The Blessed Maria
路 1:26-38; 11:27-28
Luke 1:26-38; 11:27-28
Christmas Joint Service
Pastor Brian Lam
Fort Bend Community Church
1. 人類歷史上最有名的女人是誰?我把這問題去問人工智能(AI) ChatGPT,ChatGPT 給我八個選擇,包括這幾位女性:
Who is the most famous woman in human history? I asked this question to ChatGPT, and ChatGPT replied with the following eight options:
a. 埃及豔后(克麗奧佩脫拉七世,Cleopatra VII)埃及最後一位法老
Cleopatra VII was the last pharaoh of Egypt, also known as the legendary Queen of Egypt.
b. 伊莉莎白一世女王,被稱為「童貞女王」(Virgin Queen),她統治英格蘭,鞏固了英格蘭作為一個強國的黃金時代。
Queen Elizabeth I, referred to as the "Virgin Queen," ruled England during its Golden Age.
c. 瑪麗·居禮(Marie Curie),著名的科學家,首位獲得諾貝爾獎的女性,也是唯一獲得兩個不同科學領域諾貝爾獎的人:物理與化學。
Marie Curie, a famous scientist, was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to have won Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry.
d. 德蘭修女(Mother Teresa),以無私奉獻和慈善事業聞名於世,德蘭修女照顧窮人和病患,成為慈悲與愛的象徵,並獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。
Mother Teresa, celebrated for her selfless devotion and charitable work, cared for the poor and sick, symbolizing compassion and love. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
e. 戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana),被譽為「人民的王妃」,廣受全球愛戴。她與德蘭修女同一天過世。
Princess Diana, known as the "People's Princess," was globally beloved and passed away on the same day as Mother Teresa.
f. 最後一位是耶穌的母親瑪利亞。
Lastly, Mary, the mother of Jesus
2. 最後 ChatGPT 總結:這些女性中的每一位都對文化、靈性或社會有巨大的影響力。然而,耶穌的母親瑪利亞,毫無異議是全球歷史上最廣為人知、最受人敬仰的女性,然後問我:你同意嗎?我非常同意!你們同意嗎?
ChatGPT concluded: Each of these women has incredibly influenced culture, spirituality, or society. But Mary, the mother of Jesus, is without a doubt the most widely known and revered woman in history. Then it asked me: What do you think? I completely agree! How about you?
ChatGPT, prompt "Who is the most famous woman in human history?", December 17, 2024, OpenAI, https://chatgpt.com.
3. 描繪聖母瑪利亞的聖像(icons)和彩色玻璃窗隨處可見。拜占庭(Byzantine)的聖母瑪利亞聖像將她描繪成 「天主之母」。在右邊:MP是希臘文母親的首個字母,在左邊:ThY 是希臘文上帝的首個字母 :「上帝之母」是早期教會對瑪利亞的稱呼。
Depictions of the Virgin Mary in icons and stained glass windows are found everywhere. Byzantine icons often portray the Virgin Mary as the "Mother of God." On the right, "MP" is the first letter of the Greek word for mother, and on the left, "ThY" is the first letter of God in Greek. The early church used the title "Mother of God" to refer to Mary.
4. 早期教會從不稱瑪利亞為聖母瑪利亞(Holy Mary)。但她被稱為 「Theotokos」即神的母親。theos 的意思是神,而 tiktein 的意思是 「生育」。瑪利亞是誕下上帝的母親,是誕生上帝的人。這個稱號是由公元 431 年的以弗所會議所定的,指的是瑪利亞是道成肉身神的兒子的母親。慶祝她的節日是 1 月 1 日,還有 10 天就要到了。
The early church never referred to Mary as "Holy Mary." Instead, she was called "Theotokos," which means "Mother of God." The word "theos" means God, and "tiktein" means "to give birth." So, Mary is the one who gave birth to God. This title was officially recognized at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, confirming that Mary is the mother of the incarnate Son of God. Her feast day is on January 1st, just in 10 days.
5. 「上帝之母」 這個稱謂是正確的,聖經中也有記載。路加福音 1:41-43。伊利莎白被聖靈充滿。她向馬利亞喊叫說:「我主的母親到我這裡來,是怎麼一回事呢?我主的母親(the mother of my Lord),「我的主」在路加福音開始直到這裡都是指「上帝」,伊利莎白指的是在馬利亞腹中之彌賽亞,馬利亞是彌賽亞之母親,「上帝之母」是從聖經來馬利亞的第一個稱呼。
The title "Mother of God" is correct and is supported by Scripture. In Luke 1:41-43, when Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, she cried out with a loud voice and said, “And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me?" In this context, "my Lord" refers to God, and Elizabeth refers to the Messiah growing in Mary's womb. Mary is the mother of the Messiah, and "Mother of God" is the first biblical title for Mary.
6. 馬利亞聖經中第二個稱呼:是「有福的馬利亞」(The Blessed Maria),路加五次稱生下基督的童貞女馬利亞為「有福的馬利亞」:天使兩次說,是「蒙大恩的馬利亞」(1:28; 30),伊利莎白兩次稱馬利亞為「有福的馬利亞」(1:42; 45),馬利亞自稱「萬代都要稱我有福!」(1:48)
The second title for Mary in the Bible is "The Blessed Maria." In Luke, Mary, the virgin who gave birth to Christ, is called "blessed" five times. The angel calls her "favored" twice (Luke 1:28; 1:30). Elizabeth also calls her "blessed" twice (Luke 1:42; 1:45). Mary herself declares, "All generations will call me blessed!" (Luke 1:48).
7. 「有福」(blessed)的意思:在新約聖經中是指一種深層次的祝福或滿足,並不僅僅是指外在的物質富足或世俗的成功,而是與上帝的關係和靈性狀態相關的內在幸福與平安。這種「福」通常是超越世俗環境的,它強調與神同在的滿足感和永恆的應許。「有福」通常意味著得到神的喜悅,並與祂建立親密的關係。這與世俗對幸福的定義形成對比,後者常基於短暫的享樂或成就。例子:靈裡貧窮的人有福了(太5:3),表示那些承認自己靈性需要、依靠神的人將得到天國的祝福。
"Blessed" in the New Testament means something more profound than having material wealth or worldly success. It’s about inner fulfillment that comes from being close to God and having peace with Him. This kind of blessing isn’t about your earthly circumstances but the satisfaction and eternal promises you find in your relationship with God. Being "blessed" means you’re in God’s favor and you have a close, personal relationship with Him. This differs from how the world defines happiness, which often focuses on temporary pleasures or accomplishments. For example, Matthew 5:3, ”Blessed are the poor in spirit," says that those who recognize their need for God and depend on Him will experience the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven.
8. 著名的拉丁禱文聖母頌「萬福瑪利亞」(Ave Maria),Ave Maria 的意思是「有福的瑪利亞」,瑪利亞確實是有福的。我們要回答兩個問題:為什麼是萬福的瑪利亞?瑪利亞為什麼是有福的?第二、這跟我們有什麼關係?我們如何成為有福的人?
The famous Latin prayer, "Ave Maria," means "Blessed Mary," and indeed, Mary is blessed. We must answer two questions: First, why is “blessed Mary"? Why is she blessed? Second, what does this mean for us? How can we become blessed?
9. 經文是路加福音 1:26-38,這段經文稱為「天使報喜」(The Annunciation),
Luke 1:26-38, known as "The Annunciation,"
26-27 是佈局,人物只有兩個:天使與馬利亞,他們有三段對話,最後天使離開而結束。
In verses 26-27, the scene is set. There are only two characters: the angel and Mary. They have three back-and-forth conversations, and the scene ends with the angel leaving.
一、馬利亞因順服而蒙福 路加福音 1:26-38
Mary was blessed because of obedience.
1:26 到了第六個月,天使加百列奉神差遣,往加利利的拿撒勒城去, 27 到了一個
1:26 In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David; the virgin’s name was Mary.
路加兩次提到馬利亞是「童貞女」(virgin),是訂了婚還未有成婚的女子,當時訂婚的年齡大概只有十四到十八歲。從聖靈感孕,童貞女生子是前無古人、後無來者,一等一的神蹟,最神奇不可思議科學無法驗證的事,羅馬天主教稱她為有福的童貞女瑪利亞(the blessed virgin Mary),重點在馬利亞是童貞女。但馬利亞有福不是因為她童貞女生子是多麽神奇的事,聖經從來沒有這樣說過。
Luke referred to Mary as a 'virgin' twice. She was a young woman, engaged but unmarried, likely between fourteen and eighteen years old. She conceived through the Holy Spirit; a virgin giving birth was a unique, miraculous event—something that had never happened before or since. It's an incredible mystery that science can’t explain. The Catholic Church calls her the 'Blessed Virgin Mary,' emphasizing her virginity. But Mary was blessed, not because of the miracle that she gave birth as a virgin; the Bible never says that.
聖經中,馬利亞童貞女生子,只有路加福音在這裡27節提了兩次,在四本福音書中,約翰和馬可從未提及。馬太福音引用以賽亞書第七章暗示過一次,「必有童女懷孕生子」(賽 7:14),沒有直接說馬利亞童貞女生子,十二門徒從來沒有談論過,「我們聽說耶穌是童貞女所生!」沒有!保羅的十三封信一次也沒有提到。彼得沒有提過、約翰的五卷書也沒有提過。很明顯,馬利亞並不是因為童貞女生子而著名的,這是後來的人,天主教強調的。
Luke is the only Gospel that mentions Mary as a virgin giving birth. It appears twice in Luke 1:27, but John and Mark never mention it. Matthew hints at it, quoting Isaiah 7:14, ‘the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,' but it doesn’t directly say that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth. The twelve apostles never discussed it either. No one said, 'We heard that Jesus was born of a virgin!' In their writings, Paul never mentions it in his thirteen letters, nor do Peter or John. Mary wasn’t famous because she gave birth as a virgin—that’s something that came later, emphasized by the Catholic Church.
Mary herself would be the one who knows best about her virgin birth, but she didn’t go around telling everyone or promoting it. The Bible never says she was blessed because she gave birth as a virgin.
第二、童貞女名字叫馬利亞 Maria in Greek,一個普通到不能再普通女性的名字,在新約就最少有六個馬利亞。家庭背景聖經一個字都沒有說。馬利亞有福不是因為她的家庭背景,不是因為家裡有錢、或者她有很顯著的父母,馬利亞有福不是因為她是誰。
Second, the name Mary (Maria in Greek) was typical back then. There were at least six Marys in the New Testament. The Bible doesn’t mention anything about Mary's family background. Mary was blessed not because of who her family was, who her parents were, or who she was.
Third, Mary was blessed not because of how she looked. The Bible doesn’t describe what she looked like at all. I want to ask all the children to imagine Mary’s face and what she looks like. Then, draw a picture of the ‘Blessed Mary’. We don’t know what she looked like. Mary was an ordinary woman, and if you saw her walking down the street, you probably wouldn’t give her a second glance.
So, why was Mary blessed? Let’s examine the Annunciation and the three conversations between the angel and Mary.
他們第一輪的對話:28 天使進去,對她說:「蒙大恩的女子,我問你安,主和你同在了!」29 馬利亞因這話就很驚慌,又反覆思想這樣問安是甚麼意思。
Round 1: And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be.
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. How would you picture an angel? Children, please draw a picture of an angel. Would you imagine one glowing? With wings? Wearing white? So obvious that you’d know immediately it’s an angel? In most artwork, angels are portrayed as chubby, white, glowing figures. But here's the issue with the translation: In this case, the Greek word used isn’t really "angel"—a more accurate translation would be "messenger." The messenger has a message to deliver, and it’s up to you whether you want to listen.
So, when Mary heard the messenger’s greeting, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!”
馬利亞的反應,並非想着要到處宣傳,我看到天使了!立刻來一張自拍selfie,登上「臉書」(Face Book),讓所有人知道天使來找過她,不是的,她是驚慌,很不安,她疑惑為何上帝的使者來找她,她為何害怕?因為她知道,天使來找她,必有重大的事,是什麼事呢? 因此她害怕,她害怕並非因為看見老鼠,而是知道,使者接下來要說的,並非簡單的事情。
Her reaction wasn’t to go out and tell everyone, 'Hey, I saw an angel!’ or grab a selfie to post on Facebook to let everyone know that an angel visited her. Instead, she was troubled and afraid. She wondered why God’s messenger would come to her. Why was she scared? Because she knew that if a messenger of God were visiting, it would be very serious. That’s why, not because she saw a rat, but because she knew the message the angel was about to deliver was essential.
果然,使者對她說(30節):「馬利亞,不要怕!你在神面前已經蒙恩了。」蒙恩(find favor)在這段經文是「有福」的同義詞,在神面前蒙恩是指什麼?考試合格?嫁個好對象?飛黃騰達?抽獎抽中了?進去長春藤的大學讀書?不是的,使者說:「你要懷孕生子,可以給他起名叫耶穌。他要為大,稱為至高者的兒子;主神要把他祖大衛的位給他。他要作雅各家的王,直到永遠;他的國永無窮盡。」
Round 2: The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” In this passage, "find favor" has the same meaning as “blessed." But what does it mean to find favor with God? Does it mean passing an exam? Marrying the right person? Achieving great success? Winning the lottery? Getting accepted into an Ivy League school? No. The messenger said, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
天使的話,是說明神的旨意,神拯救世人的大計,天使說的是耶穌,整段話都在介紹馬利亞將要生下的兒子 -- 耶穌,祂是上帝的兒子,祂來是要成為大衛的後裔,成為雅各(以色列)的王,祂是神的兒子,他的國沒有窮盡,直到永遠,一連串七個的介紹,馬利亞明白天使對耶穌的介紹,但她卻明白這件事如何能發生在她的身上,她該如何反應?使說:妳要懷孕 「馬利亞對天使說:我沒有出嫁,怎麼有這事呢?」
The angel’s words were meant to explain God’s plan for salvation. The angel talked about Jesus—the child Mary would soon carry. He is the Son of God, He will be a descendant of David, the king of Israel, and His kingdom there will be no end; it will last forever—7 key things about Jesus. Mary understood the angel’s description of Jesus but could not understand how this would happen to her. She wondered, And Mary asked the angel, “How will this be since I am a virgin?”
For Mary, this was impossible. Let’s set aside the idea of whether we believe in a virgin birth for a moment—Mary herself is struggling to accept it. "Did you make a mistake, angel? This can’t be right. Are you sure you’ve got the right person? There might be other Marys in Nazareth!"
The angel immediately responded to her question.
Round 3: The angel said this is not a problem; God’s plan is powerful, and He can make it happen.” The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore, the birth child will be called holy—the Son of God.”
To encourage Mary, the angel shared another news: “Your relative Elizabeth, in her old age, has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren.
The angel told Mary that this virgin birth was the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of God and that the child she would carry was the Son of God, and she would be the mother of God. What was Mary’s response?
In verse 38, Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”
Mary understood the message, and she gave two short but profound statements. The first is, "I am the servant of the Lord," meaning she was willing to obey God's word. Could she have refused? Absolutely. God never forces anyone to follow Him. The angel came only to deliver a message. At that point, nothing had happened yet—Mary wasn’t even pregnant. If she had said no, the angel would leave and said, "She didn’t want to do it. Let’s find another way." But Mary answered clearly, "Let it be to me according to your word."
When the angel came to Mary and told her about God’s plan, her decision completely changed her life forever. From that moment on, her life was never the same. Carrying and giving birth to Jesus only took about ten months, and raising Him may have taken a little over a decade. Jesus started His ministry at 30, was crucified, resurrected, and ascended. Mary saw every bit of it—she lived through the heartbreak and pain of all of it. After Jesus ascended, Mary remained on earth. She joined the church in Jerusalem and became one of His disciples. Tradition says she was taken to Ephesus by John and lived there until she died. But did you notice that Mary’s life was no longer the same? She obeyed God’s will for her; she didn’t live for her dreams anymore but embraced the mission God gave her. God asked her, 'Will you be the mother of Jesus?' And she said, 'Yes!'"
What do you think Mary’s tone was like when she answered the angel? This is important: Mary decided to obey God’s will. "Let it be to me according to your word,” Mary responded to the angel’s message—to God’s will. Who was she? She was the servant of the Lord and willing to obey God’s will: "Let it be to me according to your word.” How old was Mary back then? How old were Jewish girls getting married? Very young, certainly under 20. But she made the most critical decision of her life. She chose to obey God’s will. We don’t have to wait to make this decision to follow God. When I was young, at 21, I understood God’s calling to serve Him for the rest of my life, and I said, "I’m willing. I understand that if God’s will comes to me, I’m more than willing to obey."
Spiritual maturity isn’t about age—it’s about being willing to obey God’s plan.
"I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” A 15/16-year-old ordinary young girl chose to obey God’s will, which made her the "blessed Maria." What about you?
請你注意伊利莎白的話:42 高聲喊著說:「你在婦女中是有福的(第二人稱動詞、被動式完成時態)!我主的母親,你問安的聲音一入我耳,我腹裏的胎就歡喜跳動。45 這相信的女子是有福的(第三人稱形容詞)!因為主對她所說的話都要應驗。
Let’s pay attention to Elizabeth’s words: and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women the mother of my Lord, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”
1:42 「有福」是動詞,蒙福是基於馬利亞蒙神揀選為上帝的母親,1:45 「有福」是形容詞,是指快樂和幸福的狀態,是受神眷顧的人的快樂狀態,形容她蒙福的意義是因為她的信心而蒙福(Blessed is she who believe.)
In Luke 1:42, “blessed” is a verb; Mary was blessed because God chose her to be the mother of God. In verse 45, however, “blessed” is an adjective referring to a state of happiness and joy, a state of being favored by God. “Blessed is she who believed.”
It’s important to notice that Elizabeth used the second person in the first blessing: “Blessed are you among women” (1:42). While the second blessing is in the third person: “Blessed is she who believed” (1:45). This distinction shows that others are also invited to respond in faith, like Mary, and become blessed people. Mary serves as a model.
Now, let’s look at another important passage from Luke 11:
路11:27 耶穌正說這話的時候,眾人中間有一個女人大聲說:「懷你胎的和乳養你的有福了!」28 耶穌說:「是,卻還不如聽上帝之道而遵守的人有福。」
As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
只有路加福音記載了這段話,馬太、馬可、約翰均沒有提起這件事,耶穌正在講道,耶穌正在說話的時候 有個婦人大聲說:她在稱讚耶穌的母親,「懷你胎的和乳養你的有福了」,兒子這麼棒,定是母親教得好,是不是這個意思?我認為可能不是,這個女人可能在聽道時,她知道耶穌是神的兒子,因此,她認為耶穌的母親真了不得,她是「上帝的母親」(The Mother of God),耶穌的回答,耶穌的第一句話,說:「是」,我的母親是有福的,馬利亞自己也這樣說,「萬代要稱我有福」,她是有福的,遵行上帝旨意,是有福的道路,並非痛苦的道路,遵行神的旨意的確有福,不過耶穌澄清了一個觀念,是我們常有的觀念:沒錯,遵行神的旨意是有福的,不過馬利亞特別有福,因為她是耶穌的母親,有福的當中,耶穌的母親當然最有福,對比起其他女性,誰能比馬利亞更了不起呢,但耶穌並非這樣說,耶穌說「是」,是肯定馬利亞是有福的,但他之後繼續說:卻還不如聽神之道而遵守的任何一人有福,奇怪吧?
This event was only recorded in Luke. Matthew, Mark, and John did not mention it. While Jesus was preaching, a woman from the crowd raised her voice and praised His mother, saying, "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts at which you nursed!" Was she trying to say that such a great son must have been well-raised by His mother? Perhaps not. This woman may have recognized that Jesus is the Son of God and therefore considered His mother extraordinary—the mother of God. Jesus responded, and His first words were, “Yes, my mother is blessed.” Mary herself had said, "All generations will call me blessed." She was indeed blessed. Obeying God’s will is a blessed path, not a painful one. Jesus clarified a common misconception: yes, obeying God’s will is blessed, but Mary is incredibly blessed because she is Jesus’ mother. Among the blessed, Jesus’ mother is undoubtedly the most blessed. Compared to other women, who could be more remarkable than Mary? But Jesus did not stop there; He said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” Surprising?
Yes, obeying God's word isn't about calculating whether it’s easy or difficult. Giving birth to Jesus was incredibly challenging, so it was especially blessed. Yes, there is only one Mary in history, only one mother of Jesus, but being blessed is not exclusive to Mary. Mary was not necessarily the most blessed. As we just said, Mary has undoubtedly been the most famous woman in human history over the past two thousand years. But now we know that everyone who obeys God’s word is blessed.
Mary was blessed, not because she was Jesus’ mother, but because she obeyed God’s word. Regardless of gender, identity, or marital status—whoever you are—it’s not about comparisons. Listen carefully: it’s about obeying God’s will. Who is blessed regardless of age, education, background, or how long you’ve been a believer? Who is the most blessed? It’s everyone who obeys God’s word.
Many people say, “I can’t hear God speaking to me. If an angel appeared to me like Mary and told me God’s plan for my life, I would surely obey.” Really? Would you truly listen? Today, we often feel unclear about God’s will. What does God want me to do with my life? Be a doctor? A pastor? It’s all so unclear.
耶穌怎麼說?「人若願意遵著他的旨意行,就必曉得這教訓或是出於神。」(約 7:17),你若首先願意遵行神的旨意,你就必知道什麼是出於神的,換句話說,你必要有願意順服的心,你才會曉得神的旨意,神必讓你知道祂的旨意,問題是你是否願意遵從?神並不是跟你捉迷藏(play hide-and-seek),你愈不知道祂在那裡,祂愈高興,神樂意顯明祂的心意。問題是你是否願意順服神的旨意?
What did Jesus say? “If anyone’s will is to do God’s will, he will know whether the teaching is from God” (John 7:17). If you are first willing to obey God’s will, you will know what God’s will is for you. In other words, you need a heart willing to follow, and then you’ll understand God’s will. God will reveal His will to you. The question is: are you willing to obey? God isn’t playing hide-and-seek with you, delighting in being elusive. God is eager to reveal His heart. The question is whether you want to obey God’s will.
For Mary, God sent an angel to reveal His will. Sometimes, God places a burden or a strong feeling on your heart to guide you. His will is also shown in His Word. The question is, are you willing to obey?
If God gives you a burden, follow through in obedience. Make a decision: whenever I hear God’s word, I will obey, no matter what. Your obedience could change your life. Step out of your comfort zone. When you hear God’s word, take action. You may not receive temporary comfort, but you will indeed be blessed.
Christmas is a season full of joy and hope, but its meaning goes far beyond lights, gifts, and festivities. Over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. This wasn’t a random event; it was God’s expression of love for each of us.
Jesus, the Son of God, came to save us, those separated from God by sin. He chose to become a man, to be with us, to experience our suffering and struggles, and ultimately, to die for our sins on the cross. He rose again on the third day, conquering death and the power of sin.
Christmas is God’s will: Jesus was born and died for you. His love is real and eternal. No matter where you are in life, He is waiting for you. He wants to be the Lord of your life and give you eternal hope and fulfillment.
Today, if you are yet to accept Jesus as your Savior, I invite you to open your heart, like Mary, and respond to God’s will with faith. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and the Lord of your life. He came for you to experience His love, forgiveness, and new life. This is a blessing beyond all gifts. Let this Christmas be the time when your life truly becomes blessed.
Mary was blessed because of obedience.
We are blessed because of obedience.
Let us bow our heads and pray together:
Thank you, Lord, for coming into this world and revealing that walking in obedience to God's will is a blessed path. It is what You have spoken with Your mouth. We don’t need to compare ourselves with Mary, Joseph, the twelve apostles, or Paul and Silas. No matter the circumstances we face, when we follow You, obey You, and listen to You, we are blessed and favored by You. Thank You for giving us such a clear promise. Help us learn to follow You in every choice we make, words, thoughts, and actions. We are willing to listen to You, follow You, and obey You. Hear our prayer, we ask in Jesus Christ’s holy name, Amen.
Discussion Questions