. No matter what you do in this room, the color is till the same. Before I was 50 years old, I had this seas of anxiety from my upbringing that lived underneath everything I did. When I turned 50, I had a turnaround experience. I begin to see the work of God in me and around me. I begin to feel the Spirit-induced joy, replacing that seas of anxiety. That is the joy I believe from the fruit of the Spirit. I feel joyful even in the midst of trials and difficulties. The joy of Lord is there. I can feel it everyday.

2) In my experience, this joy is easily spike up when I see the work of God in me and around me. For examples, when God speaks through the Bible and to me, I feel the intense joy like a hot spring bubbling up to the surface. I want to sing, I want to dance, and and I want to shout. When I feel God's presence in a worship service, my joy is like a 747 jumbo jet taking off from the runway soaring into the sky. I would tear up and feel ecstatic. The joy is made full like Paul said many times when he saw the work of God or experienced the presence of God.

I don't know whether you have this experience of not. When you see your children or your disciples or the people you led to Christ grow in the Lord, you see that God is at work in their life, your joy spikes up to nth degree. You are happy; you are more than happy, you rejoice. And that joy is deep, is enduring, and is intense. It fills up your soul.

This afternoon I am going to baptize a brother. He came to me and said, "Pastor Brian, can you baptize me?" I said, "Of course, my pleasure." He said, "Please hold me down in the water as long as you can. I want to remember that feeling. It is a special day in my life." I said, "Okay. Will do." I still remember the first time I met him. I went to his home with Lily to share the Gospel with him. He was polite but stubborn. He is a biology scientist. There are just too many questions about evolution, about the existence of God, about the Bible and about everything. It took him a long time. But he begins to experience God. God is at work in his life. I see him changed and grows. I tell you that the joy of witnessing the work of the Spirit in his life is tremendously fulfilling, enduring, and abiding. I am very happy.

3) How does this joy actually feel like when I am in pain? In my experience and according to the Bible, in the midst of suffering the joy induced by the Spirit is still there.

I remember when I experienced the death of my mother at the beginning of this year. I was very sad to see her suffered. And death is horrible. I still miss her. There were tears. But amazingly, the Spirit comforted me and gives me joy--it is an inner conviction that all is well; all is calm; all is perfect in God's timing. He knows what is the best for me. Therefore I look forward to Jesus' returning in all His glory and with all the saints. For there will be no more death, no more tears, and no more pains.

This is what the Christmas joy is all about. The angel said, "I bring you the good news of great joy that is for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11) God is at work. He has entered into the our world to save us from sins. For you and for all the people, the Savior is born, who is Christ the Lord. There is no bigger event than this in the history of the world. God is with us, Emmanuel. For those who receive Him, it is the good news of great joy, exceeding joy, intense joy. It is the greatest work of God of great joy.

9. Application: Today you may feel sad, you may be unhappy, may be you are dealing with a crisis, may be you are dealing with tremendous loss. Remember the message from the angel. "I bring you good news of great joy. The savior is born today. He is here for you and for all the people." Remember that God is working among men. Let this Christmas joy be with you. Open your heart and receive the joy of the Lord to be your strength. Go ahead and smile. Go ahead and rejoice even in difficult time. J-O-Y down in my heart. Deep deep down in my heart. Jesus gives it to me. Nothing can destroy it.

10. Why are Christians not joyful today? One of the many reasons is that we are so preoccupy with happiness or the pursuit of happiness. We work too hard for happiness, a bigger house, a financially secured future, a successful career, and a happy family. We forget that real joy can only come from God. It is the work of the Spirit not ours. When we receive His presence with open hands, He will produce in us this unspeakable joy, lasting joy, and enduring joy.

II. Receive the good news with great joy

1. We have lighted the first two of the advent candles to celebrate the advent of Christ. To remember His first advent two thousand years ago and to look forward to His second advent when He comes again in all his glory.

1).      The promise of the Savior—the first candle of waiting
2).      The hope He brings—the second candle of hope. The color of these two candles are purple, the royal color.
3).      The third candle is JOY. The color is pink. It means joy. See that I wear pink today. The color of joy. When we see the flame of the candle of joy, open your heart to His presence. God has entered into our world. Welcome Him into your life. The Savior is born in the City of David who is Christ the Lord. Receive the Savior into your heart as your Christ and Lord. Be a part of the Christmas story. Receive the good news with great joy. Then the Joy of Christmas generated by the Spirit is yours forever.

2. The church which represents the work of God in the world must learn to be more joyful. The church which is responsible to proclaim the Good News to all the people must be filled with this Spirit-induced joy.

If you walk into a church where there is no joy, it is very doubtful that it is a Spirit-filled church. When we see this candle of joy, remember that the Savior is born. Let us rejoice and be glad.

Church, let us rejoice and be glad. FBCC, let us receive the joy of the Lord with gladness. Be a joyful church.

III. The intense joy of Christmas must be expressed

Joy is the essential response in our relationship with God, so much so that it cannot be contained within, it must be expressed.When you are full of joy, what do you do? Do you sit back and hold it within yourself? No, you can't. The joy of the Lord must be expressed. It flows from your soul to your face, to your body. You smile. You move.

1.  First, you Praise God. We did. Luke 2:10 as in the shepherds. Praising God is to express this joy.

2.  Second, you tell. We should. Just as the shepherds. They can't help it. They are so full of joy that they have to tell people about it. That night, the shepherds told everybody in the little town of Bethlehem of 300 to 1,000 residents. We too must tell people about the good news. The savior is born for all the people. Tell your neighbors, tell your colleagues, tell your family members. This is so good, so exciting. We must tell. In about a 2 weeks, we will enter into 2013, the year of evangelism at FBCC. We want to sow more seeds. We want tell His story. We want to share this joy. Let us tell.

3.  You dance which we will do next. Dance is part of our natural response to joy. Don't you agree? Watch the Texans game this afternoon. When the good guys score a touchdown, the whole stadium erupts into cheers. What do they do? They jump ups and downs. They lift their hands. They shout "Alleluia" --well, not exactly. They shout that is for sure.

When my son scores in a basketball game or in a soccer game, I jump up and pump my fist.

When people are joyful, they dance. Look at our culture, when we are happy, we dance at weddings and at parties. The Jewish culture dances in celebration—David the King danced. It is also a God-given response to mankind when there is something that is intensely joyful. Let us dance.

My prayer is that the overwhelming joy of Christmas will be for you. The intense joy even in the midst of suffering; the exceeding joy even in Rachel’s weeping; the Christmas joy even when it is still dark will be yours in this Christmas seasons.

Let us dance and praise God together in the joy of the Lord.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advent Message (2): Rachel Weeping, Matthew 2:16-18

Rachel Weeping

Matthew 2:16-18
The Second Message of the Advent Series

By Pastor Brian
Fort Bend Community Church
2012.12.09 ENCOUNTER


1. The Arena Chapel, is a church in Padua, Veneto, Italy. It contains a fresco cycle by Giotto, completed about 1305, one of the most important masterpieces of Western art. There are 24 paintings of the life of Christ.

#1 The Nativity of Jesus
#2 Adoration of the Magi
#3 Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
#4 The Flight to Egypt
#5 The Massacre of the Innocents: Herod's soldiers search for the Christ Child, slaying as they go. Their grisly work lies at the bottom of the page--a naked jumble of little bodies.

"What are those from, Mommy?"A three-year old boy discovered that there is a dark side to Christmas, when his mother was reading him a book illustrated with Giotto's paintings of the birth of Christ.

We all know the story. King Herod ordered his soldiers to kill "all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under" (Matt. 2:16). And Matthew said, "Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be comforted, because they are no more." (Matt. 2:17-18)

Do you hear Rachel weeping?

We like the bright side of Christmas, the tidings of comfort and joy. If you go to the malls today, you hear the music of comfort and joy. You don't hear the weeping of Rachel.Yet in biblical account of the Christmas story and in the choruses of the angelic joyful songs, "Peace on earth and good will among men," there is this dark side of Christmas, mothers weeping for their lost sons. The angel voices, the shepherds' joy, and the magi's visit do not tell the whole story.  In a world where peace on earth is more hope than reality, there is this dark side of Christmas.

I. Christmas Grief

1. Remember Rachel? Wife of Jacob, one of the mothers of the Jewish people. (Gen. 35:16-20), one of the most beautiful women in the Bible, the love of her husband, Jacob. At the prime of her life, she died after giving birth to her second child Benjamin. She was buried on the roadside to the City of Bethlehem. A sad story indeed

2. A thousand years later Jeremiah watched Rachel's offspring trudging into exile down that same road. After a siege in which many had starved and an assault when many more fell to the sword, the victorious Babylonian army now dragged Jews off to Ramah, a holding camp where they were chained for the long march north to Babylon. What a grim place that must have been. The prophet wrote, "A voice is heard in Ramah, Rachel weeping inconsolably for her lost children." (Jer. 31:16 )

3. Christian author Wendy Zoba writes, "A mother weeping for her lost children is as bad as it gets in this life. It is God's metaphor for the apogee of anguish." (Christianity Today, December 8, 1997)

  • I think of the mother of her only son who committed suicide. The pains and the weeping... (Chris Tam and his mother Grace Tam)
  • I think of the mother who wept uncontrollably at the death-bed of her grown cancer-stricken daughter, "Daughter, I am sorry that I couldn't help you much." (Mrs. Chu and Julia Chu)
  • I think of the mother who held the dead body of her newborn son in arms and wept. The son died in surgery of a heart deflect a day after he was born. (Mei Wong and Michael Wong's story)
  • I think of the mother who wandered dangerous streets looking for her wayward son (Angela and Christopher Yuan's story, Out of a Far Country, Moody Press, 2012)
  • Think of the mothers of the babies who were burned to death in a home childcare in Houston not long ago when the babysitter left the children alone and went shopping.
Can you hear Rachel weeping?

This is a Russian Christmas Oratorio depicting Rachel weeping sung by a soprano. The piece is by Hilarion Alfeyev (born 24 July 1966) is a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church.

A mother named Vickilynn Haycraft wrote a prayer after her 3-year old son died suddenly on a playground from a genetic disorder.

How can I say
all that's in my heart?
Did you turn away?
You let my boy die,
You could have healed.
I never said good-bye.

She speaks of all the Rachels of this world.

4. My own experience: Derek was very sick one day when he was 3 or 4. He went into seizure and turned his eyes and his face turned black. We rushed him to the hospital. The doctor put him on the table and stick a long needle at his spine. He was crying loudly and said, "Daddy, Daddy, don't go. I am sorry", when the doctor ordered me out of the room.

5. Christmas grief is real. More grief than joy! More sorrow than gladness! More tears than laughter! More sadness than peace!

    II. God Enters Our Grief

    1. 700 years after Jeremiah invoked Rachel as the quintessential mourner, Herod gave another generation reason to mourn. This paranoid king has already killed wives, sons, and others he feared as potential threats. So when the Magi came with news of a newborn King, he killed a bunch more.

    History never recorded his Massacre. There is no extra-biblical documentation of Herod's heinous act. But Bethlehem was truly a "little town" with a population of between 300 to 1,000. So it is very possible that there were the deaths of a only few children ("perhaps a dozen or so, according to D. A. Carson).

    But Matthew sees this as prophecy fulfilled.

    2. Matthew read the OT very differently. Everything in Israel's story is now seen in light of the Jesus story. Not only are there explicit predictions of Messiah, there are foreshadowings of Messiah. Repeatedly in Matthew's Christmas story, Matthew writes, "This happened to fulfill what the Scriptures had said."

    Here in Matthew 2:18, Bethlehem's grief echoes the weeping of Jeremiah's generation. in the region of Bethlehem and Ramah, Rachel was weeping again.

    3. Has anyone ever wondered why, if God could send an angel to warn Mary and Joseph to flee, why didn't He send angels to the other parents of Bethlehem? Jesus was the only baby who escaped. If Jesus escaped, why did all those other babies have to die?

    If God ever intervenes to deliver, why doesn't he deliver my loved ones?
    • Example 1
    • Example 2
    4. It is worth noting that in Matthew, God really did not spare His Son. Jesus was rescued from Herod only to be crucified under Pontius Pilate. In Bethlehem, God's only Son escaped from Herod so that on Golgotha He could die so that the rest of us might escape. No angel came that afternoon, God turned His back. And Jesus was NOT delivered from evil. His mother wept.

    And in that there is the comfort for Rachel.

    III. Christ Comforts Those Who Grieve

    1. Go back to Jeremiah. His message is not just a message of grief. His message is a message of hope. Jeremiah says, God hears Rachel's cry. He cares about her grief. And God intends to do something about it.

    God will come to the rescue of His people. "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears."I am the sovereign One. I will make things right."

    2. Word study on "comfort": it is a compound word. para + kaleo; parallel or walk alongside + call to. The word has two meanings: 1) appeal, plead, invite; 2) comfort, in the sense of coming alongside to provide aids.

    Paul said in 2 Cor. 7:6 that God has sent Titus to him to comfort him. And in Col. 4:7, Paul sent Tychicus to them to comfort them. And the word often associates with hope (1 Thess. 2:16; 1 Cor. 1:7).

    This is exactly the meaning of Christmas. God has sent His only Begotten Son to us on that first Christmas Day to walk alongside with us to provide aids and comfort us. One day the Christmas Child would return. And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. (Rev. 21:4)

    3. Matthew knows that the time foretold by Jeremiah has come. It is not only Christmas but there is Good Friday and Easter, too. In the babe of Bethlehem, God is working for the salvation of all the babies of Bethlehem--and for everyone else. This is good news, the only good news, that can comfort the Rachels of the world.

    The only boy to escape Herod is the only one can comfort Rachel.

    Jesus lived through that brutal night to be brutalized on the cross. There he suffered the worst the world can do to us, redeeming suffering, assuring us that even in the darkest moment God is working for our good. There he suffered the Father's wrath against us, suffering what we should have suffered. By escaping the evil of Herod, he dealt decisively with evil. He began an age-long reversal of the curse, undoing sin and death. He is going to wept away all our tears and stopping Rachel's weeping forever.

    Grief is real, but it is not ultimate. Rachel will be comforted. Loss is keen, but it will not have the last word. Weeping will turn to joy. Matthew is honest about the dark side of Christmas but the dark side is not the whole story or the most important part of the story. It is the turning point of our world.

    Jeremiah prophecies that when the Messiah comes, the children will be returned. Rachel will be comforted. We who are in grief will be comforted.

    4. God comforts us in our grief.
    • The story of Pamela: The Rachel Foundation for Family Reintegration
    There was a time many years ago when Pamela was struggling to keep her children. They had been severely alienated, and she was in the midst of a prolonged court battle. These were the times when reunifications were clumsy and professionals deemed reintegration all but impossible.

    The day came when a psychologist advised Pamela that her situation was hopeless and that she would be better off by far to just put the whole matter behind her and get on with her life.

    Pamela was devastated. She tried to imagine life without her children, but couldn't. Surely, she felt, God has abandoned me. Before giving up completely, though, she reached for her Bible to check in with God one last time.

    Quite by accident, the Bible fell open to the passage from Jeremiah that says: "A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping. It is the sound of Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted because her children are no more."

    Pamela threw the Bible aside and fell to the floor weeping. But a tiny inner voice spoke softly, urging her to read on. "Not likely," she said. "Enough! I've had it!"

    Once again the voice spoke, a little more insistently, "Read on." This time Pamela had the perfect excuse. "I've closed the Bible," she said. "I have no idea where I read those words. I could never find them again!"

    Nevertheless, Pamela picked herself up from the floor, retrieved the Bible and reluctantly let it fall open again. Incredibly, it opened to the very same page and Pamela read on, transfixed.

    "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears," she read, "for the Lord is pleased with the work you will do. 'They will return from the land of the enemy, so there is hope for your future,' declares the Lord. Your children will return to their own land."

    Says Pamela, "As I read those words, my life and my future were transformed. At that moment I claimed those words as God's promise to me. A new energy born of hope filled my heart, and I resolved never, ever to give up on loving my children."

    From that beginning, Pamela started a journey that continues to this day. She finished her court battles, winning a landmark decision and successfully reintegrating with her children. She started working with others who contacted her, having learned of her story through the media. She founded a self-help group and started to envision and develop solutions, practical, workable, affordable reintegration solutions based on her own and others experiences.

    Pamela and Bob registered the domain name on September 12, 2000. Incorporation followed on October 6, 2000. And every day since has been the experience of bringing Rachel's promise, Rachel?s message of hope, to families torn apart by abduction and alienation.


    Maybe God knows someone here needs to hear Jeremiah's words. Maybe many of us need the reminder that on this side of heaven, there is always a dark side to Christmas. But the only boy to escape Herod is the only one who can comfort Rachel.

    The lighting of the second candle of the Advent candles is to remind us of the hope of Christmas. Where you are, whatever you do, remind the hope that comes with the Christmas Child. Don't lose hope. You will be comforted.

    "I heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is a song based on the poem, "Christmas Day" by Henry Longfellow, a poet in 1863. He wrote the poem when he received the news that his son was killed in battle during the civil war and his wife was killed in a fire. It was Christmas time. He heard the bells of Christmas ringing, the sounds of peace on earth and good-will to men. Yet not all was well. He was in grief.

    The music is set by Casting Crown. When we hear this Christmas carol, let us be reminded that God has entered into our world to bring us hope even in the midst of tears.

    Wednesday, December 5, 2012

    將臨期系列(二):哭泣中的盼望,太二 16-18


    2012.12.09 粵語堂
    2012.12.09 英語堂


    1. 意大利的北部的帕多瓦市(Padua),有一個著名的小教堂,名叫史格羅維尼(Cappella degli Scrovegni),教堂的三幅牆上,有十四世紀的名畫家喬托(Giotto)三十八幅連環的宗教壁畫,其中在右牆與左牆上的廿四幅是關於耶穌生平的畫,是西方藝術的精品。






    一個三歲的孩子指著這些被殺的嬰孩問他的媽媽:「媽,這是什麼?」 他發現了聖誕黑暗悲哀的一面!

    2. 馬太第二章記載希律王下令「將伯利恆城裡並四境所有的男孩,凡兩歲以裡的,都殺盡了。」(太二 16),這個故事我們都熟識,馬太繼續説:「這就應了先知耶利米的話,説:在拉瑪聽見號咷大哭的聲音,是拉結哭他兒女,不肯受安慰,因為他們都不在了。」(17-18)


    3. 我們喜歡聖誕節歡愉的聲音,天使報佳音讚美神的聲音,牧羊人驚訝而喜出望外的聲音,東方博士朝見新生王神聖歡喜的聲音,今天在各大商場播放聖誕悠揚節日的音樂,但在馬太的聖誕故事中,卻包含了母親為兒女傷心欲絶的哭泣聲,這是聖誕黑暗悲哀的一面!


    1. 你記得拉結嗎?她是以色列的先祖雅各的愛妻,是聖經中數一數二的美女,是以色列的先祖母之一,但年輕的時候,在生下便雅憫之後,難產而死,沒有机會看見自己的兒女長大,雅各將她埋葬在伯利恒之外的路旁(參創三十五 16-20),是一件令人傷心難過的事。

    2. 約一千年後,先知耶利米目睹拉結的兒女--猶太人,在同一條的路上,被巴比倫人擄到耶路撒冷以北六哩的一個稱拉瑪(Ramah)的地方,在那裡被屠殺,或上了鎖鏈,走上被擄到巴比倫亡國為奴的不歸路,「耶和華如此說:在拉瑪聽見號咷痛哭的聲音,是拉結哭他兒女,不肯受安慰,因為他們都不在了。」(耶三十一 15),拉結為失喪的兒女而哭泣,代表著當時國破家亡,被擄巴比倫的痛苦!

    3. 七百年之後,在耶穌誕生的故事之中,發生了希律王屠殺伯利恆與附近地方嬰孩的悲劇,在同一個地方,拉結為失喪的兒女而哭泣,拉結成為所有失去兒女的母親之代表,她的哭泣顯出了聖誕黑暗的一面。

    3. 有人説:「 母親為失去的兒女號咷大哭,是世上是悲慘的聲音,是聖經形容人經歷最高點的痛苦!」(Wendy Zoba, Rachel Weeping, Christianity Today, December 8, 1997)

    • 我親眼目睹母親為自殺而死的兒子在醫院的病床前號咷大哭,拒絕接受孩子已經過去!那情景我畢生難忘!
    • 我親耳聽見八十多歲的母親站在快要離死的女兒病床前,低聲飲泣,對病危的女兒説:「女兒!女兒!對不起,我沒有辦法幫助你了!」天地之大,卻沒有任何的力量可以化解那天中午在那醫院房間的悲傷!
    • 一個年輕剛剛生下第一胎的母親,兒子出生之後發現有嚴重先天性的心臟病,一天之後在手術床上過世,母親抱著兒子的屍身,血仍然從鼻孔中流出,媽媽為失去的兒子,號咷大哭,不能自已,當時我站在他們身邊,那一幕刻骨銘心,我不能忘記!
    • 還有我在書本上讀過,一個母親買了單程的火車票,去尋找失落的兒子,她走遍市中紅燈區的同性戀酒吧,夜總會,去到沒有人敢去的地方,準備見失落的兒子最後一面之後就自殺,(Angela and Christopher Yuan's story, Out of a Far Country, Moody Press, 2012),做母親的不知道為這兒子掉了多少的眼淚!
    • 最近休士頓一托兒所失火,托兒所的人把孩子們留在托兒所,出門購物去,四個嬰孩被活生生的燒死,你可以想像這四位孩子的母親之痛苦!早上把孩子送去托兒所,從未想過這是最後的一面,孩子會被燒死,那真是人間最大的悲劇!


    以下是耶蘇聯更正教的一位主教,Hilarion Alfeyev 寫的一首聖誕清唱劇,描寫拉結的哭泣,用一支小號的悲嗚配上一女高音,把這段慘絕人寰的經文聲音化,請留心的收聽,體會一下拉結的哭泣!


    By Vickilynn Haycraft
    How can I say
    all that's in my heart?
    Did you turn away?
    You let my boy die,
    You could have healed.
    I never said good-bye.






    1. 耶利米用拉結的哭泣來形容猶大被擄的痛苦之後七百年,希律王的命令帶來同一樣的痛苦,這位殘暴的君王,疑心極重,動不動就殺人,甚至把自己最愛的妻子與本來要繼承王位的兩個親生兒子都殺掉,當東方的博士説伯利恆有新生的王誕生,他算一算日子,下令把伯利恆與附近地區兩歲以下的孩子殺死。

    2. 歷史上沒有記載希律屠殺伯利恆的嬰孩,不是説這是沒有發生的事,因為伯利恆真的是一「小小的伯利恆」(Little town of Bethlehem),當時的人口可能只有三百至一千人,根據名解經家 D. A. Carson 的估計,受殺害的嬰孩可能不出十二個。

    3. 但馬太卻利用這事故,説應了耶利米的話!馬太的意思非常深遠,道出了耶穌誕生的的真義。



    4. 或者你會問,為什麼神不差遣天使去通知伯利恆的母親?趕快逃難?正如神差遣天使去通知約瑟與馬利亞離開伯利恆逃往埃及去一樣,拉結的哭聲本可以避免的,為什麼神不干預?不出手?不拯救?只拯救了耶穌一人?




    1. 我們必需再回到耶利米的預言,耶利米三十一章十五節,拉結為失去的兒女的哭聲雖然是痛苦,但上下文卻是充滿了希望,耶利米書三十至三十一章是稱為「安慰之書」(The Book of Consolation),拉瑪雖然是代表了人類憂傷的最高點,但卻不是人類的終點,將要來的彌賽亞帶給人類盼望與安慰,耶利米書三十一章三十一至三十四節是神與他的子民立「新約」的經文,神要將律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們心上,並要作他們的神,赦免他們的罪孽,不再記念他們的罪惡,他們從最小的到至大的都必認識神。

    「耶和華說:「日子將到,我要與以色列家和猶大家另立新約,不像我拉著他們祖宗的手,領他們出埃及地的時候,與他們所立的約。我雖作他們的丈夫,他們卻背了我的約。這是耶和華說的。」耶和華說:「那些日子以後,我與以色列家所立的約乃是這樣:我要將我的律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們心上。我要作他們的神,他們要作我的子民。他們各人不再教導自己的鄰舍和自己的弟兄說:『你該認識耶和華』,因為他們從最小的到至大的都必認識我。我要赦免他們的罪孽,不再記念他們的罪惡。這是耶和華說的。」(耶三十一 31-34)

    2. 兩章聖經充滿了彌賽亞降臨的新氣象,充滿了喜樂與盼望,流淚的先知在淚水中憑信心看見了救主降臨的應許,馬太與其他猶太人非常熟識耶利米的預言,馬太引用耶利米有第二重的心意是要指出哭泣中的盼望。伯利恆的屠殺,拉結的哭泣聲之中,彌賽亞降臨了,他不單只進入人類的憂患與痛苦,他更帶來了哭泣中的盼望!

    3. 請注意馬太表面上好像是神只保守了耶穌,神差遣天使告訴約瑟與馬利亞帶著新生的嬰孩,逃往埃及,而不顧其他伯利恆與附近地方的嬰孩的性命,但其實那逃離希律屠殺唯一的男孩卻是唯一能帶來哭泣中安慰的人!逃離伯利恆的嬰孩最終走上了各各他的十字架,拯救世人脱離罪惡的憂患,解決了痛苦真正的根由,「因他受的刑罰,我們得平安;因他受的鞭傷,我們得醫治。」(賽五十三 5)帶來我們哭泣中的安慰,這是聖誕的真義!

    4. 耶利米在拉結的哭泣之後的經文,第十六節預言彌賽亞降臨時,説:「你禁止聲音不要哀哭,禁止眼目不要流淚,」這是耶和華說的。(耶三十一 16)「他們雖然哭泣而來。我要照他們懇求的引導他們,使他們在河水旁走正直的路,在其上不至絆跌;因為我是以色列的父,以法蓮是我的長子。」(耶三十一 9)。

    5. 「安慰」(παρακαλέω )(comfort)(太二 18),在希臘文中是由兩個字組成的:

    2)呼叫(καλέω)(to call)。


    1)求助、請求與我同步(appeal, implore, plead, invite);
    2)安慰、鼓勵、勸慰(comfort, encourage, exhort),因為有人同行與幫助(come alongside to aid)。

    在新約的用法包括:保羅因為提多的來臨把哥林多教會悔改的消息帶來而得「安慰」(林後七 6);保羅差推基古去歌羅西教會,好叫歌羅西的教會得安慰(歌四 7);另外,「安慰」常與「盼望」一起(參帖前二 16;林前一 7)。

    這正是耶穌誕生的目的與意義,神降臨人間,行走在我們的當中,經歷我們的憂患,担當我們的痛苦,帶來了安慰與盼望,給我們開了一條通天之路,成就了救恩,有一天,生在馬糟的聖嬰,要擦乾一切的眼淚,死人要復活,不再有痛苦,不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,神要永遠與人同住,不再有黑暗,神要作人永遠的光!(參啟廿一 4;廿二 5)這是拉結哭泣中的盼望與安慰!


    6. 我們的憂傷正如拉結的哭泣是真實的,是撕裂人心的,但不是終極的,拉結必因新生的聖嬰而得安慰;我們的損失是刻骨銘心,無法補償的,但卻不是我們的結局,我們的哭泣必要轉為歡笑,悲哀必變為喜樂,馬太誠實地報導了聖誕黑暗的一面,但黑暗的一面卻不是全部的故事,也不是故事最重要的一部分,耶穌的誕生紐轉了我們的世界,帶來哭泣中的安慰與盼望。

    7. 例子:「拉結之家」 Pamela Hoch 的故事,發生在 Texas Hill Country,德州聖安東尼以北的地方,Pamela 一直在爭扎,希望能與他的兒女重聚,事情在法庭已經拖了很久,花了不少的錢,但結果卻不樂觀,分離的痛苦,令他沒有辦法忍受,使他非常沮喪,終日以淚洗臉。

    一天 Pamela 心理醫生告訴他,沒有希望了,勸他放棄他的孩子,重覓新生。Pamela 傷心欲絕,覺得神離棄了他,在痛苦中他打開聖經,希望聽聽神是否有最後一次的説話,他打開聖經,剛好翻開耶利米書三十一章十五節:「在拉瑪聽見號咷痛哭的聲音,是拉結哭他兒女,不肯受安慰,因為他們都不在了。」Pamela 痛苦地把聖經擲在地上,然後抱頭大哭。忽然有一個微小的聲音對他説:「繼續念下去!」他回答説:「不!我已經受夠了!」但那個聲音繼續說:「繼續念下去!」





    1. 或者我們當中,有人需要聽一聽耶利米書三十一章的應許,或許我們需要提醒自己,在天堂的這一邊,聖誕仍有那黑暗的一面,聖誕的憂傷是真實的,但聖誕出生的那一位彌賽亞救主,帶來了哭泣中的盼望。


    2. 今天我們點燃「將臨期的第二根蠟燭」,代表著聖誕帶來的盼望,當你看見這小小的燭火的時候,你要提醒自己,救主降臨,希望重現人間,不論你身處任何的環境,經歷了任何的憂傷,救主已經誕生在伯利恆,你必不至遭害,他必擦乾你的眼淚,不再有死亡,不再有痛苦。

    3. 最後,我想與大家一同分享這一首聖誕的音樂,"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day",一般時候,聖誕的鐘聲帶來的是歡笑,天使報的佳音是:「在至高之處榮耀歸與神!在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人」(路二 14),但在一八六三年,對美國詩人 Henry Longfellow 卻不是這樣,聖誕的聲音是「拉結哭泣」的聲音,他的兒子戰死沙塲,而他旳妻子在一場意外的大火中喪生,他寫下這一首的詩,聖誕的憂傷好像在譏諷天使的佳音,但他仍然相信救主降臨,帶來了哭泣中的盼望。

    Casting Crown 將這首詩配上了音樂,我們聽的時候,讓我們的心得安慰,散會之後,你若有任何的憂傷,需要代禱的,你可以找任何一位牧師或長老,我們願意為你代禱。

    I heard the bells on Christmas Day
    Their old, familiar carols play,
    and wild and sweet
    The words repeat
    Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

    And thought how, as the day had come,
    The belfries of all Christendom
    Had rolled along
    The unbroken song
    Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

    Till ringing, singing on its way,
    The world revolved from night to day,
    A voice, a chime,
    A chant sublime
    Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

    Then from each black, accursed mouth
    The cannon thundered in the South,
    And with the sound
    The carols drowned
    Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

    It was as if an earthquake rent
    The hearth-stones of a continent,
    And made forlorn
    The households born
    Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

    And in despair I bowed my head;
    "There is no peace on earth," I said;
    "For hate is strong,
    And mocks the song
    Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

    Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
    "God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
    The Wrong shall fail,
    The Right prevail,
    With peace on earth, good-will to men."

    5. "I Head the Bells on Christmas Day," Sang by Casting Crown


    1. 聖誕的聲音是什麼?請形容你對聖誕各種聲音的印象,這些的聲音是否包括哭泣的聲音?
    2. 聖誕憂傷是真實的,你同意嗎?請分享你在聖誕憂傷的經歷。
    3. 母親為失去的兒女而哭泣,有人説這是人間最悲傷的代表,你同意嗎?你有見過或聽過這樣的經歷嗎?請分享。
    4. 耶利米三十一章的預言是安慰的信息,請細讀十五至三十四節,分享你對這預言的了解。
    5. 為什麼馬太引用耶利米去解釋希律屠殺伯利恆的男孩?而且説「這應了耶利米的話」?
    6. 將臨節的第二根蠟燭是「盼望的蠟燭」,它的燭光提醒我們聖誕帶來的希望,請分享這盼望對你的意義,耶穌的誕生帶給你什麼的安慰?
    7. 憂傷的人如何得安慰?安慰在聖經中是什麼意思?


    1. 講章的中心,是聖誕降臨的救主耶穌,他是唯一逃離希律屠殺的男孩,但他卻是唯一能帶來哭泣中的盼望的人,耶利米書「安慰之歌」的預言,馬太説:在耶穌降世的故事中應驗了!聖誕的憂傷在主耶穌的降臨中得了安慰,馬太第二章的經文,從經文的背景與舊約的預言中,成為講章的氣勢。

    2. 參考的資料之一是今日基督教雜誌,一九九七年的一篇文章:

    3. 這一篇的講章是先寫英文的講稿,再寫中文的講稿,再回去修改英文的講稿,用的字彙稍有不同,例子除了一、兩個之外大致一樣,應用也稍有不同的重點,因為英語的會眾比較年輕,文化較接近後現代的思想,講章也較中文為短。

    4. 音樂家好友鄭牧師介紹俄國的一段清唱逾劇,把「拉結的哭泣」變為聲音,會眾可以從聽覺中去體會拉結的哭泣,不知會眾的感覺如何?點上將臨期希望之燈,希望讓會眾能在視覺中提醒自己耶穌是我們聖誕的盼望。

    5. 同工李牧師在每週講道會議上,建議的聖誕詩歌,"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day",詩歌的背景與歌詞很適合作為講道的結束。

    6. 講道之後,會眾的反應反映聖誕的憂傷、母親為失落的兒女之悲情,1)有一位弟兄回想他年輕的時候忽然去世的弟弟,他的母親之難過是一輩子的;2)另一位母親來信分享她的感受,為女兒的憂心,但願聖誕的盼望成為我們的安慰,我們何等需要從神的話語中得著力量。