Tuesday, April 10, 2012

耶穌受死的那一天 ,太 27:27-66



Focus: the pains Christ suffered to provide us access to God (the veil is torn.)
Function: Remember the day Christ died so that we know that He loves us. 


Worship Singing We Fall Down

O Wonderful Cross

Grace Flow Down

Beneath the Cross of Jesus

一、耶穌被打與被蔑視,馬太廿七 27-31 (李迪牧師,英語翻譯為國語)
1. The mockery and beating, Matt 27:27-31. Pastor Dick (English to Mandarin)

二、耶穌被釘十字架,馬太廿七 32-36 (潘德牧師,粵語翻譯為英語)
2. The crucifixion, Matt 27:32-36. Pastor Tak (Cantonese to English)

Communion Part I: The Bread

三、耶穌在十字架上受的羞辱,馬太廿七 37-44 (陳祖幸牧師,國語翻譯為英語)
3. The mockery on the cross, Matt 27:37-44. Pastor Zuxing (Mandarin to English)

四、在十架下的婦女,馬太廿七 55-56 (羅一強牧師,國語翻譯為英語)
4. The Women at the cross, Matt 27:55-56. Pastor Andrew (Mandarin to English)

Hymn: "Were You There?"

五、耶穌的死,馬太廿七 45-50 (關少佳牧師,粵語翻譯為英語)
5. The death, Matt 27:45-50. Pastor Kenny (Cantonese to English)

六、耶穌的死的反應,馬太廿七 51-54 (林永健牧師,英語翻譯為國語)
6. The after-effects of the death, Matt 27:51-54. Pastor Brian (English to Mandarin)

Communion Part I: The Cup

呼召與回應詩(At the Cross)
Altar Call and Response Song (At the Cross)

七、埋葬,馬太廿七 57-66 (關明道牧師,英語翻譯為國語)
7. The burial, Matt 27:57-66. Pastor Sam (English to Mandarin)

一、耶穌被打與被蔑視,馬太廿七 27-31

1. The mockery and beating, Matt 27:27-31.
Pastor Dick (English to Mandarin)

1. Call this Good Friday – we acknowledge our Lord’s sacrifice, Jesus Christ’s death on the cross

2. The Setting: Want to take you back to that day, experience it anew, recognize the complete sacrifice of our Lord on that day. Imagine that you were in His place… Out on a public square in Jerusalem… Crowds of people, Romans, soldiers, Jews, the Sanhedrin, the Sadducee, the Pharisees… Shouting and yelling and cursing… Hatred was in the air… They are screaming for blood – your blood! Friends? Fearing for their own lives, they’ve hidden away… They’ve abandoned you… You are Jesus and you are all alone in your humiliation and suffering…

3. The Beating: And the soldiers – they’ve been beating you… You’ve been enduring the torture of a bloody whipping. You’ve been tied to a post by your hands, your feet off the ground so that your body is just hanging there. Two Romans soldiers stand on each side of you holding wooden handles with strands of leather thongs, the end of which are filled with bits of rock and bone and metal sharpened to cut into your skin; to dig out your flesh. And they hit you and hit you until your body is oozing blood. As if the crowds are not satisfied with this bloody display, the soldiers put on a show. Scripture tells us, Matthew 27:27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him. 28 And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, 29 and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” 30 And they spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head. 31 And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him.

4. The Mockery: The soldiers strip you of your bloody clothing and then dress you up as a king. They give you a robe, a crown and a scepter. But it’s just an old soldier’s robe, a painful crown of thorns and a reed for a scepter. The soldiers pretend to worship you, falling on their knees and hailing you as king of the Jews. They spit on you and strike you in the head time and time again with the reed. “Hail, King of the Jews!” “Hail, King of the Jews!” “Hail King of the Jews!” But they don’t mean it. They don’t know what they are doing. They don’t know that you are indeed, King of King and Lord of Lords.

5. Do you feel what it was like to be Jesus? How would you have responded? Jesus didn’t shout back at hostile Jews. Jesus didn’t fight back against Roman cruelty. Jesus loved with all his love for this is the declared purpose of God: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

6. It is God’s purpose that Jesus’ body is broken this day. It is God’s purpose that Jesus’ blood is spilled. It is God’s purpose that Jesus’ dignity is stripped. Yet God is not done: Jesus must die…

二、耶穌被釘十字架,馬太廿七 32-36

2. The crucifixion, Matt 27:32-36.
Pastor Tak (Cantonese to English) 马太福音 27:32-36

按照罗马政府的规矩, 钉十字架是最残忍的一种刑罚,而被判死刑的犯人需要自己背着十字架的橫木遊街,直至走到行刑场所,在路上受着众人的凌辱与痛骂。 这时候,耶稣整个晚上都没有睡觉,只是在大祭司,彼拉多面前受审,更被兵丁戏弄,鞭打,身体极其疲累,再没有气力背十字架到刑场去。

兵丁心知肚明在过去几个小时所发生的事,知道耶稣实在是筋疲力尽,于是勉强一个路过的人西门,帮耶稣把十字架背到刑场去。 来到各各他的时候,兵丁拿苦胆调和的酒给耶稣喝,马可的记载是用没药调和的酒,基本上是一种有麻醉作用的酒,可以减少耶稣被钉的时候所受的痛苦。但是耶稣不肯喝。祂早已知道,要承担罪恶所带来的后果,是非常痛苦的。为要担当世人的罪孽,祂甘心乐意的完全承担所有痛苦。



其实,在十个小时以前,耶稣在逾越节的晚餐中,已经再次对门徒预言祂的牺牲。当时,祂拿起他们要吃的面包,祝福,就擘开,递给门徒,说:你们拿着吃,这是我的身体;为你们舍的 ,你们应当如此行,为的是记念我 。

今天晚上,我们欢迎所有已经用水礼来表明你已经接受耶稣基督作为你的救主的弟兄姐妹一同来纪念主为我们受痛苦,为我们牺牲。 敬拜队会用诗歌带我们默想,当我们都拿到饼之后,我们一同祷告感恩,然后吃饼纪念主。

三、耶穌在十字架上受的羞辱,馬太廿七 37-44

3. The mockery on the cross, Matt 27:37-44.
Pastor Zuxing (Mandarin to English)

1. 前面已經提到, 在耶稣被釘十架之前, 羅馬兵丁變著花樣對耶穌進行各種譏誚,極盡嘲諷之能事,還出手打祂. 事實上,在耶穌被釘在十架後, 到祂斷氣之前, 在十架下圍觀的人群繼續對祂的嘲笑與侮辱.

2. 遍體鱗傷、筋疲力盡、赤身裸體被掛在十字架上的耶穌,不僅承受巨大的肉體上的痛苦,心靈上,還得一而再,再而三地承受一群愚昧、無知的罪人之嘲笑、諷刺、侮辱。

3. 經文記載,十字架下,有三批的人都取笑祂。第一批是過路的人,第二批是猶太宗教領袖,包括祭司長、文士、長老,猶太教全體官方人士;另一批是掛在祂左右兩邊的強盜。

4. 三批人異口同聲地譏諷祂的身份:神的兒子。他們使用的邏輯是這樣的:如果祂是神的兒子,祂就有能力從十字架上走下來;救別人的人應該有能力救自己。我們現在知道,正是因為祂是神的兒子,始終以父的旨意為準,所以才不從十字架上下來。如果當初祂從十字架上下來了,今天就輪著我們上十字架。如果他當初救了自己,我們就要永遠沉淪了。

5. 耶穌被判死刑,最終處以極刑,被釘在十字架上,被指控的主要罪狀就是:祂堅持自己是猶太人的王,有十架上安插的那塊牌子為證。這是什麼樣的指控啊?!祂豈止是猶太人的王呢,祂乃是萬王之王,萬主之主!!

6. 就這樣,施恩者被蒙恩者嘲弄!君主被臣民辱罵!創造主被被造者褻瀆!

7. 古人云:士可殺,不可辱。侮辱恐怕是所有看重尊嚴的男士最不可忍受的。可是,耶穌卻照單全收,完全地承受了迎面而來的各種嘲笑、譏諷和侮辱,承受了心靈上極大的痛苦,喝盡了這個苦杯。

8. 可悲的是,嘲笑、譏諷和侮辱並沒有因為耶穌的死去而終止,兩千年來,嘲笑,譏諷和侮辱從未止息。

9. 去年這個時候, 美國歌星 Lady Gaga 在受難節期間推出了一條新歌《我愛上了猶大》(I love Judas)來諷刺耶稣 ;

10. .幾年前同樣在受難節期間一位叫 Cosimo Cavallaro,以二百磅的巧克力做了一個光著全身被掛在十架的耶稣雕像因為巧克力是甜的所以他為這雕像取名《我甜蜜的主耶稣》(My sweet Lord) 雕像起先在紐约曼哈頓區展覽, 後來因為許多人的抗議, 展覽暫時停止. 但一年半後, 雕像又重新開始展覽.

11. 我們就比他們更好嗎?其實,我也曾經嘲笑、譏諷、侮辱過耶穌。我也曾經質疑,祂作為神兒子的身份,特別是在接受祂為我個人的救主和生命的主之前。你的情形又如何呢?

四、在十架下的婦女,馬太廿七 55-56

4. The Women at the cross, Matt 27:55-56.
Pastor Andrew (Mandarin to English)

太 27:55-56
有好些婦女在那裡,遠遠的觀看;他們是從加利利跟隨耶穌來服事他的。 內中有抹大拉的馬利亞,又有雅各和約西的母親馬利亞,並有西庇太兩個兒子的母親。

1. 主耶穌基督,在十字架上頭,受盡了 嘲笑、羞辱!可是在接下來的經文裡,我們卻看到了 十字架底下還有另外一群人,她們是一群: 心,都碎了 的婦女!
2. 太 27:55 說:   這些婦女, 她們 遠遠的觀看;她們是從加利利 一路跟隨耶穌 來服事他的。 在過去的日子裡,這些婦女 都曾經經歷過耶穌的拯救、 經歷過耶穌的幫助!然而,此刻在她們眼前的景象,卻是一幅 讓她們無法接受的景象;她們深愛的耶穌,被人釘在十字架上, 全身流血、 任人羞辱、任人欺負,她們的心在翻攪、  她們在極度絕望中痛苦的哭泣!
3. 可是其實,當我們的主耶穌 看到這些婦女,處在這麼大的傷痛當中的時候, 他的內心 要比這些婦女要更加的痛苦、與難過,而且這份痛苦與難過,我想甚至比他自己 身體上的劇痛, 還要更加的劇烈!
4. 我兒子一歲多時, 有天在玩時不小心跌倒,眼睛撞在窗簷上,左眼附近都是血,我趕緊把他送到急診室去! 急診室裡幾個護士,他們把 Alan 的手腳抓住,在非常靠近眼睛的地方  一針一針的把傷口縫合起來… 當時Alan 痛的嚎啕大哭,我聽著哭聲,心裡真的非常難過、心疼…! 
5. 想想看,我所深愛的孩子只是縫了幾針,我就這麼難過了,更何況深愛我們的主耶穌,當他看到他所深愛的這些婦女們,處在這麼大的痛苦當中時;主耶穌當時的心情,豈不是更加的傷痛嗎!  各位弟兄姊妹,每當我思想到主耶穌在十架上受難的時候,我都不禁要問主說:主啊!既然這條十架的道路是這麼的艱難、這麼痛苦,為什麼你還要定意走上這條道路呢? 各位,那是因為 == >   耶穌他 深愛我們!  耶穌,他是為了你.. .. ,而走上了這條十字架的道路 …. !   
(繼續用詩歌  主捨命十架時你在哪裡?’ 默想主耶穌的受難)

五、耶穌的死,馬太廿七 45-50

5. The death, Matt 27:45-50.
Pastor Kenny (Cantonese to English)

耶穌釘十字架的時候是上午九時,而氣絕身亡是在下午三時左右;換言之,祂在十字架上懸掛了六小時之久。 在這段時間裏,天地間充滿了悲哀沉痛的氣氛,因為全人類的一切罪孽,都歸在耶穌的身上,造成了祂與父神之間那無可避免的隔離,這就是那無罪的替我們成為有罪的時刻。 當時耶穌對神大聲呼喊說:「我的神!我的神!為甚麼離棄我?」表達耶穌為背負世人的罪而遭父神撇棄的痛苦。 「成了」 經文接下去告訴我們,當祂大聲呼喊的時候,氣就斷了。這大聲的呼喊,在人心裏留下很深刻的印象。每一本福音都有記載,但只有約翰福音再加多了一句,約翰告訴我們耶穌死的時候說:『成了』(約十九30)。

在希臘原文是得勝者的呼喊,是一個人工作完成的呼喊,是一個人掙扎中獲得勝利的呼喊,是一個人在比賽中獲勝並得着冠冕的呼喊,所以耶穌死的時候是一位「得勝者」,征服者,從祂口中發出那勝利的呼喊。 今日如果我們也同樣地在苦難中,但仍然不屈不撓地,用信心緊緊地抓住上帝,我們便能勝過一切苦難。

之後,約翰福音記載兵丁發現耶穌已經死了,其中的一個人就刺祂的肋旁。這使應驗了舊約先知的預言。當祂的肋旁被刺,就有「血和水」流出來(約十九34)。 有些出名的病理學家指出,約翰所說血與水的流出,就是血與血清的流出;而當祂的肋旁被刺就有這兩樣東西流出來這一事實,也正是證明約翰所已經說的,「衪已經死了。」而且祂是由於心臟破裂而死的。正如有一首詩歌話:「救主為你捨命心破碎。」今日你願意更愛主嗎? 願主耶穌基督在十架上所彰顯的愛,時常激勵我們去過得勝生活。

六、耶穌的死的反應,馬太廿七 51-54

6. The after-effects of the death, Matt 27:51-54.
Pastor Brian (English to Mandarin)

51 And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.
52 The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;
53 and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.
54 Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"

1. Thank-you, Pastor Kenny. Christ died. “It is finished.”

2. Verse 51 said, “And look.” Something happened that immediately followed the death of Christ. The veil, or the curtain, that separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place in the temple.

3. The Holy of Holies was God’s dwelling place. He lived there above the Ark of the Covenant between two cherubim. No one, even the priests, except the High Priest once a year on the Day of Atonement, was allowed to go inside the Holy of Holies.

4. It was a huge curtain, 30 feet high and 30 feet wide, made of the finest linen. Imposing and completely blocking the entrance to the Holy of Holies.

5. This veil had separated us from the Holy God for thousands of years since Moses’ time until now. The veil was torn. It symbolically indicates that the access to God has now been opened to all by the death of Christ. Before God was veiled. No one could go to the Father. But now it is done. The access is re-opened. You and I can now go before the Holy God because of the death of Christ.

6. It was torn in two from top to bottom, as if God has reached down from heavens and torn that thing into two. The Bible said that “earth shook and the rocks were split.” A major earthquake in a region that had no history of earthquake.

7. I don’t know that the earth shook because of fear or because of joy. Now we can go to God without fear for our sins are forgiven because Christ died on the cross. Now we can rejoice that God has reconciled us with Him because Christ died on the cross.

8. Tonight the Holy God is here, completely and totally accessible to us because Christ died on the cross. You can approach Him without fear. You can confess your sins to Him. You can tell Him your burden. You can pray for His power and presence. He is here, completely and totally accessible to you through Jesus Christ.

9. This cup represents the blood of Jesus. It represents the greatest miracle—now sinful man can approach the Holy God. Our sins are forgiven. Come and drink the cup.

10. Altar Call: you can come as individuals, as a family, or as a group to the tables. Take the cup, offer a prayer. If you come as a family, let the head of the household says a prayer of thanksgiving. If anyone of you want a pastor or an intercessor to pray for you, you can come forward to the front with your cups. And we will pray for you. After the prayer, drink the cup and return to your seats quietly. Susie will be leading us to sing.

(Communion—the Cup and the Altar Call)
Congregational singing: At the Cross

七、埋葬,馬太廿七 57-66

7. The burial, Matt 27:57-66.
Pastor Sam (English to Mandarin)

When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also was a disciple of Jesus. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him. And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut in the rock. And he rolled a great stone to the entrance of the tomb and went away. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb. The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, "Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, 'After three days I will rise.' Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, 'He has risen from the dead,' and the last fraud will be worse than the first." Pilate said to them, "You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can." So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard. (Matthew 27:57-66 ESV)

Waiting for the resurrection. Raise expectation. Typical funeral. But atypical finally. A year of many funerals. We remember those whom we love one last time. We see Jesus' funeral and at first it is typical but then it turns into something abnormal or atypical. The Pharisees were not done yet. But they feared the truth of the words of Jesus. So they sent guards to jesus' tomb to watch it. It's like bringing something to notice that you didn't want to be noticed. Just makes this more anxious.

STORY: Annie’s birthday next Wednesday and I was preparing a gift for her and she came home and I quickly rushed to hide it but in my haste I slammed the door to the room where I hid it and she immediately asked me “what are you doing? Why did you slam the door?” And it was too late, the door sound built up the excitement and anxiousness of what she knew was coming, her birthday. She tried to get into the room and I stopped her and then I made her promise not to look.

Rebirth of Christ in 3 days. In three days we will gather again and have a birthday party of sorts. These next three days are days of excitement and anticipation of what is coming. It's better than Christmas and your birthday combined. It's gonna be HUGE. 3 days later when we gather to remember the resurrection we not only remember Jesus but we remember why we don't suffer for eternity, why we don't experience lifelong pain and suffering, and why we don't need to be afraid or angry. We remember that we have complete access to God because of Jesus' life. These were Jesus’ words about how He felt about us.

John 15:13 says “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” His resurrection is our HOPE, our LOVE. So when we gather together on Sunday we come to celebrate our lives and the freedom that is provided by Jesus. While the story seems to be over, we know that we haven’t hit the climax of Jesus’ life and our own.


1. 請分享耶穌在十字架上肉體上的痛苦、精神上的痛苦、靈性上的痛苦。
2. 耶穌所受的痛苦,在那一方面你最能認同,為什麼?
3. 為什麼耶穌需要受那麼多的痛苦?為我們的罪死就可以了,為什麼要忍受那麼多的痛苦?
4. 當耶穌死的時候,聖殿的幔子從上而下裂為二,這是什麼意思?為什麼人可以直接到神的面前是那麼重要的一回事?
5. 受難節與復活節有什麼關係?若受難節沒有了復活節,受難節會變成什麼的樣子?為什麼?
6. 我們基督徒應如何過受難節?請分享你記念受難節的一些方法與經驗。


1. 這是福遍教會第一次七個牧師一同講一篇道(team-preaching),時間非常有限,每人只有五分鐘,包括翻譯,開始有這個想法的時候,也不很確定是否能行,我担心的最主要是七個講員,各有重點,變成七篇道,我們為此有兩次的討論,先把主題與方向定下:主耶穌所受的苦,使我們能到神的面前與神來往。然後各自回去把講章寫出,我再作修改,結果相當不錯,沒有成為散彈,主題鮮明,應用也能集中,感謝神,我感覺聖靈把我們七個講員的講章串起來(Stitch together),之後會眾的反應,告訴我們主題是一致的,他們收到了。

2. 這個講道的方法,最先是從天主教受難節七個或十四個耶穌受難的站(Stations of the Cross),我細查之後,發現大部的站都是聖經沒有記載的事,我靈機一動,把馬太福音廿七章耶穌受難的一段經文分為七段,教會的七位牧師,每人負責一段,事就這樣成了。

3. 七段的講章中間加上詩歌,再把主餐的餅與杯分為二,以講道配合,與平常教會守主餐的方式稍有改變,最後的杯與呼召合在一起,讓會眾有些空間可以上前來禱告,效果很好。

4. 北美中國教會,語言是一大因難,粵語、國語與英語都要兼顧,而且東西文化也要差異,上下兩代也有代溝,平時分開聚會,聯合的聚會像受難節的聚會,翻譯把時間拖長了,不容易凝聚氣氛,是很大的挑戰,但合一就是在這些時候培養的,七位牧者代表三種語言,多種文化,上下兩代,若我們能合一,彼此包容,就成了教會合一的榜樣,以身作則,比一切言教更有效,我常認為只要教牧同心,教會就能同心。

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