Saturday, March 26, 2016




24 hours before Jesus’ death, 3 p.m.
耶穌的死前 24小時,下午三點。

The plot against Jesus is laid by the religious leaders to arrest Jesus. The students and stewards of the Law had become blinded by their own religion.

Judas the disciple becomes the Judas the betrayer as he is motivated by greed. He goes to the chief priest and agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

21 hours before Jesus’ death, 6 p.m.

Jesus and his 12 disciples gather in a private room. Passover - a yearly reminder of God’s love and forgiveness - is a festive time… It’s time to eat! Yet imagine how puzzled the disciples are: Jesus of Nazareth kneels down to wash their feet! Only slaves or servants do that. This is strange, unheard of, to see a teacher washing the feet of his followers. Yet, Jesus moves from disciple to disciple, washing gently and thoroughly each man's feet. Only later that they would understand the significance: Jesus Christ’s humble service to God, the church and humankind.

20 hours before Jesus’ death, 7 p.m.

After supper, Jesus takes the bread and the wine and asks his Father to bless it. He breaks the bread into pieces, giving it to his disciples and says, "This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” And then he takes the cup of wine, sharing it with his disciples and says, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood.” He tells them, "I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom." Honestly, the disciples are confused, but we know what Jesus is talking about: Jesus shows his disciples he is to become the Passover Lamb of God. His body will be sacrificed. He blood will be spilt so that his followers would exchange slavery to sin and death for eternal life in God's Kingdom.

19 hours before Jesus’ death, 8 p.m.

Even the foot washing and ceremony with the bread and wine were not the strangest part of dinner: Jesus predicts that one of the disciples will betray him! And that the rest of his followers will deny him! Peter is stunned and offended. He defends himself: I am ready to die for you! No, Jesus insists: You will deny me not just once but three times before the rooster crows.

15 to 18 hours before Jesus’ death, 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.

It’s a still, cool night. Jesus leads his disciples through the darkness up a narrow path on the Mount of Olives to a garden called Gethsemane to pray. They see sadness and trouble on their master’s face as he turns to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here. Keep watch with me.” Yet they can’t stay awake. Whether they are tired from the day’s festivities or just suffering from a food coma, they cannot stay awake even with Jesus’s earnest and repeated pleas. Now, Jesus has more pressing matters. With his face to the ground he prays intensely, “My Father, if it is possible...if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.” That cup is death. He prays that he won’t have to die as the Passover lamb. Yet he submits to his father: “Abba, Father, your will be done.” With this prayer, Jesus returns to his disciples. They’re sound asleep. They really don’t understand what’s at stake.

14 hours before Jesus’ death, 1 a.m.

But the time for keeping watch is over. In the distance a soft glow of light advances quickly. The quiet garden now begins to rumble with the sound of a fast approaching mob. The disciples awake. And they stare at a legion of men waving swords and clubs with hate-filled eyes. One man steps out from the mob toward Jesus. The disciples don’t make a move. They relax… This man’s no threat to them or their Lord. It’s Judas! He leans in close to kiss Jesus and says, “Rabbi!” Suddenly the mob erupts! Lunging forward at Judas’s signal, they bind Jesus and drag him away. But Peter grabs a sword and swipes at one of the mob cutting off his ear. “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “Do you think I cannot call on my Father and he would not send me legions of angels?” Reaching out, Jesus touches the man’s ear and he is healed! The mob then drags Jesus away, bound and chained. And with that, his disciples desert him and run away.

12 hours before Jesus’ death, 3 a.m.

It’s 3:00 in the morning, yet many were not sleeping.

As they dragged Jesus before the assembly of elders and of the people mocking him, beating him, taunting him, “Prophesy! Who was it that struck you?!”

As Jesus stood before the chief priests and the council, he stood silent as they accused him, silent as they mocked him, silent as scorn and hate rained from those in authority.

The council had arranged many false witnesses to come before the council to testify against Jesus, two of them said,

“This man said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to rebuild it in three days.”

The high priest stood and said, “Have you no answer to make? What is it that these men testify against you?”

And yet, our Lord remained silent. “Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God!” they insisted.

Jesus finally spoke, he said, “But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

“He has uttered blasphemy! What further witnesses do we need!? What is your judgment?”
They answered. “He deserves death.”

Though His disciples scattered, one yet remained…

Peter in the darkness of the night followed his master to where they had imprisoned Jesus.

The night had reached is deepest cold and Peter found himself warming himself near the fire in the courtyard.

A young servant girl came up to him saying, “You also were with Jesus, the Galilean.”

“You..are..mistaken…I do not know the man.”

His first denial stumbled awkwardly out of his mouth like a newborn calf running for the first time.

While removing himself from the courtyard, another servant girl saw him and said to those around her, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”

His second denial came much quicker, “I DO NOT know the man,” and began to worry that the people who recognized him would turn him over to the authorities as well.

“Certainly you too are one of them, your accent gives you away!” The third time, the denial came with force and anger,


And as Peter heard the rooster crow, he remembered his master’s words,

“Before the rooster crows, you will deny me, three times.”

Peter ran…weeping bitterly for he knew of his betrayal.

10 hours before Jesus’ death, 5 a.m.

Still awake at 5am…Jesus had not slept through the night, but had been held on trial into the morning hours.

Knowing that they did not have the authority to sentence Jesus to death, the chief priests and council move Jesus’ trial to the one who COULD enforce capital punishment…Pilate.

Upon hearing that Jesus was condemned the betrayer, Judas, filled with sorrow and regret, brought back the 30 pieces of silver that he received, and threw it at the feet of the chief priests.

“I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” Then he went and hung himself.

As Jesus stood before Pilate, the governor questioned him saying, “Are you King of the Jew?” “You have said so.” Jesus responded. Even after further questioning, Pilate could find no wrong with Jesus.

Not understanding why the people wanted to condemn Jesus, but also not wanting to displease his subjects,

Pilate decided it was best if Herod made the decision, since Jesus was under Herod’s jurisdiction, who happened to be in Jerusalem at the time.

When Herod saw Jesus, he was actually glad because he had heard much about this man and hoped to see some kind of miracle performed by Jesus.

However, Jesus gave no response to Herod’s questioning while the chief priests stood by vehemently accusing Jesus.

Herod and his soldiers treated Jesus with contempt and began mocking him and they dressed Jesus in an elegant robe and sent him back to Pilate.

Pilate then called together the chief priests and the rulers of the people and appealed to them saying, “You brought me this man as one who was misleading the people.

And after examining him before you, behold, I find this man NOT GUILTY of any of the charges you brought against him.

Neither Herod nor I believe he has done anything deserving death, therefore I will punish and release him.”

An uproar came upon the crowd. “We don’t want him, give us Barabbas!”

Now at the feast, it was tradition to release to the people, one prisoner for whom they asked. Amongst the prisoners was a murderer named Barabbas.

“GIVE US BARABBAS!” they shouted.

However, knowing the jealousy of the chief priests and the rulers, Pilate gave them another chance, “Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?”


“What then shall I do with the man you call ‘the King of the Jews?’”


So Pilate took water and washed his hands before the crowd saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood.”

The people responded, “His blood will be on us and our children!”

And Barabbas was released to the people and Jesus was taken to be put to death on the cross.

7  hours before Jesus’ death, 8 a.m.
耶穌的死前 7小時,早上 8 時。

By now, it is early in the morning. The sun has long risen and people are beginning their day-to-day routines, but it is no ordinary day. Having been sentenced to death, Jesus is led away from Pilate’s court to the praetorium.

He finds himself now in a large Roman government building where sentences for those who have been tried and judged are carried out. Many soldiers gather around him, the group menacing and intimidating. Jesus must know what is about to come.

They strip Jesus of his clothes and put a robe on him, twisting together a crown of thorns, mocking his sentence to die as “King of the Jews.” Blood runs down his face as they force it on his head.

They put a scepter into his hand and bow in front of him, offering false and blasphemous praise.

Then they break the façade – they’ve had enough of pretending to worship this man who claims to be the king of a nation. The physical torture begins. They spit on him, strike him with the scepter they gave him and lash his back and shoulders with a whip of nine tails to cause the most pain possible.

Jesus, the son of God, suffers through it all.

Then they lead him away to crucify him. But even then, the torture isn’t over.

Prisoners are made to carry their own cross. It is another agonizingly cruel sentence of the Roman government to force criminals to carry the instrument of their own deaths to their executions.

There is a man named Simon, from Cyrene, passing through on his way from the countryside. He happens to cross paths with this day’s criminals as they are being led to death – among them Jesus.

Weakened from the abuse and the beating inflicted from the soldiers, Jesus struggles to bear the heavy wooden cross he will die on. The soldiers size Simon and order him to carry it behind Jesus. Simon now finds himself a part of the procession, himself not sentenced to die but carrying the cross of a criminal nonetheless.

Simon marches with the soldiers and with Jesus to Golgotha, which means “the place of skull.” There isn’t a more fitting name for this place – not only does the hill physically resemble a skull in shape, a chilling sight in itself, it is a place of agony and death and bloodshed and darkness.

6  hours before Jesus’ death, 9 a.m.
耶穌的死前 6小時,早上 9 時。

It was nine in the morning when they crucified him.

Crucifixion is not a quick or instantaneous death – it is long and painful, the person being crucified able to feel pain, growing weaker and struggling to breathe until the very end.

The soldiers pound the nails in Jesus’s hands and his feet, the metal breaking flesh and bone as his body is nailed to the cross.

Pilate had a sign made: “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” It is placed above Jesus’s head, labeling his crime for all to see.

The wooden cross is lifted, Jesus hanging on it, and placed into the ground. On either side, two criminals join Jesus in his fate, their cries echoing and piercing. Lifted above the crowd, which still gathers, Jesus and the criminals are left to die.

As the people watch and take in the spectacle of public Roman crucifixions, the mocking continues. Hours pass as Jesus continues to slowly and painfully die. It is mid-morning.

Soldiers offer him wine mixed with vinegar and continue with their relentless abuse, calling out:

“If you are the King of Jews, save yourself!”

Others in the crowd join in, including teachers of the laws and the chief priests:

“He saved others, let him save himself!”

In the midst of it all, Jesus responds not with anger or scorn, but unthinkably, with forgiveness. He looks upon them, those who sentenced him to die and those whom he is dying for, and says:

 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

Indeed, they did not know that they were crucifying the son of God, but that he had come for this very purpose, that despite living blameless and sinless life, he accepted the cup placed before him for them. For us. For you and for me.

One criminal, perhaps thankful for someone else to be the object of scorn and hate in his final hour or maybe hoping for some kind of miracle, joins in the mocking and hurls insults at Jesus.

“Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

But the other, perhaps moved by Jesus’ loving example or having heard stories of the miracles he did on earth, rebuked his counterpart: “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Knowing he is soon facing death, he asks Jesus “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus. Full of grace, always offering hope to those who trust in him, even at death’s doorstep, answers “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

3  hours before Jesus’ death, 12 p.m.
耶穌的死前 3小時,中午十二時。

中午12點,時間…進入到 耶穌死前的三個小時!   耶穌…祂在十字架上懸掛著!
12:00 noon, three hours before the death of Jesus! Jesus...He was hung on the cross!

At this time, there were four Roman soldiers who wanted to divide Jesus’s clothes,

所以他們.. 就把耶穌的「外衣」撕開,然後分成了四份、每人一份 ;
So they tore Jesus’s coat and divided them into four parts for each one.

然後他們繼續的… 想要瓜分耶穌的「裡衣」!
Then they wanted to divide Jesus’s inner garment.

就在他們瓜分耶穌裡衣的時候,他們發現耶穌的裡衣… 是用一整片布料所織成的、是沒有縫隙的,
As they divided Jesus’s clothing, they found that Jesus's inner garment was a single piece of fabric woven into one. There was no gap in it.

所以他們就決定不撕裂它,而改用「拈鬮」…也就好像「抽籤」一樣,誰抽到… 就把裡衣給那個人!
So they decided not to tear it up, and instead cast lots to see who would get the whole piece.

其實… 這幾個羅馬兵丁,他們哪裡曉得… 當他們這樣做的時候,那正是奇妙的.. 完全應驗了詩篇22所寫的關於彌賽亞的預言。
In fact, these Roman soldiers did not know that what they did was the complete fulfillment of the prophecy of Psalm 22 written about the Messiah.

那裏的經文說:「有犬類圍著我…  他們瞪眼看我; 他們分我的外衣,為我的裡衣..「拈鬮」。
The prophecy said: "For dogs have surrounded me; They look, they stare at me; They divide my garments among them, And for my clothing they cast lots."

當時的時間…雖然才剛過了中午… 但是四周遍地… 卻竟然…是越來越暗淡無光、遍地都黑暗了…
Although the time of day was noon, the whole place turned dark everywhere.

耶穌… 他知道… 他距離死亡的時間已經很近了。
Jesus ...He knew that the time of his death was very near.

可是… 他心中…對於一個他所摯愛的人… 卻始終都放心不下、牽掛萬分!
But His heart was filled with concerns for one person—someone he loved dearly!

那個人.. 就是…祂的母親… 「馬利亞」!
That person was His mother, Mary!

而馬利亞…此時,她也正是極度傷痛、無助的.. 就站在十字架底下,看著她的兒子耶穌… 在那裏遭受最大的痛苦、和折磨…
And at this time Mary was also extremely pained and so helpless. She stood beneath the cross, watching her son Jesus suffering the greatest pain and torture.

She was heartbroken!

這個時候… 就只聽到… 耶穌… 祂奮力的對馬利亞說:「母親!  看 … 你的兒子…」
At this time Jesus said to Mary, "Mother see...your son."

然後… 耶穌又轉過頭來…對祂所愛的門徒「約翰」說:「 看!  你的母親 ! 」
Then Jesus turned to the disciple he loved. "John," he said, "Behold your mother!"

透過這兩句感人至深的話, 耶穌… 祂把祂自己的母親「馬利亞」交託給祂的門徒「約翰」!
Through these touching words, Jesus entrusted his own mother, Mary, to his disciple, John!

讓約翰在今後.. 耶穌不在的日子裡,要代替耶穌… 來照顧馬利亞、要代替耶穌… 來盡祂做兒子的孝道。
From now on, John would take care of Mary, replacing Jesus to care for His mother.

約翰聽了之後 … 他順服了耶穌的吩咐; 就把馬利亞… 接回到 他自己家裡去了。
John then followed Jesus’ instructions and took Mary to his own home.

1  hour before Jesus’ death, 2 p.m.
耶穌的死前 1小時,中午二點。

到了下午兩點,主耶穌… 被釘在十字架上…已經超過了五個小時!
It was 2:00 in the afternoon; the Lord Jesus had been crucified for more than five hours!

耶穌的身體…經過長時間的虐待和折磨… 祂的血.. 流盡了; 水… 也流乾了。
After the long period of ill treatment and torture, Jesus was dying. His blood shed and water in His body drained.

這個時候,耶穌… 祂感到極度的口渴!   所以耶穌 虛弱的呼喊說:「我.. 渴了! 」
At this time, Jesus was extremely thirsty and weak. He cried out, “I'm thirsty."

可是… 當人們聽到耶穌“渴了”的呼求之後, 他們居然.. 並沒有給耶穌水喝,
But when people heard Jesus’s cry, they did not give Jesus any water to drink.

他們不知道為什麼… 拿了一個海絨… 蘸滿了醋,然後 把海絨綁在牛膝草上,送到耶穌嘴邊,讓他來舔。
They put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth.

其實… 當時…所發生的這一切,都奇妙的 完全應驗了詩篇69: 21 所預言的彌賽亞 將來受難時的情景…
All of these happening were a wonderful complete fulfillment of Psalm 69: 21 foretelling the Messiah’s crucifixion scene.

The Scripture says: "They gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."

Jesus’ death, 3 p.m.

時間…來到了 下午 三點鐘… 耶穌在十字架上已經懸掛了 六個小時!   祂的生命…即將來到最終的盡頭!  
Now the time was 3:00 in the afternoon. Jesus had been on the cross for six hours! His life was coming to a final end!

此刻的耶穌… 祂痛苦的 感受到父神遠離祂的那份極度的孤單!
At the moment Jesus felt the pain of the Father leaving. He was extremely lonely!

祂從來都沒有和父神分開過…  可是此刻… 祂卻因為擔當了全人類的罪孽, 而使聖潔的父神必須要暫時的離開他!
He and the Father had never been separated. But at that moment He bore the sins of all mankind, causing the Holy Father leaving Him temporarily!

祂感到極度的的孤單、和痛苦, 所以祂拚盡全力,無比沉痛的、大聲喊出來說:「以利!以利!拉馬撒巴各大尼?」
He felt extremely lonely and painful, so He shouted it: "ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?"

它的意思是:「我的 神啊! 我的 神啊! 為什麼離棄我?」

耶穌喊完之後,祂嘗了一嘗… 那些人送到祂嘴邊的醋…    就說:「成…了 !」。
After Jesus’ screams, He tasted the vinegar which was sent His lips and said: "It is finished."

At that time the whole sky was darkened.

耶穌… 用盡祂最後一口氣,大聲的呼喊著: 「父啊!我將我的靈魂… 交在祢手裡.. 」 耶穌… 祂說完了這句話之後 , 就斷氣了。
Jesus exhausted His last breath, loudly shouting, "Father! I commend my soul into your hand." After Jesus finished His last sentence, He died.

而就在這個時後, 聖殿裡的縵子… 從上到下… 忽然.. 裂成了兩半, 全地大大的震動, 震動到… 連磐石、和墳墓... 都崩裂開來 !
And right at this moment, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split!

當時,有百夫長、和一同看守耶穌的人,當祂們 親眼看到 耶穌喊叫、斷氣之後 所發生的這些事情之後,他們就說:「啊!  這人… 真是…  神 的 兒 子!」
At the time, there were hundreds with him, watching Jesus. When they say Him cry and all these things that had happened, they said: "This man is really the Son of God!!"

Now when the centurion and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, they became very frightened and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"

弟兄姊妹,耶穌… 祂是完全沒有罪的,祂在十字架上受難、犧牲到死,是為了成就 要給我們的…救恩!
Brothers and sisters, Jesus is completely sinless. His crucifixion and death has provided to us our salvation!

祂在十字架上所留的每一滴血,都是為了愛我們的緣故!   祂愛你、祂愛我,祂愛我們每一個人!
His every drop of blood was shed on the cross for our sake because of His love toward us! He loves you, He loves me, and He loves each one of us!

但願我們都明瞭 耶穌十字架的救恩、與十字架的愛, 活出一個感恩的生命,來回報耶穌的愛!
I hope we all understand the cross of Jesus, the salvation He gives, so that we are to live a life of gratitude in response to His love for us.

After Jesus’ death, 3-6 p.m.

They took down the body of Jesus from the cross and buried the body in the tomb before the sunset when the Sabbath began.

This is the story of Jesus' death. These twenty-four hours changed the world. As his body laid in the tomb, we await the resurrection to come in three days when Jesus would raise from the death. We leave this place with hope of the coming resurrection.



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