Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Great Invitation, "Follow Me Series 1", Luke 14:15-24

The Great Invitation
Follow Me Series Message 1
Luke 14:15-24

By Pastor Brian
Fort Bend Community Church


1. 2016 will be a very challenging year. Last week, oil price dropped to below $30 per barrel for the first time in 15 years. On Monday, Morgan Stanley joined Goldman Sachs in saying oil prices could dip to $20. BP has announced on Tuesday plan to cut 4,000 jobs worldwide. Many oil companies have plans to cut more jobs. This would definitely affect Houston. In 2015, Houston lost about 30,000 oil related jobs. 2016 is full of uncertainty.

2. As I have witnessed the worse recession in Houston in the 1980s, where the metro area lost 13.3 percent of its jobs, or better than one in eight, difficulties and hardship in life always bring us opportunities for spiritual awakening. As Charles Dickens said, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; ... it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." It is my prayer that 2016 will be the year we take decisive actions to follow Christ. It is the worst of times; it is also the best of times.

3. Today we begin a new 4-message series on "Follow Me" from our parables of Jesus. The first one is from Luke 14:15-24.

"When one of those who reclined at table with him heard these things, he said to him, "Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!" (Luke 14:15).

This fellow at the dinner table seems to be a very nice fellow. He sensed the tension when Jesus debated with the Jews on the Sabbath and scolded the Pharisees on their pride and hypocrisy. He wanted to ease the tension by saying, "Despite our differences, won't it be nice for all of us to experience the blessing of sitting in fellowship before God in His Kingdom!"

4. There are all kind of Christians. But at the end of the day, we are all going to heavens and have the same party with Jesus. Isn't this true?

At CMC South two weeks ago, Bob Sjogren talked about two kinds of Christians.

  • Cat-Christians: A cat says: “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God.”
  • Dog-Christians: “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, You must be God.” 

There is a Cat and Dog in all of us! They are constantly at odds. They both look and act “Christian” but there is a huge difference in their heart attitude and priority.

5. The Jews were very religious people. "We are God's people. We will be in His Kingdom." Really? Jesus challenges this assumption. Those who appear to be inline for God's blessing run the risk of not making it to the table at all.


1. A man who is planning a great banquet at his house. It is a major affair, which includes an invitation and an ancient form of R.S.V.P.

2. The man sends out servants to announce the beginning of the meal. For those who have R.S.V.P. to opt out is rude.

Good intention to respond positively and come to the meal. They wanted to, but end up not coming. The parable is talking to those who are the people of God.

  • The Jews
  • We

3. Are we talking about salvation or discipleship? The invitation is about following Christ. We have a tendency to separate salvation from discipleship. We want to think that being saved and being a disciple of Christ are two different things. And the reality shows us that there are indeed two types of Christians: dogs and cats. Both dogs and cats are saved and are going to heavens, right?!

While discipleship is indeed a process, the separation between salvation and discipleship is not biblical. When you accept Christ, you also must be following Christ. Jesus said, "Come and follow me." It is both about salvation and discipleship.

4. The Great Invitation in the parable is the invitation to come to the table. It is the table of an intimate fellowship with Christ. It is an invitation to follow Christ. Putting Him first as the primary. Entering into His Kingdom and worshiping Christ as the King.


1. Excuses are different but the end result is unanimous (all alike).

2. The first one: Busyness of life
"I have bought a field, and I must go out and see it."

3. The second one: Money and Wealth
"I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to examine them."

4. The third one: Family and Relationships
"I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come."


1. None of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet." (14:24). No all dog goes to heavens.

2. God's blessing to the unexpected--those who are willing. It requires a response to the great invitation. Intention is not enough. There must be actions to actually come.

3. From cats to dogs: it is about our priority in life. What is your #1 priority?

  • Feeling good and finding significance in building your own kingdom?
  • Money and wealth?
  • Family and children?
  • Or God?


1. 2016 will be the worst of times. It can also be the best of times.
2. Decisive actions to follow Christ:

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