Tuesday, April 28, 2015

人生的季節,傳 3:1-14




1. 不知道大家有沒有聽過這一道歌,「Turn, Turn, Turn」?這是一九六五年最流行的歌曲,是搖滾樂隊 The Byrds 成名的作品,當年我九歲,剛從澳門回來,快五十年了,雖然這首歌的歌詞全部都是從聖經而來,卻是當年保守的教會之禁歌之一,因為是搖滾樂,隨著時間的過去,時代改變了,現在這首歌在教會唱是沒有問題,我們的崇拜詩歌比這一首更新潮、節奏更強的多不勝數!這是時代改變的結果。

2. 人生的時代不斷的改變,一代過去,一代又來,我們從人生一毎階段走到下一個階段。



3. 傳道書的作者根據第一章第一節是「在耶路撒冷作王、大衛的兒子、」自稱「傳道者」 (preacher, ESV; philosopher, GNB; Professor, MSG),一般人因此相信是大衛的兒子所羅門王的作品。


傳道者的信息很簡單,如果人生只是日光之下的生活,沒有日光之上的盼望,人生一定是空虛的,沒有意義的;如果世上沒有神,沒有永恆,只有這現實的世界,人生是沒有意義的,凡事與萬務都會失去意義(pointless, valueless, and insignificant)。

4. 傳道書第三章,傳道者觀察人生與歷史時間的關係,指出「凡事都有定期,天下萬物都有定時。」(一 1)

「定時」與「定期」兩個詞是指「指定的時間」,凡事與任何時(Everything and anything)都有指定的時間,意思的重點不在時間的長短,也不是指節令週期,有生必有死,有栽種必有拔出,這不是這兩個詞的重點,聖經的時間觀不是萬務萬事循環不息,週而復始,生命輪轉,聖經的時間觀是前進的,萬務萬事有開始也有結束,時間是朝最終的高潮走。



5. 第二節至第八節一共有十四對對立的經歷,共廿八項,是希伯來的詩歌體栽 ,很對稱公正。



1)二至四節是詩歌的第一節,以第四節為一小結,第二節 A (DU/DU) 與第三節 B (UD/UD) 為反平行對稱,小結第四節是 B (UD/UD),成為 ABB (三 2-4) 的結構。

2)五至七節是詩歌的第二節,以第七節為一小結,第六節 A (DU/DU) 與第七節 B (UD/UD) 為反平行對稱,第五節是 A (DU/DU),成為 AAB (三 5-7) 的結構。

3)詩歌第一節 (2-4) 與第二節 (5-7) 是 ABBAAB 的結構,相當公正。
4)第八節是總結,DUUD 的內反平行對稱。


1. 「生有時、死有時;栽種有時、拔出所栽種的也有時」(三 2),生死有時,是人沒法控制的事,我生在何時、何地,死在何時,人沒法決定,不能參透,神問約伯:「山巖間的野山羊幾時生產,你知道嗎?母鹿下犢之期,你能察定嗎?他們懷胎的月數,你能數算嗎?他們幾時生產,你能曉得嗎?」(伯三十九 1-2);死亡什麼時間來臨,無人知曉,沒有人能增加壽數的一刻。


2. 「殺戮有時,醫治有時;拆毀有時,建造有時」(三 3),第一句與第二句平行同義,「殺戮」與「拆毀」指人生的失敗、結業、與終結,「醫治」與「建造」指人生的機遇、創業、與開始,這些經歷都有定時,為神所定,人不能參透。


3. 經文第四節是詩歌的第一節的小結,在各種建設性與拆毀性的經歷之中,我們有「哭泣」與「哀慟」的時候,也有「歡笑」與「跳舞」的時候,當我們經歷拆毀與失去的季節,如失去所懷的胎、失去所愛的人、失去健康、失去財產,失去的東西可能永不再有,但哀傷卻不是永遠的,也只是人生的一個季節,不同人有不同哀傷的方法,有人大哭,也有人沉默不語,有些人需要很長的時間,有些人卻很快就經過哀傷的時刻;歡樂的時間也是一樣,結婚的日子我們跳舞高興,畢業的時候我們慶祝,這些都有時間性,不是永恆不變的季節,什麼時候來臨,什麼時候改變,人不能參透。

4. 傳道者觀察人生的季節,用一個問題來引導讀者去思考:「這樣看來,做事的人在他的勞碌上有什麼益處呢?」(三 9)


5. 傳道者希望讀者的結論不是宿命論,使人否定人的責任與努力,而是希望讀者了解人生的有限性,特別在時間而言,人生的時期為神所定,都有定時,人不能明白,不能參透,就算人焦慮或拼命去改變這些時期季節,也沒有結果,沒有益處,人生高峯的時期,不會長久,低迷的時期,也不會永遠是這樣,我們是時空線上的被造之物,在日光之下沒有意義與益處,這就引入第二點,在日光之上去了解人生的時節。


1. 第十節,傳道者扮演一個旁觀者的角色,「我見神叫世人勞苦,使他們在其中受經練。」世人「勞苦」,被各樣的事務所勞動,是日光之上的神所命定安排,各按其時成為美好(He has made everything beautiful in its time/season.)(三 11),神造「萬物」(everything)與萬務,包括第二至第八節廿八種的經歷,人生的季節,各按其時期成為美好,這是日光之上的觀點,不論合宜的或不合宜的,正面的或負面的季節,都有它從神而來的美好,所以我們要知道:


2. 詩歌的第二節説:「拋擲石頭有時,堆聚石頭有時;懷抱有時,不懷抱有時」(三 5),古代的時候,石頭是用來計算,數羊,可能「拋擲石頭有時,堆聚石頭有時」是指做生意買賣,也可能是農民在種田之前,要清理石頭,而敵人則把石頭堆在田裡,我們工作有時,投資成功與失敗有時,我們要問,「我現在是什麼的季節?」「神在這季節中教導我什麼?」「我如何才能擁抱這個季節?」

3. 「懷抱有時,不懷抱有時」,親密的關係有時,沒有親密的關係有時,當我單身的時候,獨來獨往,我還記得我單身的日子,一個人過節的滋味,神教導我一個人不懷抱時的功課,各按其時成為美好,我不需要急於結婚,結婚之後就不再單身,我需要學習神在我單身的時候賜下的恩典,擁抱這個單身的季節。

4. 「尋找有時,失落有時;保守有時,捨棄有時」(三 6),有人喜歡存東西,有人喜歡捨東西,你可能是在積聚的季節,我初來美國的時候,只有一個皮箱的東西衣服,最近搬家的時候,變了三輛卡車的東西,過去四十年積聚了多少的東西;人生另一階段可能是要減少東西,換一個小的房子,把許多沒有用的東西掉了;有人在尋找人生的方向、事業、與伴偶,有人感到失落、焦慮、失意,在這些不用的階段中,神的旨意如何?有些的關係需要結束,有些的東西需要捨棄,有些需要向前,有些需要後退,神要我學習什麼?我如何才能擁抱現在的季節?

5. 「撕裂有時,縫補有時;靜默有時,言語有時」(三 7)是詩歌第二節的小結,猶太人悲傷或忿怒的時候,把衣服撕裂,這可能是「撕裂有時」的意思;講話有時,安靜有時,我們這個世代非常需要安靜,聽聽神對你説什麼話?在不同的季節之中,你有何感想與得著?

6. 第八節是詩歌的結論或副歌:「喜愛有時,恨惡有時;爭戰有時,和好有時。」喜愛與恨惡是一般的感覺,在不同的季節之中,產生戰爭與和平、成功與失敗、建造或拆毀。問題是我們是否在不同的季節之中,明白神的作為,活在季節之中,享受神的美好,存敬畏的心度日。

7. 美國最偉大的帆船競賽選手 Dennis Conner 曾是美國盃(America Cup)帆船賽四屆冠軍,二十八次世界錦標賽冠軍的高手,一九八三年以很小的距離把美國盃輸了給澳洲隊,成為一百三十二年以來第一次由非美國人拿了美國盃的冠軍,在失敗的季節之中,他有很多的自我懷疑,承受從外界來的壓力,曾多次想放棄,三年後他捲土重來,把美國盃拿回來,並作見証在失敗的季節之中,他學到很多寶貴的功課,並為失敗的季節感恩,感動許多人。


8. 神定下時期,人不能參透,神按其時成為美好,最後也是最重要的一點:好好地為永恒的季節做準備。


1. 第十一節下半節:「神又將永生安置在世人心裡,然而神從始至終的作為,人不能參透」。

2. 人最後的季節是進入永恒,神將永生的觀念安置在世人心裡,人對永恒的觀念,對永恒的渴想,發自內心,C. S. Lewis 形容這是人心對更美的家鄉之渴慕,是神造人的時候,人就有的內在渴想,是從神而來的,每當我們在這有限的人生人有任何美好的經練,都是將來永恒美好的影兒,為著永恒的季節作準備。

C. S. Lewis 更進一步說:若今生美好的事物,取代了永恒,這些美好的事物就成為我們的偶像,最終會使我們的心破碎,它們不是永恒的,只是永恒的影兒,它們只是那一朵我們從沒見過美麗的花之香味、一首我們從沒聽過優美的歌曲之回音、一個我們從來沒有探訪過的國家之消息(the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, and the news from a country we have never yet visited)。

3. 我們是為那美好的家鄉而創造的,這世界非我家,我們現在是活在永恒的影兒之中,當永恒來臨的時候,我們必明亮如太陽,享受那極重無比的榮耀。






1. 你在人生的那一個季節?請分享你現在的感受。
2. 你下一個人生的季節是什麼?你對下一個季節有何感受?有何想法?
3. 神定下每一個人的季節,人不能參透,你同意嗎?在人生中不同的遭之中,我們應採取什麼的態度?人是否能改變神的安排?若不能,人努力又有何用?
4. 你如何準備人生的下一個階段?
5. 永恒是人生最後的一個階段,我們又應如何準備永恒?






住在神學院的客房,Erdman Center.




1)C. S. Lewis "The Weight of Glory" 這是 Lewis 的一些講章,第一篇稱為「榮耀的負重」,曾有人稱這是自保羅在雅典講道之後,最偉大的講章,我看了十多篇,深深被講章的意境與文字所吸引,可惜沒有任何中文的譯本,讓廣泛中國的信徒能得鼓勵,以下是其中一段,在我的講章中也有引用:

2)第二本書是 Bill Hybels 最新的書,Simplify: Ten practices to Unclutter Your Soul.


3)第三本書是屬靈大師 Dallas Willard 與他的弟子 John Ortberg 合作最新的書,也是 Willard 最後的一本書,兩人都是我最喜歡的作者之一,Living in Christ's Presence, 書中是二人的對話,把 Willard 一生中的屬靈生命的信念總結,是一本很好的書。



誰能當得起?保羅生平(十九),林後 2:14-3:6




1. 事奉神不是一件很容易的事,是嗎?我相信我們當中有參與事奉的人都會同意,事奉極不容易!


2. 今天早上的信息在我心中已經有一段很長的時間,三十七年前我在神學院讀書的第一個學期,Dr. Richard Strauss 在神學院每年的釋經講道培靈會上,從哥林多後書二章十四節至七章五節分享了四個二十分鐘的信息,深深的打動了我的心,直到今天還影響著我,每次我遇上困難或灰心的時候,這段經文都成為了我的安慰與鼓勵,事奉誰能當得起呢?在保羅的生命之中,他對事奉的執著,面對任何的難處,他都能勝過,原因是什麼?他有什麼的祕訣?

3. 哥林多後書二章十四節至七章五節是聖經關於事奉最重要的經文之一,有解經家稱這段經文為「榮耀的事奉」(The Glory of the Ministry),事奉是艱難重重的,常令人有能不能勝的感覺,但事奉是榮耀的,能力從神而來,這樣大使命就並不是那麼難的事了。


「這事(事奉)誰能當得起呢?」(林後二 16),「當得起」(adequate)是「充足、勝任、能夠、夠大」的意思,保羅是有感而發的,讓我們首先了解保羅當時的情景。


1. 當時是保羅一生之中最低潮的時候,心中沒有平安,很多憂慮,我們偉大的使徒保羅,聖經的作者,也同樣經歷憂鬱與懷疑,當事情不如意、環境困難時候,我們都會憂慮、灰心、失意,保羅一生之中最低迷的時候是與哥林多的教會有關,這教會是他親手創立的,保羅住在他們當中有十八個月之久(使八 1),哥林多的信徒是他在基督裡生的,關係非常親密,但當他離開哥林多不久,教會開始分裂,出現各種的問題題,有假師傅出現,保羅在以弗所寫了一封的信給他們,指出他們的問題,責備他們,勸他們悔改,這封信就是我們今天的哥林多前書,但哥林多敵對保羅的人起來攻擊保羅,挑戰保羅的權柄,保羅因此去到哥林多面對他們,但很快他就離開,回去了以弗所,因為對手不斷的攻擊保羅,當面的敵對他,這是很不好的經歷,當他回到了以弗所,他寫了另一封很嚴厲的信,托提多親自帶去給哥林多教會,要他們悔改,這一封今天已經失傳。

2. 保羅留在以弗所,等候提多的消息,屋漏更兼連夜雨,以弗所發生了暴亂,猶太人要捉拿保羅,保羅連夜逃離以弗所,來到特羅亞,主開了福音的門,但保羅沒有心情傳道,「因為沒有遇見兄弟提多,保羅心裡不安,便辭別那裡的人往馬其頓去了。」(林後二 12-13)

3. 保羅去馬其頓,是要尋找提多,希望知道哥林多教會是否悔改的消息,保羅當時的心情很壞,「身體也不得安寧,周圍遭患難,外有爭戰,內有懼怕。」(林後七 5)可以說是內憂內患,為哥林多的人心力交瘁,「我先前心裡難過痛苦,多多的流淚,寫信給你們,不是叫你們憂愁,乃是叫你們知道我格外的疼愛你們。」(林後二 4)因為保羅愛哥林多教會的人,他們是否悔改,順從真理,令保羅多多流淚,心裡難過痛苦,担心哥林多的的跟隨了假師傅,這可以說是保羅人生最低潮的時候。

4. 這時候的保羅,真令人不敢相信,他曾說:「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按他旨意被召的人。」(羅八 28),也曾教導我們說:「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念。」(腓四 6-7),在困難的時候,信靠神真的是不容易的事!


5. 保羅當年的心情和你一樣,他很想放棄,所以就算在特羅亞,主為他開了福音的門,他也沒有心情去事奉,失去他心愛的哥林多教會的人所引起的憂慮與懼怕,令他陷入了人生的低潮。

6. 就在這時候,情況突然改變了,「感謝神!常帥領我們在基督裡誇勝!」(林後二 14)。

從憂傷的低谷中,神將他提起來,「那安慰喪氣之人的神藉著提多來安慰了我們; 不但藉著他來,也藉著他從你們所得的安慰,安慰了我們;因他把你們的想念、哀慟,和向我的熱心,都告訴了我,叫我更加歡喜。」(林後七 6-7)提多把哥林多教會悔改的消息帶給在馬其頓守候的保羅,保羅和我們一樣,他需要知道他事奉的果效,當他所愛的哥林多教會的人悔改的時候,他的心情完全改變。

7. 哥林多後書二章十四節至七章五節是保羅在這個情景之下寫給哥林多教會的,他打開自己,談論他對事奉的態度與經歷,是保羅書信之中最個人、最感人的一段話,二千年來,不少偉大有關事奉的著作是由此經文而來,事奉是為了什麼?事奉的性質是什麼?事奉的動機是什麼?我們事奉神是何等的榮耀?



一、事奉是什麽?生與死的事奉,林後二 14-17

1. 哥林多後書二章十四節至十七節:

2. 事奉是什麼?保羅說:這是誇勝的事奉!是打這屬靈戰爭而能勝的事奉!這事奉是有關生與死的事奉!感謝神,祂是帥領我們的元帥,祂常帥領我們在基督裡誇勝!


3. 保羅用羅馬人打仗得勝凱撒回到羅馬城的情景來描繪這生與死的事奉,得勝的將軍帶領得勝的軍隊進入羅馬城,朝見天子,領取賞賜,最先進城的是祭司,拿著燒著的香,跟著的是國家的官員,帶著被俘虜打敗仗的敵人,包括敵人的首領進城,他們的結局是死亡,最後得勝的將軍帶著他的軍隊進城,市民在兩邊的路上歡迎,祭司祭的香發出馨香的味道,對被俘虜的死囚這是死亡的香氣,提醒他們死亡的時候即將來臨,對得勝的軍隊來說,這香氣是活的香氣,提醒他們得賞賜的時候到了。

4. 這就是我們的事奉,我們的事奉是要告訴人有關永生與永死的消息,人若接受福音,這是永生的好消息,人若拒絕,這是沉淪滅亡的消息,這是我們的事奉的性質,當我們去使萬民作主的門徒,我們是與神同工,改變人的生命,我們的元帥是神,祂常帥領我們在基督裡誇勝,跟隨主與不是跟隨主的分別是非常大的,是生與死的分別的,是永生與永死的分別。

5. 這事奉不單只是生與死的事奉,更是改變人生命的事奉,我們事奉的對象是人,他們的生命就有沒有改變,這就是我們事奉的「薦信,寫在我們的心裡,被眾人所知道所念誦的。」(林後三 2)我們的事奉是人的事奉,有血有肉的人,我們事奉的就是我們的薦信,給所有的人去念誦,我們的事奉是改變人生命的事奉,從我們自己的生命就可以知道,以前的我與現今的我不一樣了,改變了,因為有人服侍我們,幫助我們成長,我們就是他們的薦信。

我們事奉的是成年人、或青少年人、或兒童,他們就是我們事奉的薦信,寫在我們的心裡,被眾人所知道所念誦的,我們的目的是要「傳揚他,是用諸般的智慧,勸戒各人,教導各人,要把各人在基督裡完完全全的引到神面前。」(西一 28),成功的事奉是在乎我們是否能改變人的生命,把各人在基督裡完完全全的引到神的面前。

6. 人多不是事奉的成功,美麗的教堂並不是事奉成功的標準,節目與事工成功與否也不一定是事奉成功的定義,真正的考驗是人生命的改變,我們的事奉是否使人愈來愈像基督,這是事奉的真義與目標。



7. 你今天若因為事奉而灰心煩惱,不要因為事工沒有進展而難過,放眼在你的事工所服侍的對象,注意神在他們身上藉聖靈而有的生命改變,這改變很可能很慢,但生命的改變就是你、我辛苦事奉的意義,所以不要看你班上學生的人數,注意學生的生命有沒有因為你的教導而改變,當你發現神的靈在改變他們生命的時候,你必然歡呼喜樂!

二、事奉的能力從何而來?出於神的事奉,林後三 1-6

1. 第二個問題:若果我們的事奉是生與死的事,誰能當得起呢?若果我們的事奉是改變人生命的事奉,誰能改變生命呢?改變生命並非容易的事,我努力想改變我的妻子,三十多年都沒有什麼結果!誰能改變別人的生命?

2. 哥林多後書三章第五節是非常重要的一節聖經:「並不是我們憑自己能承擔什麼事;我們所能承擔的,乃是出於神。(Our adequacy is from God.)」

3. 「能承擔」原文是名詞,是我們能承擔的能力,意思是足夠的能力、充足的能力、夠大的能力,這能力是出於神,改變人充足的能力是出於神,不是出於我們!事奉改變生命的能力是從神而來,神的大能改變人,我們沒有這能力,我們只是與神同工,是祂改變生命。


4. 所以我們的事奉沒有可誇口之處,神改變人,不是我們有改變人的能力,我們只有謙卑的與神同工,這是保羅事奉的精神:軟弱中的能力,除非我們承認自己是軟弱的人,神的能力不能顯在我們的身上,靠己是沒有出路的事奉,我們充足的能力是出於神。




1. 若你的事奉出現低潮,注意你所事奉的人,他們有沒有神工作的踪影?等待神出手,與神同工,使他們的生命改變。
2. 求神堅立你手所作的工,使你能看見一點點人生命的改變,正如保羅一般,在他最低潮的時候,神使哥林多的教會改變了,我們實在需要一些的鼓勵,需要看見事奉的一些成果,人的生命在改變,神有恩典有憐憫,在我們忍受不了的時候,必定施恩憐憫。


1. 請重述哥林多後書二章十四節至七章五節的背景。保羅寫這一段經的時候,心情如何?
2. 你是否曾有保羅一樣的經歷?在你事奉中灰心失望?請分享你的經歷。
3. 神如何安慰了保羅?
4. 事奉的本質是什麽?為什麽事奉是生與死的事?是改變生命的事?請舉例說明之。
5. 我們事奉的能力從何而來?當我們灰心的時候,這對我們有何幫助?



Who is adequate for these things: 2 Cor 2:14-3:6

Who is Adequate for These Things?
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6
The Life of Paul, Message 19

By Pastor Brian
Fort Bend Community Church


Ministry is hard. Everyone feels the heaviness of the ministry. Everyone feels that weight of what it takes to serve God. What is adequate for these things?

1. Pastors and ministers
2. Elders and deacons
3. Small group leaders
4. Worship leaders, Sunday school teachers, youth and children workers
5. Disciple people

Many people shy away, because they feel they can’t do it. It is too much.

This morning I would like to share with you something about the ministry which God has laid on my heart for a long time. Something that really excites me.

I was first confronted by this truth during my first year first semester in the seminary. Dr. Richard Strauss came to DTS to speak in the annual Bible conference. 4 messages during chapel. 20 minutes each. These messages were speaking directly to me and deeply impacted me. I am still affected by it today. Whenever I am down or think about quitting, the same passage of Scripture comes to my aid and lift me up. Who is adequate for these things? I want to share with you the same passage this morning.

2 Corinthians 2:14-6:10 probably is the single most important passage on the Christian ministry. Yes, the ministry is difficult and impossible but not if we understand the aim of the ministry correctly. The ministry is weighty but not if we know the correct power source. The Great Commission is hard but not if we understand the glory of the ministry.

This morning I pray that God will speak to you just through this passage just as He has spoken to me more than 36 years ago.

“Father, we commit this time to you. I ask for wisdom and clarity to deliver what you have laid on my heart and I pray that you would give each listener a desire to do what your Word has said. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

The Background of the Passage

It was during the lowest moment of Paul’s life. He was depressed and down. Oh yes. Even the giant of faith and the writer of the Holy Bible does have moments of doubts and sorrow. When things are not going right, when we are not finding solutions to our problems, when we are not able to find the way out of our difficulties, we get discouraged and depressed.

Paul’s lowest moment came in his relationships with his followers in Corinth. They were a constant source of grief to him. He founded the church and labored in their midst for 18 months (Acts 18:11). But after he left Corinth
, the church began to split and had all kind of problems. Paul wrote the First Corinthians to them in Ephesus to expose theirs sins and denounced their wrong doings. But the opposition began to gain strength and they challenged Paul’s authority so he made a quick trip to Corinth. But that was an unpleasant experience. The opposition insulted him, belittling him. He returned to Ephesus and sat down to write an extremely harsh letter to them demanding for their repentance. And he sent the letter by Titus and he waited for the response to come in Ephesus. This second letter was lost to us.

This was Paul’s lowest moment. He himself wrote about this moment, “For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not that you should be made sorrowful, but that you might the love which I have especially for you.”

Paul was depress. Down. Tears. Lack of energy for work.

The situation got worse. When it rains, it pours. A riot broke out in Ephesus against him. He had to leave prematurely from Ephesus and went north to the city of Troas. And that’s chapter 2:12 begins.

“Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the Lord…” Troas was right there for him. A beautiful opportunity to preach the Gospel. There was freedom in the city of Troas to preach the gospel to everyman. It was a preacher’s dream. But there was only one problem. Paul was depress. He could not concentrate. All he was thinking about was that situation in Corinth and the possibility of losing those people to the false teachers. He tried to preach but he felt he was a walking disaster.

“I had no rest for my spirit, not finding Titus my brother.” He was very depress for the reason that Titus had not come. Paul had no zeal for his ministry, no joy in his service. He was burdened in his spirit. The ministry now became a very heavy load for him, paralyzing him with worries and self-doubt. What about they had rejected his letter, refusing to repent? What if they had rejected his apostolic authority? Was he going to lose them? What is he going to do?

It doesn’t sound like the man who wrote Romans 8:28, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God.”

Or Romans 8:37, “For in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved me.” Or Philippines 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always,” 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” It doesn’t sound like the same man. Sometimes it is easier to preach than to live it.

You may find yourselves in the same situation as Paul. You wanted to serve God. You commit yourself to love Him. But here you are, seem trapped by the tyranny of time. After many years of hard work, you finally got your degree. You got your first job. The taste of your first paycheck is sweet. You married your sweet heart. And you started a family. Kids keep you very busy. And between your work, the kids’ music lessons, and annual vacation, you try your best to serve in the church. You may be a Sunday school teacher, a D-Group leader for the youth, or a small group leader. You wanted to be disciple and to disciple someone. But life is very busy for you.

And slowly ministry does not seem to excite you anymore. There is the lack of impact you perceive of no results in many things you do in the church. Meetings after meetings… one retreat is done and next year is the same. Why are we doing this? Boredom, lack of progress… then comes the discouragement. There are conflicts and personality difference. You begin to get hurt. Who is adequate for these things? You are ready to quit and become a spectator. Why serve? Why do ministry? You quit.

That is what Paul did. Paul quit. He left Troas and went on to Macedonia. But things didn’t come easier in Macedonia. You can’t run away from your problem. Look at 7:5, “For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side: conflicts without, fears within.” I don’t know what he is exactly talking about here. The conflicts may be opposition from the non-believers or from the Jews. May be disharmony within the church of Macedonia. May be some physical problems resulted from worries, headache, stomach pain… The fear of losing the Corinthians never go away.

This was the lowest point in Paul’s life as recorded in the Bible. Pressure from within and from without. Afflictions from every side. Emotional down and depress. No energy to go on.

Then suddenly, the whole situation changed dramatically. The tone turned 180 degree. Read 2:14.

“But thanks be to God who always leads us in His triumph in Christ.” What a change. Paul leaped from the valley of depression to the mountain top of glory. He was so excited and so overwhelmed with joy. He did not even tell us what happened, what triggered the change. He finally told us after 4 chapters in Chapter 7 verse 6. “But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus, and not only by his coming, but also by the comfort with which he was comforted in you, as he reported to us your longing, your mourning, your zeal for me, so that I rejoice even more.”

Paul was a human being. He is like anyone of us. He was thrilled when he was accepted and longed for. He saw the impact of his ministry. He saw God was at work, changing the lives of the Corinthians. They repented and turned around for him.

Between 2:14 to 7:5, Paul penned down one of the most beautiful passage in the NT on the glory of the ministry. It is personal and heartfelt. It has inspired many great books written on the nature of Christian ministry. Why do we serve? What are we doing in ministry? What is ministry? How great is the work that we do serving God?

Today we have just enough time to pick up two points from 2:14 to 3:6. We are going to answer two questions:

1. What is ministry? What is the aim or the goal of ministry? Why do we serve?
2. Where does the power come from when we serve? How do we find strength to serve and to make disciples against all odds? Who is adequate for these things if ministry is so hard?

Let us begin with 2:14.

I The Nature of the Ministry, 2 Cor 2:14-17

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life.

What kind of ministry is this? Paul said that this is a triumphant ministry. A ministry that fights spiritual battle and wins. It is a ministry of life and death. Thanks be to God, He is the commander-in-chief. He always leads us in triumph.

We serve in a triumphant ministry of life and death. It is no small thing.

Obviously Paul is using the Roman triumphant march as a backdrop of his figure of speech. It was essentially a parade through the central street of Rome, prepared for the victorious successful general who had been the commander-in-chief of a victorious triumph. The priests burning incense, the state officers, then the displace of the captives in the ballet, then the general leading his army in the triumphant march. The smell of the incense reminds the victors of their sweet conquest; but the same smell serves as death signal to the captives that the end is near. Death.

This is our ministry. This is what we are doing, telling people about eternal life and e=eternal damnation. If the gospel is accepted, it means eternal life. If it is rejected, it marks eternal death. This is the work that we are doing. In making disciples, we are changing life with God. He always leads us in triumph. The difference is huge. Following Christ and not following Christ, changing the way we live and not changing the way we live are the difference between life and death. This is what we do in ministry. This is what you are doing in ministry. It is of ultra-important. We are here to change life.

Look at 3:2. “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men.” We are working with people. People with flesh and blood. You are our letter, known and read by all men. We are in the business of changing life. Look at your own life, examine who you were before know Christ and what you are right now. Someone has ministered to you and helped to change your life. And you are ministering to the youth, to the children, or to another adult. They are your recommendation letter written in their hearts by the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to present them “perfect before god.” (Col 1:28) The success of the church depends how much we have infected changes in people’s lives.

Crowd of people does not mean success, neither is a beautiful building nor a huge budget or expanding missionary program or successful youth program. The real test is whether life is being changed, whether the people are demonstrating the character of Jesus Christ in their home, in their job, in the school. That is what really counts. That is the goal of the ministry. That is what the ministry is all about.

This is what keeps me going when time gets tough. When I see the people I work with have changed in their value system, in their understanding of God, in their knowledge of God’s will, in their walk with God, it is worth all the troubles in the world.

If one of you change a little bit of your life for the sake of Christ because of this message, it is worth all the work and hours that were put into it. It is the change in my life, the change in your life that really excite me about the work of the ministry. Do I like the pressure in the ministry? No. Do I like the lack of success in the ministry? No. Do I like the hard work? No. But if for the change and transformation in your lives and my life, the answer is yes. This is the motivation. This is the goal of every ministry.

If you are discouraged in the work that you are serving in the church, don’t look at the program itself. But look at the people your program helps. Look at the change you have helped them to make. Don’t just look at the Sunday school attendance number, but look at the students. The changes they have made because of the Sunday school class is what the ministry is all about. You will begin to see the excitement in your labor again. It will re-vitalize your desire to serve Him more, to do more.


II. The Power of the Ministry, 2 Cor 3:1-6

The second question: if our work is changing life, how can we do it? It is not easy to change anyone’s life, is it? I have tried to change my wife for thirty-some years to no avail. I have not succeeded even in changing her hairstyle. It is very difficult to cause someone to change. If this ministry is of life and death, who is adequate for these things?

Who is capable to bring sustainable and abiding changes in people’s lives?

3:5 is a key verse. “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.” Our adequacy is from God. What does this mean?

The word, “adequate” means “sufficient, competent, able, and big enough.” Who is able to do these things?

1. We put up the effort but the life changing results come only from God. Our adequacy is from God. The growth of the ministry comes from God. God opens doors and He uses us to change life. Not that we are adequate to consider anything as coming from ourselves, our adequate is from God.
2. Our adequacy is from God makes us humble. There is nothing to boast in ministry. We are weak but God is strong. This is Paul’s major ministry philosophy: power in weakness. Until we understand and admit that we are weak, God’s power won’t come through. Our adequacy is from God.
3. Practically, it means…

This verse is the power source of Christian service. The Apostle Paul goes the distance, runs the race with all that he has with a single focus—to testify to the Gospel. He brings changes to people’s lives. And we always admire his dedication and his all-out effort. No reserves; no retreats; and no regrets.

So who is adequate for the ministry? Who can serve Him? No one can if we say we can with our own native ability. I can’t do it with my own strength. I can’t meet the expectation.

But if you are feeble and frustrated, feeling your own limitations in serving God, God is here for us to rely upon him. He can do it. Our adequacy is from God.


Who is adequate for these things? No one is adequate except those who has a clear understanding of the aim of the ministry and draw power from the only adequate source—God. So next time when I am down and ready to quit, please remind me that I am here to change life and there is power available for me through Christ. And if this excites me in the ministry, I hope this will do the same to you.